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Quality 2.0 video - Fatigued Fingers

Posted: Oct 15, 2014

So I get an email from my TSM saying that I didn't complete the mandatory training.  I told her that I did and that I sent her an email saying that I did and that I'd be d***** if I would take it a second time.  Still waiting to hear. 

Eh, I guess I'll be getting an email soon too... - mtnest

[ In Reply To ..]
Never watched the video, don't care. I don't even know my username or password for the enrich website. This should be interesting...

I got an email - newbutold

[ In Reply To ..]
I hadn't done it either but got an email so I went and did it. So stupid and doesn't tell you anything but I listened to it just so they can't hold it against me. Apparently all the TL got email showing who had and who had not done it

Same Here - Sherlock

[ In Reply To ..]
Biggest waste of 15 minutes of my life, paid or not. If I heard the word "exciting" or "excited" one more time, I think I would have gagged. I did flip off the computer screen enough to cramp up my middle finger.

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