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Confused about this new lousy insurance - Transcender

Posted: Nov 13, 2012

Okay, I'm totally confused now.  I received an email this morning saying the employee contributions were wrong, sorry for the concern or inconvience this caused.  I go to the benefits site, as suggested, and see they are now INCREASED to $99 biweekly for regular medical coverage instead of the initally posted cost of $69 biweekly.  If I was concerned then, what am I now?  Someone mentioned below the cost was $160 per month.  What the heck?  Are Transcend employees and Nuance employees getting different plans and different rates?  This is outrageous.  What the heck is wrong with this company?  I assume they don't realize that insurance coverage is important to many employees and a "little" mistake in stating the employee contributions incorrectly was not a big deal.  Someone help me out here.  What's the deal?

I thought it was 160 out of each paycheck? nm - Confused too!

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Now I'm REALLY confused - Transcender

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Oh good grief,now I'm really confused. The site for me states the BC high plan health coverage to be $98 biweekly for the employee contribution, employee only. What are you seeing?

to those of you confused, - sm

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the correction email did give an email address AND a phone number if you have any questions or problems. why not try that? I agree, they did treat it as a minor problem (NOT) and also had a long (5-day) lapse between the original and correction email. Not real encouraging. If you anticipate not being with this company long-term, might as well check into private insurance. A higher deductible gets you a lower premium.

I just watched the recorded webinar and - unless I totally missed something

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here's what I got out of it.

It did take me a while to figure out, on the website, which link was which as far as the details of the 2 plans. The higher cost plan is called "High" and the other is called "HSA."

Both are high deductible plans, with pretty much identical coverage.

The only differences I could see on the chart comparing the nuts-and-bolts of the 2 plans are (a) whether or not the prescription drug copayment is subject to the deductible, and (b) whether or not out-of-network services go under the same deductible as in-network services.

The coinsurance for both plans is the same, in or out of network, i.e. they pay 75% and we pay 25%, once the deductible is met.

With the Aetna coverage we have had at Transcend for this past year, I learned the hard way that there are separate deductibles, and I am now facing a $400 out-of-network lab bill, despite having met my in-network deductible. Shame on me for not asking better questions ahead of time.

The one-person premium for the "high option PPO" plan is 79.13 every 2 weeks for a nonsmoker, and 94.96 every 2 weeks for a smoker.

The one-person premium for the "HDHP with HSA" plan is 46.35 every 2 weeks for a nonsmoker, and 55.62 every 2 weeks for a smoker.

I have been paying 78.00 twice a month for the Transcend insurance.

So, being a nonsmoker, if I choose the HDHP plan, my share of the premium will actually go down quite a bit.

And I checked online at Costco Pharmacy this morning--and the price of the 2 prescriptions I take is actually less at Costco than the mail-order pharmacy copayment has been through Aetna. Even if we weren't changing insurances, I would switch from mail order to Costco. No-brainer.

The dental insurance premium will increase by about 5 bucks, but the annual benefit maximum will be $1500 instead of $1000 as it has been. I have actually been spreading out my necessary dental procedures for the last couple of years (a lot of old onlays are failing, alas) and now I will be able to get at least one more restoration done in a calendar year than before.

The vision insurance share will go down about half a dollar.

For the health plans, from where I'm sitting, the only reasons for choosing the higher-cost plan would be if you take a boatload of really expensive prescription drugs, and if most of the providers in your area are out of network.

What did everybody else get out of this?

Health ins/HSA - JustMe

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HSA, I believe is a health/flexible spending account and not insurance. I could be wrong.

Well, they only show 2 plans on the website - one is PPO and one is not

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In the webinar, it says we can choose from 2 plans, and there are only 2 shown on the website. It also said that one plan was more expensive than the other.

So I can only conclude that since the information about the PPO indicates that it pays for prescription drugs regardless of deductible, and the other one with HSA in the name does not, the one with HSA in the name is indeed an insurance plan that includes the opportunity to participate in a HSA.

But... I do believe I will call in the morning and get it clarified!

I just emailed for clarification - s/m

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I just sent the following to the e-mail address provided:

I watched the recorded webinar, and it very clearly said there are 2 available health plans to choose from, one of which costs more than the other.

Apparently there is some confusion about the less-expensive plan, referred to as the �HDHP with HSA� on slide 9 of the webinar, but on the Benergy website it is apparently called �BlueCross BlueShield of Massachusetts � HSA.�

The confusion arises in that it is simply called �HSA� on the Benergy website, apparently leading some to believe that this is ONLY a health savings account and not an insurance plan.

Please clarify; is �BlueCross BlueShield of Massachusetts � HSA� as shown on the Benergy website indeed the less-expensive health plan option mentioned in the webinar? And that the every-2-weeks employee premium share for a nonsmoker listed as 46.35 is indeed what a person choosing this plan option will pay?
And I got a reply - s/m
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I'll try to paste the pertinent information here; but apparently my first reading was correct. Here's what they told me:

Plan type: PPO
What it's called on the NTS benefits (Benergy) website: BCBSMA High Plan
What it's called on the BC/BS site: BlueCare Elect Preferred PPO Plan

The above is the more-expensive plan. Here's the other one:

Plan type: High Deductible Health Plan
What it's called on the NTS benefits (Benergy) website: BCBSMA HSA Plan
What it's called on the BC/BS site: BlueCare Elect Saver PPO Plan

That's the lower-priced plan.

Clear as mud? I thought so........

I got the same out of it and my cost would be as yours but - the biggest change is the

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fact that you have to meet the deductible now before your office copay kicks in. Under our current Aetna plan, you just pay your copay and that's that. I also found out the hard way when I had elective surgery this past year that my preadmission lab work was out of pocket and figured into the deductible. The coverage currently being offered is nowhere near what we have currently with Aetna. As a single person though I suppose it's not too awful to carry in case of something catastrophic.

I guess the 60 bucks saved per month on premiums - will help cover OVs

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Or, just don't go to the doctor unless (a) it's an emergency or (b) it's preventive care, which are both covered without regard to the deductible....

All well and good in theory, but then the flying fickle finger of fate factor kicks in and all bets are off.

I guess the next question to try and get answered will be what, exactly, constitutes "preventive care?" Would my yearly visits to the dermatologist to make sure nothing is turning into melanoma or something be preventive? How about the fun and games involved in the annual Pap smear? Inquiring minds need to know!

it is also for prescriptions - why have insurance

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I just found out that you also have to meet the $2500 deductible before any of your medications are covered, so basically what I would have normally paid $15.00 for is now $175.00 until I reach $2500.....shoot me now.

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