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New to Inscribe and Nuance - Saphyre

Posted: May 12, 2014

Greetings!   Our hospital just signed on with Nuance and Inscribe and yes we anticipate losing our jobs by the end of the year.  However, during this time, we are learning - or attempting to learn - Inscribe.  I have to tell ya going from Word to this is A TOTAL WASTE OF MY TIME!  I cannot believe this company has THIS inadequate program for transcription.  You can't do anything as far as fixing or adding or configuring it - all you can do is "report" it.   We had a grand total of 2 hrs (some of us were lucky to get 2 more on our own) of training before being thrown to the lions.  Is this the best of what we can expect?  No 24/7 support.  I work midnights and was appalled to know that there is no tech support at night.  We think our boss is on the hot seat because we have so little training and the hospital is complaining about not being able to get a single report when it is asked for out of the regular cueing.   

Does anyone know how to add a dictation template?  I'd like to add a section for a physical and I can find no way to add it myself.  What about transferring Autotext from Word to Inscribe?  Picking and chosing reports from the pool? 

Thanks for any and all help anyone can give. 

NUisANCE - Fatigued Fingers

[ In Reply To ..]
I'm not familiar with Inscribe, but yes, that's about the best you can expect. NUisANCE really doesn't care for their employees. I've watched my pay drop over $300 a month from January until now, and they don't seem to give a rat's behind about it.

New - mtinmi

[ In Reply To ..]
I hope your boss is in the hot seat and I would also request the upper management be involved. Hopefully someone will see the errors of their ways, not likely but hopefully. I find it appalling the minute amount of training time (was this done by Nuance?) and then expecting the MTs to produce. I came from a union represented hospital so my experience in handling wrong situations is probably different, but I would find somebody to listen to what is going on, go up the ladder, scream and yell...the squeaky wheel may work in getting some resolution. If they have signed with Nuance and you anticipate losing your job, I am sorry to hear that.

Inscribe - me

[ In Reply To ..]
I am on Inscribe. I think they must have different versions. Are you on speech recognition or do you use QT lines? I am on the QT line Inscribe and it is a GREAT platform for that. I have no idea about SR Inscribe though.

I think so - Saphyre

[ In Reply To ..]
Yes I think they must because for now we are still employed by our hospital just using Inscribe with them handling our ERs. The program we have, I couldn't recommend to any transcriptionst as we have basic (and I mean basic) work processing if you can call it that. We don't have the ability to pick jobs out of the pool and if a job is needed after dictation and not prioritized, there is a long list of instructions that someone (not us) has to do before it can even be typed including calling Nuance to have it prioritized in the cue. A very cumbersome system with No Grammar Checking and No AutoCorrect. Not an ideal program in my opinion.

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