A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Another Ambulatory Nuance MT - BJ4

Posted: Jul 19, 2014

I have been reading the board down a ways, about the arguments and negative comments between acute care and ambulatory care sides of Nuance.  I, too, work on the ambulatory care side and we were acquired by Nuance almost 2 years ago.  Yes, we used to be Accentus and no, except for becoming employees and the things that go with that status, nothing else has changed.  We work M-F, weekends if we want to.  We do not work holidays and the TAT reflects that on our accounts when a holiday occurs.  We have good accounts and plenty of work and new accounts coming on board every week.  We have exclusives and pool work, it is up to us and what we have experience in.  My TSMs are super and I am never ignored by anyone when I have a question or a problem.  QA is fair and if we feel they are not, it is quickly resolved.  So, for those of you out there who are working for the acute care side, who are obviously very, very unhappy and bitter about your plight, who state that "there are better places for whom to work", then why don't you go somewhere else to work?  Don't criticize those of us who work ambulatory just because we are happy with our jobs and most of you are so ill informed that you didn't even know there was an ambulatory care side to Nuance.  Enough said, if you ask me.

Ill informed?? - How would one know

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there is an ambulatory care side to Nuance if they were never informed?

Well, enjoy it now, it could change at any - time.

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Nuance - Xanadu

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Gosh, you sound EXACTLY like the other happy MT reporting her great experience, and just smells "off" to me.

By working for this cesspool, you hurt not only American MTs but the American economy as well.

Keep these warm, fuzzy, happy thoughts and smile when the next pay cut and benefit downgrade (only they will call it an enhancement but we all know that's FOS and total lie) happens next.

MTs could put them out of the MT business by refusing to work for them. That is great for American MTs and great for American economy.

Ambulatory MT... - not OP

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So what you are saying is that the Ambulatory MTs should quit their jobs because you are unhappy with your jobs and that would turn the American economy around? I do feel badly for anyone who is struggling under less than ideal working conditions, but last I knew this was America and no one is being forced to work for Nuance. Instead of constantly bashing MTs who are content with their work situation, use that energy to find a better job either in MT or not. I am not saying that this industry has not taken a nosedive, but for those who are lucky enough to make a decent living should not be made to feel guilty or "off" because other MTs are struggling. Again, no one working for Nuance is an indentured servant and is free to leave at any time. I always find these posts about people working for minimum wage rather silly, as I would have quit a long time ago.

lets just see how it plays out for you and how you handle - your first pay enhancement

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Roger that! - sm

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"Again, no one working for Nuance is an indentured servant and is free to leave at any time. I always find these posts about people working for minimum wage rather silly, as I would have quit a long time ago."

Just getting ready to do just that! Though I don't like being called "silly."

Nuance - Xanadu - Silver penny

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And Nuance is one of the biggest offenders of this offshore typing BS.

Wow, talk about lack of empathy... - anon

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"We work M-F, weekends if we want to. We do not work holidays.. We have good accounts and plenty of work... We have exclusives and pool work, it is up to us... My TSMs are super and I am never ignored... QA is fair and if we feel they are not, it is quickly resolved."

To know that there are people who work for Nuance and have this situation makes it even worse for those (the majority) who don't have these working conditions at Nuance. To brag about it is heartless. To basically say "look at how good I have it, oh, poor you, you don't? then go somewhere else" is just....wow..smh.

Anon, I just do not think OP is true. If it was decent work, it would have gone to the Indian paria - or over to voice wreck

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If Nuance has some sort of utopian division, then it should be pooled so acute care isn't stuck with constant dregs.

And who wouldn't love a M-F schedule with holidays off, plenty of work when you want it, exclusive work pools, and responsive and helpful QA.

Monday morning, HR should be inundated with calls demanding a transfer. Or, better yet, how's about a job swap and let princesses hop into the acute care cesspool.

If you want the job, apply for the job! - Good luck with that...sm

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I think on Monday morning I am going to call HR and DEMAND a transfer to the position of CEO or maybe CFO because of course I deserve it!!! These people should not have a better or different job than I do, because after all we live in the old Soviet block and all comrades must be given everything in equal measure. You are a lunatic. Why don't you just APPLY for the job, just like I did and everyone else who works in ambulatory. If I were HR and you DEMANDED a job from me, I'd tell you to go pound salt.

LOL too funny - nm

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The first 2 years of our buyout nothing changed - either. When it did change, it

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came quickly. Just saying ... beware. It will happen and with practially no notice. Nuance is not in business to keep the MLS happy, it is all about business and profit.

When they do finally transition you to the trenches, please come back and let us know how wonderful it still is.

To those ambulatory princesses, part of your buyout may have included a contractural agreement - to leave you in place for a fixed period of time

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Refuse to work for them.

ambulatory princesses - rip

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I've been a princess for about 6 weeks now and loving it!

It is usually the platform. It will take time to - move the customer off the

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current platform and it will depedend in the end if they decide they want to, or go with another company. It all comes down to money in the end. They probably still have their orig contract in place and things won't change until renewal. All I can say is look out when it does. Transcription as you knew it will be over.

It seems as if you can't wait.... - sm

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Misery surely does love company. The only difference is that if all your dreams do come true and Nuance "turns the screw" on us, I will have the good sense to leave. I most certainly am not subjugated to work for them as you seem to be.

Too good to ever have to consider working for them - Not drinking that Kool-Aid

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Make a LOT more money working direct for clients. No BS, consistent work pools, no VR pay cut. I work my butt off to give clients no reason to consider any alternative, efforts always recognized and appreciated.

I think they are an IT company that doesn't have a clue about MT. When this cesspool moves its bowels, the entire industry follows suit and all American MTs suffer.

Good luck with that idea - many of us have been trying for years

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The reason we are so sour is that we, as you, thought we could just get another, better job (wouldn't anything be better, you think), as soon as the bad stuff started happening.

Not so. Many of the smaller MTSOs are all IC now, seem to come and go all the time, are squeezed out by the big guys, and as bad as Nuance are they seem to be top of the pay scale with their crappy 4 and 8 at the moment, and even though their bonuses are mostly a mirage, at least they offer them.

So if you don't need any job at all, that would be a reason to diss us and brag about how you wouldn't accept this treatment. You might feel differently when the other shoe drops and you realize it's pretty much a low income trap and Nuance has cornered the market.

Good luck if you can find a different job outside of MT, many of us are unable to or live in areas which would make it impractical in terms of costs and also low pay to get to another job.

So if we seem bitter, it's because you seem like you are lording it over us, and we are trying to make the most of a bad situation and sharing the misery, NOT loving it.

Well, when that happens, I will be one of the first to leave. - NMT

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Until then, I will continue to work and get a paycheck as part of this American economy.

This positive, even glowing, recommendation juxtaposed to the ad elsewhere - looking for ambulatory princesses

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smacks of recruitment.

All ships float on a rising tide. If MTs stayed away in droves, we will ALL do better.

Excellent - stay away. More work for us princesses. Thank you! - NMT

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not hardly! acute = much more difficult which must be why - you are only ambulatory

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Guess that's why I'm making $20 an hour - and you are groveling....sm
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for minimum wage and fighting for work like rabid dogs for bones. I guess I'll stay with the lowly ambulatory morons...
exactly, your work types are easy, again - wait for your pay enhancements to start
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Wow! Brag much? - Anon
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To the one bragging about making $20 an hour, what goes around comes around. Bragging is rude and unbecoming of all who do it. Heed the warnings of those who work for Nuance. Your time will come.
First of all... - sm
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Twenty bucks an hour is not really something to brag about. My point is that if acute care is so much more difficult than ambulatory, than why are acute care MTs working for minimum wage, while ambulatory MTs do not have that issue. I supervised an acute care account for a hospital with 40 MTs under me and made more than $40 per hour before it went overseas, so I have made my bones in this industry and do not need some petty MT questioning my skill level or ability. I would not work for less than $20 an hour at any endeavor. I value my time and skills too much for that.
Used to make more - Unhappy
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Until Nuance took over and cut my pay, I was averaging 25 to 30 an hour...I was told that they were charging the hospitals less and so in turn with VR our pay was being cut, but not to worry because our production would be higher with VR, so our pay would actually be higher...

ALL LIES--Nuance does not charge the hospital less for VR completed reports as opposed to straight typing...they just pay us less for doing the work--so yes, now I make about 10 an hour for THE SAME WORK...

EXCEPT that I feel like there is a camera on me in my home...weekly reports that have tracked my every move...time on the server, clocked in hours, actual hours within reports,QC%, LPH rate, Errors rates....it is so much more stressful...

You are making a steady rate because you are - assigned the same group of
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providers/clinics. Let's be real here. There are currently ads up on the Nuance website for ambulatory care. Apparently they need to push that TAT a little further as they do on every other overstaffed account.
Steady rate because they are assigned same group of providers - makes all the difference in the world
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To develop an ear for a group of dictators is a luxury beyond compare and generally not the norm for this cesspool. The princesses should make every penny they can while they are in high cotton because once the Indian slime figures out how to screw you, you will start getting the dreaded NJA because your accounts have been shipped overseas, your salary will be enhanced which really means cut, and your fake benefits will be downgraded.

Oh, one great benefit some happy camper posted, you will get paid your new pittance on time. Oh, wow.
They will not go to India until they move them over - to a Nuance platform. It is
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only a matter of time though. LOL Nuance paying $18-20/hr - I think NOT once they have the ability to ship the work offshore for pennies.
Really think about it. You are sucking up Nuance's - profits at that rate if it is real
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which is a guarantee it's in the works to be corrected or as they call it at Nuance "enhanced." LOL Come back when you transition from princess to pauper and let us know how it's working out for ya. Just saying ..
If and when that happens... - sm
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I will find another job. I will not work for minimum wage and then bitch about it. Life is too short.
just be sure to keep us posted - If and when that happens...
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You know that's not true - sm - NMT
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If it were true, though, I still wouldn't have a problem with it. Really, would anyone? Easier work and less stress and cooler TSMs? Sure, I'll take that, no problem.
Totally disagree. Did acute care 12 yrs and decided to - take on PT IC multispecialty. SM
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Clinic job and I actually found it to be a learning experience. I thought because I was acute care it would be super easy, but not the case. There was different terminology that I hadn't encountered in all my years of hospital transcription. It can be just as difficult as acute care.
Clinic work usually pays less and, in fact, Nuance - as the norm pays lower
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rate for just clinic work (this will happen once ambulatory/clinics move to the Nuance platforms and are mingled in with the Nuance way of doing things. This is no secret, it's probably listed somewhere or just ask a recruiter. The "top" (if you can even call it that) line rates go to those who do acute care and all WT. Limited worktypes and clinic work is paid at lower line rate.

Actually if you paid attention to any of the Nuance posts - you would know that a sudden

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increase to hire is solely to compensate for all you princesses who they predict will leave as you transition to Nuance for real (i.e. platform, pay rates) so the fact they are starting to advertise now (and also obviously looking for newbies who will work for peanuts) is your tell-tale sign that your princess position is in the hopper for changing. Good luck princess!
Grasshopper, - you are very wise
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I feel change blowin' in the wind ;-)
Nuance has had a standing ad on MT stars for at - least 2yrs. Doubt their
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Hiring has anything to do with those on the ambulatory side. It's disgusting to read some of these posts and know they are actually coming from grown women filled with jealousy for these MTs and wishing bad on them because of your own unhappiness and misery. Nothing good comes to people like that.
Nobody is talking about the standing ad. This is not - the only place to advertise for help I
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hope you realize. I find it rather disheartening that grow women (or woman) would come on boasting of their $18-20 easy cake account. I believe in doing so, the sole object was to ruffle some feathers. It's okay, we all arrived here somewhere, a lot of us through buyouts and, yes, we enjoyed the initial honeymoon period, but we were smart enough to know, that would eventually end and didn't bother boasting of our current good situation because it was well known it was only a matter of time.
I read both threads and it sounded more like they - were defending themselves, not
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Boasting. From what I've read, any snarkiness on their part came after being ganged up on, made fun of and attacked. At any rate, I will not continue to reply and stoop to the level of pettiness. Hopefully they wont either. Sometimes it's best to be the bigger person and walk away.
keep thinking that ... new clients are being added. - me - no message
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Of course there are new clients. Sales do not stop - with a buyout. The advantage is
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under Nuance, they can offer a cheaper rate for them since they'll be going to their platform and cheaper pay structure.

I don't work for Nuance, but figured the ambulatory - side was Accentus. SM

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I wanted to post last night and ask if you all were originally Accentus, but couldn't remember their name. Most posts about Accentus were always positive back before they became Nuance and most of their MTs seemed fairly happy, so not surprised that those on the ambulatory side are. This website tries to terrorize any MT that has something good to say about their job.

I agree - Mady

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If you all take a look at the Nuance ad, you will note that it is only for acute care and not ambulatory. Tells me that the ambulatory care gals are one happy bunch and no one is leaving. Just the opposite for acute care. Also, I speak from experience when it comes to judging the difficulty of acute care vs ambulatory. The number of specialities just in multispeciality clinic work alone is staggering. Need to be experienced in many just to do that work type. I do not agree that one is more difficult than the other. Both need lots of expertise.

You must not be too informed because sm - acuteMLS

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you would know that you are not an "MT" at this company, you are an MLS.

Plus, ambulatory is simple work. - sm

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I may get bored with not having the challenge of acute care.

Ambulaboring - no thanks. nm

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Almost word for word the same as - post below

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I don't believe it...nothing has changed, so you did not get a huge pay cut?

I read blah, blah, blah with your post.

Princess, changes are coming!! - MLS

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And you won't like them. But we won't laugh much when it happens to you since you get on here and gloat.

You cannot be serious.... - sm

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I think you need to get your head examined. What kind of person would actually wish ill upon another? How in the world would it benefit you if ambulatory MTs get screwed? It doesn't. No one got on here and gloated. A question was asked and answered and then the attack of the bitter MTs ensued. Sorry you did not like the answer. Unfortunately, all of your bitterness and spite is doing nothing to help you. If you are so angry and mistreated and underpaid, yada, yada, yada, why in the world don't you get another job? It makes no sense. It must not be that bad, because all these acute care MTs are still working.

They are still working because unfortunately the pay - is the norm as Princess will

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find out soon enough. If she were smart, she would take the information not as wishing ill, but a warning rather than trying to convince everyone that she and her ambulatory team will remain Princess status quo. They just haven't delivered the Kool-Aid yet.
I was not aware.... - sm
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that medical transcription was the only job in the world. Why, if you are working for minimum wage, don't you do something much less demanding? Fast food comes to mind, clerk in a grocery store maybe, hotel maid. The way people rant and rave about the work conditions, I would think that really anything is better than working for Nuance.

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