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Nuance new job offer - Pitawah

Posted: Mar 02, 2015

I was offered a job through Nuance, and the lowest pay is 8.25 cpl. Is that a lie? I was also told I would be on 1 account; is this typically the case? Do they pay on time? Is their work? Is there a fair amount of autonomy once you are through training and established? I have several job offers and am debating on which company would be the best to work for and would appreciate any nonbiased truthful opinions.


Ah! Entertainment for the afternoon - Good luck & get ready

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Any actual help - Pitawah

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I kind of want some help with the answer not just platitudes. So if you can tell me specifically what the problems are, that would be helpful.

That pay is not consistent with their pay grid--sm - anon

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The lowest point on the pay grid is .07/line if you submit more than 10% of your work to QA. The one account could be questionable. It is possible but then the question becomes what happens when there is less work (not unheard of). Now, that .0825 per line may be after shift differentials so it is hard to say. I would ask how they arrive at that line rate and the key word to ask about is the pay grid which is what was instituted in December.
Thanks - Pitawah
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Thank you. Things to ponder. So it could go as low a 7 cpl. What about speech rec?
A speech wreck line equates to half a typed line- - anon
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The minimum line requirement is basically 100 lines per hour typed, or 200 speech wreck. Minimum quality requirement is basically 99%.

Is their HIGHEST pay even 8.25 cpl? - I dont think so.

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I would say that answer says it all..... - n/m

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Actual Help - Fed up MT

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Hi -I would not recommend Nuance. I have found the new pay plan horrible. One mistake in a whole week and my pay drops by $300 in 1 week!! I can't pay my bills!!

Lowest Pay - Meh

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If I'm not mistaken, I think the lowest pay these days is actually 7 pennies per line for straight-on typing at Nuance and 3.5 pennies for SR editing. If you send over 10% to QC, that automatically means you get paid 7 pennies per line. I think every MT at Nuance goes by this same rule now. Don't know why you were told lowest pay is 8.25 cpl. You can make even more than 8.25 cpl, however, provider submitting to QC is under 10% and your quality and speed it high. I estimate on average you'll make 8.0 cpl.

Maybe she meant to say Rupees, not cents. - Just thinking out loud

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nuance - adab

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Personally, I quit there after 5 weeks. I was told I would be assigned to 1 account, they prided themselves on that. I had 9 accounts within weeks. Everytime I logged in there was another pool in my Q, it was overwhelming. QA is EXTREMELY inconsistent so you never know what is technically right and wrong. The pay was on time as it was autocalculated. I just personally could never make any amount of significant money or momentum due to consistently having no learn to specs, and new physicians. No way you will ever get ahead. I even spoke to the supervisor stating, at least let me get one account down before you assign me another....didn't help, there was literally 2 in there the next day.

yes, no, yes, usually, yes(?) - MTrauma

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Lowest possible would be whichever is less -- either your state's minimum wage or 7 cpl (however, do realize that all VR lines are HALVED before the cpl calculation, so therefore it's really 3.5 cpl for VR lines). Highest possible wage on the pay grid is nearly 13 cpl (again, 6.5 cpl for VR), but I fully believe that is just academic and would be humanly impossible; highest possible doable cpl would be about 12.5, IMO. There is a complicated pay grid - weekly pay can vary quite a bit, depending upon %lines you send to QA dept with blanks, weekly accuracy as scored by QA, avg lines per hour, and PM/night shift differentials. MOST of the time I can manage 10 to 11 cpl (however, 90% of my jobs are VR, so really 5 to 5.5 cpl). I have 1 primary account with 2 secondary accounts as backup in case my primary runs out of work, which it very often does. They absolutely DO pay on time, I have direct deposit. Some people have trouble running out of work a LOT, some don't; the only remedy is to ask for another account(s). Autonomy? no, if you're talking about something like not showing up for your shift and working whenever you feel like it, but if you mean "do they leave you alone to do your job", yes. All of this, of course, is purely based upon my own experience. As a newbie, paywise, I wouldn't expect to earn much of anything until you really get comfortable with your accounts and the typing platform. There is "training pay" for a period while you are learning, but in my experience it was wholly inadequate, then they threw you right into production pay. Hope this helps. I don't know how different Nuance might be from other MTSOs, however. Their VR is pretty good, I will say, though I notice it varies quite a bit between my 3 accounts, for some reason, unfortunately.

Unlikely 1 account - anonimouse

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I can't imagine you would have only 1 account, except for maybe the first 5 minutes. I have never worked at any company where I only had 1 account.

Probably 8 cents a line is about what you could expect unless you get knocked off the pay grid. It does vary quite a bit and can be frustrating. They leave you alone as far as doing your work, but you do have to keep your schedule. If you do heavy ESL and the difficult dictators you probably won't run out of work often. That is the key to not running out of work, at least my experience.

pitawah read the posts - rock bottom

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The pay scale here is convoluted and very difficult to determine week by week. Your pay is always tied to your performance, your QA score. Typically you will have 1-2 reports per week audited. QA is very harsh, very punitive, and you will not get a reversal under any circumstance, even when it is very clear you are correct.

Your cpl is based on the lines per hour you produce (with VR lines divided by 2) and your quality score.

In the pay grid, when my audit score is 100% I make 6.5 cpl, doing between 130-150 lines per hour (remember that speech wreck is divided in half).

In the pay grid, when I have any errors on my audits, because they are so punitive, my cpl drops off the map, and I'm down to 7 which divided by 2 for speech wreck is 3.5 cpl.

One thing I can say about this company. They consistently ignore whatever they said and do whatever works for them.

So, even if you have a contract that states so, it ain't so.

If you had a great dictator all day - cindy

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The only way to make any good money would be if you had the perfect great dictator all the time, easy reports, and you didn't have to send anything to qa. So right there the perfect dictator will not always be. There will always be a foreigner thrown in and if you have blanks and send to QA your pay will get knocked down and if you hear him wrong, even worse your pay will get knocked down. Its all a sham. They want us to be perfect in a nonperfect situation.

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