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Second time this week--major error - ridiculous

Posted: Jun 13, 2014

I put, ".....half normal saline to given in..."

Should be, "....half normal saline to be given in...."

Got a MAJOR error....1.0 point. 

I cannot be the only one this happens to! 

Major Error - Fatigued Fingers

[ In Reply To ..]
It happens to me, too, and I very rarely used to get major errors. Now it seems I get 2 or 3 a week. I think they're just looking for an excuse to get rid of people so they can hire new ones at lower pay. This career sure isn't what it used to be.

Major error - Dotty

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Happens to me too. Lower pay? How is that possible? I struggle to make minimum wage as it is. I have to rush so much, I end up making what I think are minor errors that they call major like missing out the word "the." Patient care really threatened with that ommision!!!

You didn't say if it was Post Audit or if - it came from the facility itself

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I only get things like that from the facility itself. It says Client Feedback under Audit Type.

It was actually a QC1 - ridiculous

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So they say it does not count, but it does...makes no sense to score this a major error in any situation.

If this type of error is being qualified at Major here, then I will have to search thoroughly though FIESA to make sure they are not scoring such an error the same on post delivery.

If it is important enough for them to point it out to me, then it should be important enough to score correctly.

If you saw earlier this week, I got a major error for not adding the pronoun SHE at the beginning of a sentence.

I agree no matter where it came from - itctfi

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It's just not an essential word that would compromise the care of the patient. I know I'm sure you would rather not have missed it but knowing you did probably isn't going to help you in the future either. It's a sort of nonproductive criticism.

They scored it as an omission instead of a typo - SM

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Do you ever fight these? I haven't been following. Here's the thing, that's a typo and not even a typo because probably VR omitted it. However, it is a typo and should be minor.

What you have to do is either go all or nothing. Either you are vigilant, check FIESA every day and challenge every single error... Or ignore it and live your life. It's obviously upsetting you (and I have been there, believe me) to the point where it's affecting your day/life. When I worked there, I did QC for awhile, but at that time we were editing what was coming out of India and it was ridiculous. I can't even explain how awful it was. I was pretty much having to retype every report (and the QA in India didn't like that and came down on us even harder - yes, we were QA'd, too, and yes they gave preferential treatment to the Indian MTs because they didn't speak English, believe it or not, yes, it's true). Anyway, obviously I made no money doing that, so I went back to MT (partly because I couldn't stomach the things I'd seen and partly so I could try, try to make some money). When I went back to MT, I had a period where I fought every little error (and some that weren't) and got most of the them turned around or rescored. Then I realized that I was in it too deep and it was affecting my quality of life, so I quit looking at FIESA and ignored the E-mails, deleted them, etc. However, I never made any money, so I did eventually find a new job.

This place will gut you. You have to decide if it's worth it.

FIESA is not an option in my region - Pollyanna

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I don't know how so many of you just ignore FIESA and get away with it. My region won't let us go more than 1 day without scrutinizing this mess. It makes no sense in the scheme of things when we can't listen to the dictation again! I consider it a big waste of time and very demeaning

If that's a "major error", what do they do for - REAL ones? Behead the MT?

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