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Why are we threatened about changing our schedules when there (sm) - broke

Posted: May 18, 2013

is no work, and now that work has picked up there will be mandatory schedule changes????  I really resent being punished for the company's work-flow issues.  It's bad enough that they throw a ridiculous amount of accts with different profiles at us and at the same time expect perfect work but charge us to use QA and constant reminders that corporate is looking at our line counts.  My stomach is contantly in knots while I'm working so why would I even want to put in any extra time?  I just had a string of some very bad dictators and had to send almost all to QA and just feeling sick to my stomach and feeling like I'm being set up to fail by this company.  Thanks for letting me vent..... 

Threatened...agree with you completely. - Nice

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I also feel as though we are set up to fail. I was told if unsure of picking an encounter in the data field, to leave it out. So I did and then on a recent audit, that was considered an error, and not putting in the DOS was a critical error. Really? Once upon a time this kind of thing didn't matter (way back). But I can imagine some people reading this and thinking, well times have changed, bla bla bla. But they truly do look for excuses to not give raises, to fire, etc....
Critical errors could be avoided if the "critical" information was embedded in the report when we get it! It should not be our responsibility! Times have changed! With today's technology this can be avoided. But then we wouldn't have as many critical errors, would we?

MM doesnt need reason or excuse to do whatever they want. - They just do it. Why do you think SM

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they would need a reason?

They need a reason to justify, to pacify.... - Nice

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and for any other excuse that might be needed for whatever reason. Plus, I don't know why some people worry about collecting Unemployment after being fired. First of all, just telling the UE Dept that we can't "prove" everything, or some "reason" for being fired, because it's illegal to print/show medical documents that could/would show the proof. That's a great "excuse" on our side. Even this corrupt company needs rules/excuses or whatever you want to call it, to show that they conduct business professionally and fairly...which they do not!
I just want to be left alone to do my work the way I do it best. sm - broke
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They are paying a level of mgmt to monitor our keystrokes or how many times we use our mouse. We all have our own way of doing things and if we make our line count and producing good quality of work why does it matter? It's quite ridiculous really when you think about the conditions we have to work with.
I agree... - even a sweatshop worker
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in Bangladesh is provided a sewing machine without rusty gears and dull needles so she can turn out so many pieces of cheap clothing in an hour. Look at the rotten tools they have provided us in our sweatshops.
You work at home - Anonymous
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If that is a sweatshop, that is not your employer's fault.
Wow..well, I feel like a sweatshop worker when - broke
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I am aching from typing for hours but if I take a break I won't make my line count because I have an extremely difficult acct with horrible, horrible dictators! Some have been told to punch out if you have to pee. I refuse to do that. If we punch out every time we take our hands off the keyboard, we would have to make time up at the end of our shift and I actually have a life after my shift. My son comes home from school right in the middle of my shift and some days I can't take a minute to talk to him about his day because I won't make my line count. We work at home, yes, but when you have a strict schedule and a line count minimum and have to be 99.5 or above 100% of the time with crap that is thrown at us, yes it is a sweatshop and I know it is not my fault.
When they are measuring - mouse clicks
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and every second we are actively doing something in a report, that contributes to a "sweatshop" mentality, although I fully realize we have it much better than people in real sweatshops.

I do agree that they have given us very poor tools to get the job done. Just imagine if you were a carpenter and someone gave you a rusty old handsaw and said cut such and such crazy amount of perfectly cut boards in an hour. Only the most desperate worker would put up with this.
No, they dont. They just fire, send OS, cut pay and dont need - a reason. And Med Recs wont prove Sm
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a case for UE. Emails, pay stubs showing time worked and amount earned, copies of IMs if your team does that and screen shots of taking work availability will prove anything you might need for UE. As far as running business fairly and professionally, what compnay do you know that does that? Very few. MM doesnt need to justify to anyone, particularly us, how they do business.
No, they don't....There ARE fair companies. - Nice
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The medical records COULD dispute the critical errors-thing, but this is not worth arguing about. I really don't know how many companies are "fair," but I know of some. My son, for example, works for a great company and he loves his job, gets great pay, benefits, can be late with no problem, etc. ALSO, I didn't mean MM has to justify anything to us, just in general, just in case.
As I posted, very few good companies. Does son - work for MTSO? nm
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companies...son - Nice
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Of course he doesn't work for an MTSO. Is that what you mean...that there are few fair MTSOs? Because then you are correct. But in other careers many people have many great jobs.

They are setting us up to - fail...

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and also setting up CYA for the clueless suits who foisted this mess on us. Something is going on, because on my accounts the work has nearly quadrupled overnight. This might be a good time for a "celebration" of MT week by those of us who can by getting "sick" for a few days.

set up to fail- - agree

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I work for a different company but feel I am set up to fail also. They have all the angles covered, and I feel like I'm in a no-win situation with no work, line counts, getting hours in. My stomach is constantly in knots as I work, too.

Sorry to post on this company board, but it helps to know I am not being paranoid in this Catch-22 called MT.

I get emails stating how everyone with the company but a few are making their line counts and getting 40 hours a week in, even going over and beyond. I would love to know the truth of how many people are actually doing that, since I'm on about 8 accounts and am sometimes lucky to get part-time hours in.

Forget the low pay and unreal expectations put forth by these companies. What burns me the most are the manipulation and mind games these companies play. And I am convinced this is not just paranoia on my part.

set up to fail, oldest trick in the book - Nice

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You work at home so how can they prove that others aren't in your shoes? So they lie and make you feel like you are not doing as well. Classic manipulation, intimidation. I love working at home but the down side is we can never band together and move things in our favor.
I agree. Although the industry has changed, if we (sm) - broke
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were not isolated at home, I believe we would not have had the extreme paycuts, unrealistic expectations, etc. that we are all forced to deal with. I used to love working from home but now I feel like a prisoner in this office and the flexibility that I used to have is now gone. I actually had more flexibility in all the office jobs that I had prior to working from home. So sad.

What mind games. MM for one will tell ya right out they send OS, - they have very high expectations and low pay. nm

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They moved some work back from India - because it was late nm

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Another example of how they cant do away with us. I think a lot - of MTs post this. MMEs know how

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bad OS is and why MM cannot do away with MMEs at least. Which is why they are pushing for many to take test to be MME. MTs are posting from just their viewpoint, never seeing the quality of OS.

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