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Happy MT Week email - A real kick in the teeth
Posted: May 17, 2015
After everything this week, getting ready to lose literally half of my QC income, nice move. Thanks for everything YOU do, Nuance. You'll get what's coming to you.
how bout the email with the AHDI attachment - thunderclap portion
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"by HARNESSING this workforce's expertise" blah blah blah - yep they sure have us harnessed all right.
May I suggest lassoed, snared, trapped, kidnapped would be more appropriate.
Love your word play!--so true. nm - Exactly how I feel!
Everyone should respond back to that email with - Reply To All and tell them to shove it. sm
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If anyone is that unhappy, let the fur fly, and if you get fired then that honest opinion email worded correctly shouldn't be a reason for denying unemployment.
From each individual's point of view, (mine anyway) it would be worth it.
To all you wonderful MTs working and slaving your lives away, Happy MT Week. I appreciate you. I appreciate your kindness when I have a rant or a rave, when I'm at my wits end with the constant changing around of clients, client profiles and the never ending dings being thrown at me. I appreciate knowing that I am not alone in this struggle.
It is because of all of you, and only you MTs on this board that I manage to stay in this game. We are treated as less than second class citiz ...
I am reposting from an earlier conversation in February regarding MT Week. I hope everyone has a good one.
There were some naysayers and some that don't observe it......
There is a Secretary week - - you know where your boss gets you flowers or something. It can be fun celebrating MT Week, for us, MTs, especially if you work on site and if the dept. manager will allow you.We had games for the doctors to play, dinner for ourselves, a few gifts we got from yes, AAMT. It was a week-lon ...
Love this quote sent by TSM this morning:
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” ~Dalai Lama
Guess she is unaware of the damage their grid has done to us, huh????
Happy MT week anyway, folks!
and I know it's temporary. My problem is that the company I work for requires a daily line count and expects us to work around our schedules and do anything we can to get those lines in. Usually not a problem. But this week is a holiday week and my husband and kids are home, and we scheduled things to do alone as well as with other family members and friends, so when my shift is over it has to be over. Christmas Eve/Christmas morning, yesterday, and it looks like tod ...
I am considering Transcend and would like to know what you like about the company, overall communication, flexibility if you have an appointment. I know not everyone is happy with certain companies and I take that into consideration. Is there enough work? I really would like to hear from people that are happy and who are doing acute care and/or radiology. Thanks in advance for all your help. ...
they want to speak to me immediately. I reply and tell them specifically in the list of questions that I do not have a working cell currently (cannot afford one and still do not have one). So I get an email saying they tried calling and got an error message. I am sitting here thinking okay I told you that in that list of questions, but whatever. I said yeah is there any way to discuss positions via email? Not a word since and that was Friday. Not professional ...
Supervisor asked me if there was anything she could do to get me to stay. One of my complaints was the lack of communication. That was yesterday afternoon. This morning my email was disabled.....My last day isn't suppose to be until the 18th! ...
Does anyone know when pay will be distributed this week? A big deal seemed to be made about getting payroll in quickly, so Im wondering if pay will be released before Thursday or if its just going to be Friday as usual. ...
Good grief. I did not change the way I edit. It so depends on how many commas they think you should have. Yes, I made an unusual (for me) mistake last week, but the rest of passing an audit is dumb luck of whether you get a realistic auditor or Ms English wannabe.
Everybody must be under pressure because of the cesspool as I see a lot of mistakes when I look up past reports to help with these mush mouths and accents. The time czar wants schedule changes, but I see no problems with turna ...
Does it now vary from week to week? I used to always know exactly what my PTO was and could calculate it but just noticed that it varied from one paycheck a couple of months back to this past week. How is this now figured? So confusing ...
I am sure these are closely guarded as they would let MTs actually communicate with each other..and that would be a no no.. MTs might actually band together ...
Who in their right mind names a company "Happy Transcriptions?" In this day and age, all I see is "sad" MTs and, in my opinion, if "Happy Transcriptions" is still happy, they can only be messing even more with us poor "sad" MTs. All I can say is I am so "happy" I am so close to being on my way out of MT! ...
Am I the only one who feels that life is not happy at Happy Transcription? I love the work, but the owner is totally unprofessional and needs to revamp the organization. ...