A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Okay now I feel dumb - anon23

Posted: Mar 04, 2013

I have been trying to apply to N.  Went to the website, created an account and filled in the info.  Then try to apply for job, keeps sending me back to the fill-in-info page.  Am I dumb or what?  Maybe this is a sign I am not meant to work for N.  Did I just apply multiple times or not at all?  If I can't even figure it out, geez.  Shouldn't it say "thanks for applying, we'll get back to you" or something like that?  Anybody know?  Will wait a few days and then try again.  I have been doing this awhile, not a newbie, but geez feel like filling out the application is the test itself. 

Run. Run fast. Run far. - One who knows

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The place is a hot mess. Save yourself a lot of headaches and apply for the "welcome to walmart" job. It probably pays about the same, probably has better benefits, and the added benefit that if you flub a syllable, nobody gets killed.

I need the money - anon23

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I know, I know, but a minimum wage job is not going to put food on the table and I need the money soon. I am looking for part-time employee, can't do IC. I am looking for a full-time non-MT job, but in the meantime, need to eat now.

sweetheart..unless you can do 300-400 LPH and maintain - 99% accuracy..u WILL be making min wage NM

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She'll WISH she were making minimum wage! - Run-run-run-run-run!
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Why are you people trolling this board if you are so against MT?? - Carol
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Okay, run fun fast, long and hard, but why are you even here posting only negative things?? Can you throw some of us some good thoughts and not just the negative? If you are so against MT and are making more at McDonald's, aren't you busy enough? Geez, I'm just trying to find a job here, and I do not deal with people in a public setting without wanting to break their nose, so if I have to I will sit here and make minimum wage for two or more jobs. Wal-Mart? Please people, keep shopping there and wonder where all our good work is going.
I heard Walmart is going to a lot of self-checkout and will be cutting - their work force also, sm
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when they do, I will not be shopping at Walmart any longer. They don't pay me to check out my items, so I won't be doing that. Now, if they want to give me an incentive to do it myself, then I'm in.
Who is against MT?? - Now, MTSOs,
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that's another story. They are blood-sucking slime-coated leeches from the pit of hell. But we LOVE MTs!!
We're here because we ARE MTs, not wannabes. - If you wannabe that destitute, go for it.
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I'm a 35-year MT. I make less than min.wage. A - min.wage job would be an improvement!

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If you need money, I would say MT is the LAST field you want to go into. Not only does the pay stink, but they cheat. They cheat on lines. They cheat on pay. They cheat on overtime, PTO, and everything else. They break just about every known labor law in the US, and still managed to skate around them with no consequences. Also, the last thing you want (even though you THINK you do) is a work-at-home job. If you are part of an "invisible workforce", then you are a thousand times easier for MT companies to take advantage of and rip off. At least if you flip burgers for min. wage, you get paid time-and-a-half for any overtime worked, and when you clock out, you're OFF the clock - not expected to sit around, shackled to your PC, waiting for work to dribble in.

I agree with the poster above. Run, as fast as you can. But don't just run from Nuance, run from ALL medical transcription. By the end of this year, I would be willing to bet there will be very little of it left in the US, anyway. The only way I would advocate going into MT is if you and your family were already planning a move to India. But here in the US, medical transcription's second-largest product, after cheap, inaccurate medical documents, is a white-collar welfare class.
I've been an MT for more than 10 years - OP
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I've been around the block, so to speak, as an MT, am working PT at another MTSO right now and need some extra money until I can find a non-MT job. I am looking, but need to keep food on the table in the meantime. I certainly am not planning on this being a long-term deal. I'm trying to get out, but there are bills to pay right now.
Sounds like you know the drill. - nm
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I have to disagree...I make good money as an MT... - MT111
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I have made great money as an MT...at minimum 12/hour and at one point with one company I was making as much as 20/hour (DiskRiter was the company's name). It does depend on your experience, the company's platform, etc. But (and this is just my opinion) I feel like with saving on gas, office clothes, etc., working from home is awesome and I think the money is good. I have been in transcription for 10 years and working from home for 6...I enjoy the laid-back nature and aside from 1 company, I've always been treated fair by the companies and able to average 16-17 dollars an hour with what I'm able to type.

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