A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I'd like to know how to post a video/link here - so that when you open a message

Posted: Jul 03, 2013

you can click on the play button and it plays in the window here instead of having to open a link.  Directions were once posted but I can't find them and wondered if someone knows how to do it.


Embed a video - Obi Wan

[ In Reply To ..]
To embed a single video from Youtube or Google for example, select the video you wish to embed, to the immediate right of the video is a box and inside that box is a line that reads embed. Click on the code to the right of the embed label, the code will be highlighted and you can either hit ctrl+C or right-click and select copy. Go to the webpage where you want the video to appear and press ctrl+v or right click and select paste. You should see the long code, but it will be recognized by your browser as the video.

testing - not the op

[ In Reply To ..]

It worked! - Obi Wan

[ In Reply To ..]
Yeah it did! I wasn't the one who asked, but always wanted to know how. - Thanks!
[ In Reply To ..]


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