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Today's the day, and so it begins ... 99.7% - NM

Posted: Apr 01, 2014


Good luck - Everyone!

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Remember everyone ... NO OBSESSING - anon

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Do the best you can. That is all you can do. The tip offered yesterday for a way to quickly search the Client Profile is a good one. There are other good ones posted as well.

But ... whatever you do, DON'T OBSESS. When we obsess we're focusing on mistakes more than we are on the document itself and we tend to make more mistakes when we're fixated on them. Just relax, give the best document you know how to give and do your best work with every report ... then at the end of the work day, put it ALL behind you and know that you've done your best. Most importantly, know in your heart of hearts that if they honestly want to get rid of you as an employee, they will find a way to do it and if it's not one way it will be another.

Allowing this company to stress us into emotional sickness or health problems gives them ALL the power over us. Take some of that back and stop allowing their bullying to control your life. Stop obsessing about this ridiculous number.

not for me - see message

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I wasn't informed by my supe, so it must not apply to me.

Of course, all the reports I get today are - s

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ones I'm not familiar with! ugghhhh

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