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curious about something,,,again - sm

Posted: May 28, 2013

As I just got of a dictation with variable volumes and of course the eventual hang up with the loud dial tone, seems to me we could make a real good case for a worker's comp hearing loss problem. Not so much to collect now but to make an argument that they need to fix the volume on the system and maybe actually train the doctors to dictate correctly or be liable for lawsuits before we all go deaf. Too late for me, the ringing is staggering at this point. Thoughts anyone

Yeah, good luck with that . . . - anon

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I am sure the "company" would find a way to win this one. They have the money to fight it and we certainly do not.

I am SO glad you posted about this - sm

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I have been known to yell a blue streak while I'm dictating when all of a sudden the dictator decides to either speak a lot more loudly or put the mouthpiece (which HAD been at least a foot away from their face) right up against their mouth. Or they're very low talkers, but then they cough without moving the phone away from their mouths. That can be quite painful.

It all comes down to common courtesy and consideration. Your hearing is nothing to mess with, so at the very least we should send off an email to our supervisors (now why haven't I done that before???) and ask them to request that the facility advise their dictating providers about this issue.

Very true most people really don't realize - sm

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what they are doing and how much it hurts. Mine are damaged from my last job and life's stupid moments in general, but this one is making it soo much worse. At times it is actually painful.

I get those kinds of dictations, and I can tell my - hearing has been diminishing. (SM)

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A few years ago, I always had my TV volume set at around 13, maybe 15 max. Now, I can't hear it unless its up at around 20-22. (Same TV all these years, too).

I also now have to have the PC sound control all the way to the top, and the dictation software marker a few notches above where it was as recently as last year. My ears ring all the time, too.

I've had doctors who whisper as if they don't want anyone else around them to hear what they're dictating (which then includes the transcriptionist, too!). Then, out of the blue, they'll cough so loud, or slam the receiver down so hard, that it's physically painful. On more than one occasion, I've had one of those "noise bombs" set off a migraine that rendered me unable to work for the remainder of the day.

I don't listen to loud music or attend rock concerts (who can afford it?), and there is no deafness in my family. I KNOW where my hearing deficit has come from: MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION.
seems to me a letter to OSHA would help - they regulate everything else.
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