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Concern over supplemental Insurance deadlines !! - AnnieOakley

Posted: Aug 28, 2012

This is what I understand to be true: If we had supplemental insurance through Alpha Staff, such as Critical Accident, Cancer Insurance, Short Term Disability, etc., the expiration of this coverages ends this Friday, August 31. I have spoken with Colonial , the company we are supposed to call to discuss new coverage, this morning.  They told me they are waiting on "something" from our company before they can give quotes or put us in the system individually. It sounds like if we get a call on Friday with the rates, we will not have time to shop it.  I don't get it. Getting down to the wire.  Has anyone else addressed this or found out anything else?

Have you emailed and called every suit? Nobody here can do - anything about this. Email/call management. nm

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supplemental - oldone

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I thought the supplemental, etc., (all but medical which is going to BC/BS of MA), had an end date of 12/31/2012. The medical changes on 09/01/2012. Check with HR on this. If I am wrong, then ARRRGGGGGGHHHHH, I can't decide this quick.

This is all very confusing, as usual with this company. sm - anon

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I thought only medical insurance coverage had to be chosen now and that the supplemental coverages would have another open enrollment in the fall. Have had much trouble during open enrollments with this company. Thoroughly disgusted with both Nuance and AlphaStaff and how they handle so-called benefits.

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