A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Employees jumping ship? - mtshizzle

Posted: Dec 03, 2014

After the new compensation plan was "explained" today, I wonder how many employees jumped ship.  No one should have to work under those conditions. Smh Frown

As soon as I can .... over it. - Sure I am not alone.

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See video at the link LOL

Wish I could do this today.

Today was my last day... good timing - All Thumbs

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though it was purely coincidental. My ship came in and I am getting out of MT for good. BTW, if you want a fresh idea on how to describe our MT job experience on a non-MT resume let me know. I had a few bites and obviously one good one with it. I felt a brief bolt of lightning that helped compose this one night (or maybe it was the wine LOL).

Last day - Congrats! - Yes please!!!

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Been doing this 20 years and I don't know how to revamp a completely MT resume.

I'm out... - mtshizzle

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My confidence was destroyed, I was treated like slave labor, and felt harassed by my supervisor long enough (finally). I don't know why I let them make me feel like I didn't know what I was doing. I'm a good MT and when I figured that out, I threw in the towel, said I'm done and quit. Was told I'm not eligible for rehire. My feelings are not hurt, trust me! I don't want to work for $7/hr anymore.

Not yet but soon--sm - anon

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I am looking at either the first of March or first of April and then I am leaving the industry all together.

The problem with things like this is too many people jump ship once the thing is announced and if they want to continue in the MT world, the other big companies would be inundated with resumes. Those who started the process earlier are probably in the best position, or those who work 2 MT jobs and can just go from part time to full time at the job they already have secured.

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