A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

shady practices - justme

Posted: Apr 02, 2013

I recently got 'promoted' to MME, having taken the test with the understanding that I would receive a 5% pay raise to my transcription and VR base rates (according to MM intranet MME FAQs document).  But the recent e-mail we received, asking tier-3 MTs to become MMEs, says we are "eligible to be considered for" a pay raise.  What?  Does that mean my raise is going to be raffled off or something?  Feels like bait and switch, and just another example of sketchy practices by MM.  If MM doesn't want to honor their own words, then maybe they should update their own website more often.  We really need a labor advocate.

I guess - you should

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have looked into it and got it in writing about a raise. This is what this company does all the time. Sorry, but you've been punked!

My bad - justme

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....but I consider a document on their website as being "in writing."

well, then talk to THE WORM below, and get a - lawsuit going

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Get all your back pay.
I wish THE WORM - all the best in the world
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at least she is trying to do something about this snakepit of a company. Go Worm!
Read my post about how to form a union - Turning worm
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I will help all of you in ANY way I can. Read my post about how to form a union. Write me if you like. At this point, I don't have much to lose, I'm sick of being paid so little for the time I spend at this desk. But enough of you have to take a risk, and the rest of you will have to decide whose side you are on, the MTSO or your ours.

Just remember one thing, if all of these companies go away, OUR JOBS ARE STILL HERE!!!! And, united, we can do something about outsourcing too. Here's the thing, of all the industries in the country, who are the most vulnerable to lawsuits. The answer is, of course, the medical industry. And what industry is the most foolish about keeping records? The industry that doesn't care whether the documentation is correct or not, the industry that just wants to save a buck on record keeping? And deserves the $400 million dollar lawsuits when a patient died. (I hope the judge who is hearing the appeal doesn't drop the one single penny!)

I remember reading a few months back a post by what was obviously a MTSO-CEO type who just basically shrugged off the fact that a woman DIED because of the carelessness of the Indian MT, breezing stating that it is a global economy. This is MURDER in my book.

We can change this but we have to fight and it is going to take time. And if we don't we deserve our impoverished, virtually unemployed, fate.

There you - go

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thinking like a normal person. When you work for this company, you have to read what they say and understand what they really mean.

anyone would consider a policy document - to be the truth...sm

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On that basis, I would ask to retain my MT status. It should be interesting to see whether they allow you to continue to work as an MT, or force you into a new work style.
Policies only true if it serves their purposes - FossilMT
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I recently challenged something they were trying to do to me and quoted the policy document pertaining to the issue, which backed me up, but was informed that the polices are "at will", meaning MM can do whatever they want, whenever they want, no matter what the polices say.
you're right; that's true - sm
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back to the drawing board for me. I wonder if it matters how the employee is notified.
The Policy means what the JUDGE says it means - Turning Worm
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these policies are dishonest, contradictory and probably illegal. The fact that the e-mail I described this weekend contains a clear threat if you do not comply and be at your computer from the beginning to the end of your shift, supercedes everything else. As far as pay is concerned, you have a contract. If you are distressed over the games that are being played, as you should be, see a LAWYER and let the judge decide that the MTSO has to honor the contract. There are things you can do, but you have to decide for yourself whether you are a passive serf and if the MTSO is your lord and master, knowing all things. And stop worrying about your horrible job, our parents and grandparents had the guts to go through a horrible war and win it, surely have inherited just a tiny bit of their courage, or have we?

shady - poohella

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I have been considering testing from a tier 2 to a tier 3. I hesitate because I know doing new work will slow me down and reduce my production until I learn all the terms, etc. My manager says my rate will increase but kind of feel they will have some reason not to raise it. My pay is decreasing as it is now!

Ha. Ha. - anon

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My experience was my pay went DOWN. Best of luck to you. Hope your experience is a better one.

yup... - sm

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A poster here recently was given the same "offer" to "advance" to MME. It was recommended that she inquire as to whether she would be allowed to return to MT if MME did not work out for her. The answer was no. What does that tell us?

You better get it in writing - JoeBob

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and be sure about the raise. I talked to my manager last year about that hoping to increase my income, and she said you are "eligible" for a raise, does not mean you will get one. She actually discouraged me from doing it. However, it could help you get hired somewhere else in acute care if you have experience doing operative reports. I saw that as the only possible benefit.

Definitiely - poohella

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Oh I know, I don't trust they will automatically give it to me that's why I'm not wanting to test up unless I really have to or the rate change is guaranteed, in writing. I'm fine with my level now, except for the rate, can't imagine that tier 3 people are overwhelmed with work, they are probably out too and NJA plus learning a new thing are not a good combination. Funny thing though my manager told me she would have to do an audit first and haven't heard anything since, that was probably 2 weeks ago.

it IS bait and switch - sm

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just for the heck of it, ask someone directly what the MME rates are, and ask if you can simply remain an MT and forego the "promotion".

check out post from earlier this month... - sm

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from a poster contacted about testing for MME.

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