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Getting back in the game? - LB

Posted: Jun 13, 2010

So, I'm thinking of getting back into MT.  Lots of reasons to do so, but its been around 5 years, and I'm worried there are all kinds of meds, equipment, and changes that I'll feel lost and overwhelmed - again.


Read the boards here and decide. - Think About It

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There may be more reasons not to get back in the game. You may be overwhelmed at all the work you have to put into it with no reward at all in terms of a paycheck.

I say get out - MT trying to get out

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your running shoes and RUN the other way!!!!!!

Just got back in 2 years ago - Karen

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I just got back in to MT 2 years ago after working in an office many years. Don't be discouraged by the boards. If you have been out of it for awhile it will take a LONG time before the novelty of working in your PJs and not having to watch every word you say because you might offend some coworker will wear off!

Definitely do read the boards though, because you do have to watch your back before you sign a contact! And of course it helps if you don't go into it expecting to make a ton of money *wink*

I was also afraid of being "rusty" but I aced the first test I took (though I'll admit it took me awhile to look things up!)

Depending on where you end up working and the platform compatibility, I'd recommend getting the Stedman's spellchecker. I know it is a tad expensive but it has been worth its weight in gold time wise for me! I just guess at the spelling of a word I don't know and then let the spell checker make suggestions for me! Anything else I can find using google really. Their search engine is awesome for finding things that you spell out phonetically. But if you get the yearly Stedman's upgrade you'll stay up to date with the new meds and terms. I must say, besides the platform technologies, I was surprised at how little had changed!!

Besides, starting any new doctor is time consuming, it doesn't matter how long you've been typing. But depending on how fast you learn, I'd say in as little as a week or two you'll see your speed pick up. It will be just like riding a bike! Good luck!

My opinion - MT

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I say that it depends on your personal situation. If you need the job in order to provide the basics for yourself, I suggest that you have a backup plan.

While it is always a good idea to not have all your eggs in one basket, if you can find an MT job that works full-time for you, great. If not, it may be possible to find a part-time situation to bring in a little extra money, while still advancing your education or maintaining a job in another career. MT work could be used as a means to an end, with your goal being something else in the future.

Obviously, again, the decision is yours and is based on your individual situation. However, it IS possible to return after a five-year absence. If your plan is to work from home, the outcome will be best if you are able to find a good company with good and accurate pay, good accounts and helpful, positive management. Unfortunately, such online jobs in MT are rather difficult to find these days, or so it seems.

Thanks for the feedback - LB

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I appreciate this everyone.

back in the game? - denim

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ITA with a previous poster - if you're willing to devote time and energy to more learning, and do ESL's, and new specialities, you've got a chance. I currently have plenty of work, but I've spent several hours every week for years, reading and keeping up with the new stuff. Good luck!!

The employers are getting pickier, so it's a good idea to review and update your skills - sm

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I've seen some MTs who had limited skills that they had been getting by on for years, and now they lost those jobs and can't find anything to replace them. On the other hand, I've seen some that have kept up and are able to do more specialties, the Big 4, clinics, etc., and they have more job offers than they can use. I have seen people post here on the forum that they don't have enough work and I personally know people who are being overworked and asked to work overtime. It's a VERY MIXED BAG out there.

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