A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Quit watching the game - and DICTATE!!!

Posted: Jan 19, 2014

That drives me crazy!!! Long pause .....Manning....Denver.......blah blah

Oh, this reminds me - see msg

[ In Reply To ..]
I had an ASR report one time a few years ago, where the doc stopped dictating on the patient, but kept talking to co-workers about this team, that team, the scores, everything. All that horrible mess was in the document, and I had the darndest time trying to figure out where the heck I was in the report when he finally came back to the patient report.

But, the people who make us edit this stuff, don't worry about those things.

I think we are typing the same doc - He drives me nuts

[ In Reply To ..]
Oh my gosh, I have a doctor who every Sunday and Monday just fades off during his dictation because he is watching football. He doesn't finish sentences, screws things up...drives me up the wall.

Either that or he is talking to his dog, wife, and whoever else (hello HIPAA?) and that drives me nuts too.

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