A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Virtual scribes - opportunity?

Posted: Apr 02, 2014

I ran across a company offering virtual scribes. Their scribes sound like a cross between transcriptionist, coding, assistant. It is done over the internet. The company I ran across is Physicians Angels. I could not find any career page to check out possible positions/requirements, and I don't know if it is done by ILPs, although their office is in the states. Anyone heard of virtual scribes and know of other companies that do this? Always looking for a way to break away from MTSO slave bosses and still use my knowledge and training.

There was one company... - Rose

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One MTSO that was selling virtual scribes. Don't remember which but it had "Scribe" in their name. The problem is still having a middleman making a profit on us and working for peanuts. I would LOVE to do that though. The only problem is technical setup.

MTs are typically overlooked - for these jobs - sm

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They will be looking for premed or prenursing or the children of their friends who are doctors or nurses. I have been told I am not qualified (bachelor's plus 20 years as MT as well as having taught MT and medical terminology) and somehow failed an assessment test (brief) while trying to submit an application.

Most ads list "Scribe or Medical Transcriptionist" (sm) - Rose

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But I know our profession has never been recognized for what we have to know.

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