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Virtual Learning Center - Giex7
Posted: Jan 08, 2010I am another victim of Virtual Learning Center. Can anyone recommend a reputable on-line MT school?
I'm a victim too - Cher
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Well, doesn't this stink. I went to do a test on Wed and saw the notice. Did you happen to download the software for your foot pedal? I'm still in the test stage so didn't get around to downloading the free software for the foot pedal. I called Sylvan and they want $89.00 just for the software. I paid in full for the Diploma course, over $3000.00 down the drain. You can get a list of reputable schools through the ahdi website. Email me.
Cher - Old MTSO
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Hi, Cher, I really hate to see you think of yourself as a victim--that gives away your power. You can be more powerful in this situation than you think. Document everything and get in touch with the Fraud Division of the Attorney General of the state in which you live and the state in which VLC is registered to do business. If you have one of those t.v. stations that does consumer advocacy, you might have them to an expose on it. I saw so many people get s$$d by MQ because they either did not know how to speak out or were afraid to speak out. Cheaters and fraudsters count on this and that is how they work their game. Document everything. You guys who were cheated might want to start a yahoo group or something to compare notes and organize. I really hope you give VLC a well-deserved kick in the tuchas. I am sorry this happened to you (all of you) and I wish you much luck.
VLC - Cheryl L
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I am also a victim of the VLC no longer existing. I can't believe that they can leave so many people in a lurch. So many more are affected. I reported them th the BBB so I could at least get an answer.
BBB - Cher
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Did you report to the BBB in the US? I am in Canada so I'll report to the BBB here as well. It will be interesting to see the results from both. There has to be something we can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BBB Cher - Serena
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I tried to report them to the BBB in Canada but my computer wouldn't allow it, said something about cookies. Anyway I called them they are sending me the paper work in the mail. I agree there has to be something we can do, they stole our $$$ and I don't even have a copy of the courses I finished, it was all on their website. If anyone has a suggestion PLEASE contact. Thanks
VLC - Giex7
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Cher, yes it does stink. I'm going to take the recommendation to contact the attorney general's office in my state. I was more than 1/2 way through the dictation portion of the course, thankfully I didn't pay for the internship (the way it was set up seemed a bit shaky). It's very disheartening but we have shake it off and fight back any way we can.
vlc - Cher
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This is my first time on here. I guess you don't have access to my email address. But reply please.
Not a VLC 'victim' myself but - I may have some ideas to offer
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I second the motion to contact the attorney general's office in the state where VLC was incorporated, as well as establishing an online group for all those left in the lurch to get in touch and compare notes.
This is not an exact parallel to your situation, but it might be helpful. A few years ago I was part of a group that paid in advance for a convention, where the promoters essentially took our money and ran. Actually, they used it to fund other projects and wound up canceling our event, leaving us all dressed up with no place to go. Then they filed bankruptcy and declared that they would not be issuing any refunds, although their "terms of use" clearly stated that refunds would be issued if an event was canceled.
The attorney general in their state of incorporation did indeed open an investigation, and a police detective in the town where the owners lived also opened an investigation. There were also inquiries made to the Better Business Bureau.
What I haven't seen anyone suggest here, which MIGHT possibly help some of you, is getting in touch with your credit card company, if you paid for your course by credit card. That was an avenue that most of the people in our group explored. Some of us got refunds; others did not. I was one of the lucky ones. My credit card company basically saw it as goods and/or services that were paid for, but were not rendered and not refunded; thus, they issued me a charge-back. Other peoples' credit card companies simply drew a line in the sand and said it was too late to request a charge-back, because most of us bought our tickets in January and the event (which didn't happen) was scheduled for the following December. Actually, the fact that the event was not officially canceled until the day before it was scheduled to begin was one of the points that my credit card company held in my favor, as I could not exactly request a refund for a canceled service when the service had not been canceled yet, and thus they waived whatever refund request deadline might have been in place.
Someone established a group on LiveJournal where we all posted our stories, and helpful information we could use in our own pursuits, including screen-captures of pertinent documents from the convention promoters and e-mails. The state attorney general's office was known to visit the page, and the police detective who investigated the case used the page to contact us 'victims' and solicit our individual stories.
I am so sorry to hear that so many of you folks have been shafted, and I hope some of you are able to find some recourse. Please keep us updated on what happens, and I for one would be interested to learn if someone opens a LJ or Facebook page for this purpose. Best of luck to all of you.
VLC - Giex7
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Thank you for your encouragement. I didn't think about also filing a complaint in the state VLC was incorporated. I did think about the credit card company but it's been 2 years, maybe I should try anyway. Thanks again.
It certainly can't hurt to try. - not a victim
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Plus, if you are first told 'no' by the credit card company, try chewing your way up the corporate ladder, all the way to the CEO if need be. Some years back I got into a dust-up with my bank, got nowhere with the minions who answer the phone lines, so I went to the library, looked up the company info in Standard and Poor (it was long enough ago that there was no internet to look it up), wrote down the name and address of the CEO, and wrote him a letter. I got a phone call a couple of days later from a high-ranking bank officer who fixed my problem (the problem the folks lower down had insisted could NOT be fixed) and apologized profusely that it ever happened in the first place.
Again... you may not get anywhere, but you won't know until you try. My theory is, the credit card companies have the resources (and the clout) to go after the assets (or the estate) of the vendor who stiffed the customer; resources that are not usually available to us customers.
Best of luck to all of you. Keep us posted on what happens.
vlc - Cher
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I received an email just a few minutes ago and one lucky soul did get a refund from her credit card company. So, anyone else out there who paid by credit card, get on the horn. I actually went to Hamilton to check out the VLC facilites myself. It was a typical mailout office with certain people hired to perform the functions required for the MT business. There was a receptionist, office staff, stock and shipping personnel. It seemed legite so I paid cash right then to get the 10% discount if paid in full. Atleast I have a receipt, but will that do any good? Bleak is the word that comes to mind, but never give up!
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