Hello everyone. If anyone has any tips on how to stay on task it would be appreciated. I know this topic has been discussed before, but I wanted some different ideas. Thanks! ...
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with/power through horrendous audio quality reports? We have had these reports on my primary account for 2 months now and my company refuses to do anything about them. I turn the volume all the way up and still can barely hear the dictator over all the static. I struggle to figure out what they are saying, but I find myself "checking out" and losing focus and motivation to get through these reports after a while. How does everyone else do it? ...
It just seems like it would save a step, as far as billing goes, the M.D. would get reimbursed more quickly.
Insurance companies may even pay MTs more?
Wouldn't this have substantial savings in administrative and other costs? They would not have to keep trimming back on their transcription costs by lowering the MT pay rates. ...
Indian MTs are being started at $40/week which is not a living wage even in India. At that rate, MM can go through many layers of QA in India and still spend much less than they would using Americans. They will replace as many US MTs as they possibly can, keeping Americans only if requested by the client. They will find any excuse they can to do this. The only hope is if clients are dissatisfied with the quality of the work and take steps to correct it. There have b ...
Hoping everyone has found new and happy homes. Frightening to think we can so easily lose our job (through no fault of our own). I understand it was not just new people hired for that specific account but some of you had been there a while and were put on it and got zapped. I thought of asking for transfer to it simply because it was a large account. Wow, I dodged that bullet. Sorry you were not as lucky.
Best of luck to you (and the rest of us). ...
I have been through this several times before and I know the signs. Work levels start to drop inexplicably for prolonged periods. People get fired for specious reasons, the petty harrassment starts, another way to lessen your workforce before... what? I feel something really, really bad coming our way, either offshoring, VR and cut in wages, getting sold, or all three. It is no more business as usual here, something is up, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed. Be ...
they can count me out. When I feel like part of a team & am asked nicely to help when they're backlogged, I'm more than happy to help. I think the power goes to some of their heads. We're not children... ...
Dear Alice,
You are aware that you are not, in fact, the owner of the platforms as mentioned in your ad, right? We are not that naive
"MT Force Communications, which owns our well-known and widely-used platforms, eScription, Dictaphone Enterprise Speech System and Beyond TXT." ...
I read a post here referencing an article about MM building a new facility and hiring hundreds of Indian nationals by the end of this year. Could someone please send me that link or article so I can print it for the unemployment office so I can apply for retraining? or at least look into retraining? THANKS ...
This doctor clearly dictates the word, E force, but I can't document it anywhere. He dictates it in the following sentences.
(1) "He has no neurocognitive slowing. E force consistent with medication compliance with the Xanax 0.5 mg b.i.d."
(2) "He has a clear sensorium. E force is checked."
Thank you very much for your help. ...