A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Some seem to think MQ door is KEEPING them from family time, decent - pay, holidays off. Should be seeing SM

Posted: Oct 26, 2010

that door as an entry way to better things. Go through it to another job, one that fits you and your family better.  They are out there but it is not fun or easy to find them.  Some, it seems, would rather stay put and whine rather than go after what they want and deserve.  If it is worth having, be it a better job, better life, whatever, it is not gonna be handed to you and if it is worth it to you, it is worth working for.

Don't generalize - SM

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You can't forget that everyone is not young or even in their 50s. There are lots of people who worked for this company for many years when it was good. You can't imagine what it feels like to have the floor fall out from under you and no longer be able to support yourself when you are a few years from retirement. Not everyone can go to school again and start over. Don't lump every single person into one group. Our health, eyesight, energy level, etc. begins to decline as well.

As posted elsewhere, you can be a victim or not. No matter what - age, it is a choice YOU make. nm

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Baloney -- I have been applying. Been turned - down flat every time.

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I am more qualified and certainly have better work ethic than the young applicants, but just never seem to get hired. I don't blame them; I wouldn't hire me either. I have a higher chance of getting ill and, even if that does not happen, I still have less time left in the workforce than a younger candidate.

Blinded - SM

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What a very narrow-minded reply. Tunnel vision is usually through ignorance or immaturity not to mention a lack of compassion.

Victim post is TRUE. Who but you can make you a victim. It is - tunnel vision to not see there is a way out, if yo

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To finish above ---- if you choice to take it. - nm
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To correct above----- choose, not choice. - nm
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How can it be tunnel vision to be told dont victimize yourself? - Explore possiblities, open your eyes. nm

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Don't Assume - Lovetotype

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Of course there are other companies and other professions, but that is not the issue or the solution. The worst part, in my opinion, is that no one is speaking to us or telling us what is going on. I am a loyal employee. I love my job. But I have no idea what is happening. I do know that we have to go through 2 more months of NJA and wonder, hope and pray things will be different after the first of the year. But make no mistake, the real problem is that there is no work for all the people they have hired and no one is explaining to us what is going on.

What do you mean going to other MTSO is not the solution?? It is - the ONLY solution if you listen to all here. nm

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Yeah...those having a hard time - are all just whining and

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waiting for someone to hand us something.

None of us are doing anything about it at all.

None of us are sending out resumes, putting in applications, and going on job interviews. Right?

Like me, for example.

I've been on 6 interviews (NONE of them in MT, because not only do I want out of MQ, I want out of this business).

I apply for jobs every single day. I send out resumes every.single.day.

I can still come to this board, though, and voice my total disdain for MQ and the horrid way they treat us and the fact that I haven't been paid properly in 3 months now, right?

Oh, wait. Somehow that makes me a victim. Never mind then. Apparently getting things off my chest or seeing if I'm the only one experiencing things is not allowed...according to some.

NO. If you are taking steps to leave you are NOT a victim. Proactive. - You all seem to love wallowing in self pity. nm

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Whooosh - over your head

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YOU make no sense, Using these cutsey catch-all - phrases just show you have no original thoughts. n
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responders to Some seem to think - whatever

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Hey guys, don't waste your time responding to this obvious trouble maker. She obviously just likes to STIR things up.

Does it make you uncomforable being faced with the truth only you - can make a victim of you? nm

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It depends on the situation. - mom2huskies

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There are some MTs who are hanging on until they can retire because they only have a couple years. Also there may not be a lot of jobs depending on where you live so it may take longer to find something.

I am trying to get out of transcription completely as I feel that is the best option. The job market is tough but I will keep looking until I find something.

But, people do need to vent to relieve pressure as working for MQ can be a lot of stress.

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