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See link about the 7 worst CEOs of 2014.
#5 Paul Ricci, Chairman and CEO, Nuance Communications
Despite having acquired all his competitors and now having an effective monopoly on the voice recognition technology used in smartphone, healthcare, customer service, and a broad array of other applications, Nuance’s (NUAN) long-time CEO still can’t seem to figure out how to make money or organically grow the business. The stock is trading near five-year lows and this is Ricci’s second consecutive year on the list.
Italics and bold mine. Re that:
Oh, oh, I know.
He could stop taking millions in bonuses and instead put money back INTO the business.
He could stop paying lawyers and consultants megabucks to find the best ways to rip those on the bottom of the totem pole (us) off and instead pay us a living wage that rewards good skills and experience that does NOT need an accounting degree to work out and does NOT vary from week to week. How would you like it, bub?
The golden rule is lost on these mega CEOs. I think they think they are gods or something.