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anyone else having major issues with DQS7? - trouble

Posted: Jul 31, 2012

will not let me edit a job.  its terrifying.  ughhhh. I want dqs 6.1 back.

I just want all this crap off the screen - and just have my typing screen

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Why on earth I need to see such a big QA not box when there is nothing in there is beyond me.

I hate it. I dont think this is an upgrade at all.

You can minimize the QA box - North MT

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If you click in the QA box and hit escape it should minimize. You can also unpin the stuff on the left side- the headings, profile, standards which should give you more typing room.

thanks, I tried that but it did not work - so...

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I shrunk the size way down with the drag, but everytime I do anything, it changes back to original size.

I would unpin the other stuff also, but how do I get it back.

Still havent heard about training pay, and I think it sucks that there are all these problems and we should have to just work around them instead of them being fixed. Now my production is so low, and have to work on a crap program. I just dont understand this company. Supposedly merging all over the place for the TECHNOLOGY, but we still get the shaft.
Hang in there - North MT
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I know the QA box can be minimized and I know escape is the key. You can also try Ctrl-Alt-Q to actually get in the box and then hit escape. I have no idea about the drag.

As far as the unpinned stuff, the tags still stay along the left side. You can click on them to make them big and then click on the pin to make them stay when you need them or you can access them with Ctrl-H for headings, Ctrl-S for standards or F5 for the client profile and then just hit escape for them to go back.

As far as training pay, each CCM and team is different. We got a week with 1 extra cpl per line and I actually made decent money that week because it was all typing. Some teams got 4 weeks, some got none.

Hang in there. It does get easier.
where is the pin - I dont see a pin
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I moved the ADT data to the top, and now I have to scroll to see the patient name. I dont like it on the side, so I am stuck. I dont see any underlined stuff so I know what to use ALT + (?) to do anything, so now I am stuck using the mouse again, which is slowing me way down. Also, nothing looks lined up anymore. Its all a big mess.
It looks like a thumbtack - North MT
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On the left side when you have your headings, CP or standards out on the upper right hand corner is a thing that looks like a thumbtack. If you click on it the point will move from facing left to facing down and the box will be "pinned." I use the feature when I have a report that has mandatory headings or when I have an unfamiliar client profile so the information is right there on the screen with me. Otherwise I just "unpin" the box and use the larger typing screen.

As far as the ADT data, I just left mine on the side so I can't help you there. Mostly the ALT keys are for the stuff across the top, Edit, Tools, etc. and the demographics screen. Not much for the typing screen. I have been using the F1 feature which gives a list of all the keyboard short cuts to help me find what I need.
I dont have a thumbtack - but thanks for helping
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I am not sure why I dont get a thumbtack, but there is not one there.
Is there different versions? I dont have a - thumbtack either!
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I am wondering if there are different versions to this program, cause why do you have a thumbtack and I dont?
Here's how - anon
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Go to Tools, Options, and View. Then click on "Auto hide bottom panel group."

You always use the Help too on the top of the screen to find out things. There are very detailed instructions there.

You can get it off your screen by - clicking on tools then options and

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under the view tab select "always at the top" and then you can click to "auto-hide bottom panel group".

that will get rid of everything but the client specifics which will continue to display on the left side.

If you want to get rid of that too simply click "auto-hide left panel group" and when you need to view client specs then you can simply hit F5 to bring it back temporarily.

You can also re-size the client profile box to make it skinnier.

I set my font size to a 50 by going under tools, options and then the editor tab. Making the font larger helped me to focus more on my typing screen and kind of drowns out the client specifics on the left.

I agree - trouble

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I minimize that box as far as I can go. I see it all as a setback, I was trying to hang in there until ASR went out of control. I had 1 ugly problem and told they are known issues and there is a new upgrade coming and now this. I cannot even edit.

No up arrow - sm

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I wasn't even in an ASR report and I couldn't use my up arrow for one report. I didn't realize how much I used it until I needed it. It's back to normal now but what a pain.

Red headings - NY MT

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DQS7 adds red headings in the middle of a paragraph such as when the dictator says "the patient's past medical history." It highlights past medical history in red and capitalized like it is a heading. So frustrating to have to take the time to remove this. I agree also no commas. The number/bullets don't work either. In a line of diagnoses for instance maybe 2 out of a list of 10 doesn't even have a bullet beside it.

Really liked DQS6 better. My production has gone way down just by having to deal with all these issues. O

So frustrating. I e-mailed Support and they said to enter a Remedy ticket for these issues.

the spacing goes nuts also - sm

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in the middle of a sentence all the sudden it drops it down to the next line when there is more then enough room for it to fit..If I want to take the time to fix it, I have to go back to the previous line and retype the exact same thing and sometimes it fixes itself..In other words screw it, not wasting my time..Otherwise other then like I us the letter "T" for the and if you use it at the beginning of a sentence it comes out all capped.. overall, I kind of like it better but maybe I was just bored to tears with the other, you know like a 2 year old, change of scenery holds my attention :-0

Definitely a glitch - Use Ctrl-G

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Don't ask why this works, but use Ctrl-G to attach your cursor to the voice. When you need to edit an arrow key will detach the cursor. After a few times the glitch will be fixed and your up arrow key should work just fine. Another one of those things that will be fixed in the update.

You should have gotten a list of known problems and how to fix them. The scrolling feature was definitely on that list along with many others. Work in progress apparently.

I don't know why they are having so much trouble programming it. Sounds like - they just turned DQS into Cornerstone. NM

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Why keep adding regions to DQ7 - if it has so many glitches

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makes no sense to me. You'd think they'd try to fix it before turning everybody loose on it with so many things screwy about it.

Because they spent money on it! - anon

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This is classic bad management behavior. They spend money on a new project that doesn't work but they still put it into effect, because they spent money on it. It's a type of programmed behavior of bad managers.
Forgot to say - anon
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That's my one hope with JPMorgan taking over (albeit infinitely small), is that they will fire most of the middle and senior management of MModal (as often happens in these situations) and they will put competent managers in. JPMorgan generally has very sophisticated management (except they did lose 2 billion a couple of months ago on a miscalculated trade). Hopefully they will bring better management to MModal. And maybe, again though I doubt it, they may have a better 401K plan and possibly stock option plan for us.

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