A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
So, I see it all of the time, people on here complaining about no work, yet the company they are complaining about is HIRING. My job recently did this as well. I am day after day running out of work, but yet I see an ad that they are hiring! I e-mailed the owner and asked about it and she didn't reply. I UNDERSTAND that they are hiring for a different account, BUT, since it's all transcribing, why not just move some people around and give those extra accounts to your loyal employees that are sitting here day after day waiting for work? Makes no sense to me, to train new people to do what we are WAITING to do for you. Anyone have any rationale for this? I am thinking of just applying for the job on the board with my company and at present employment, just have I already work there...........wonder if that will work, lol.