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OMG, I am deciphering the worst SLOP - Slurring, Drunken Dictation

Posted: May 12, 2015

this morning, one right after another.  Think BR is stacking the deck this morning.  I am THISCLOSE to telling them I QUIT.  GIGO!!!!!

OK I know it probably wont do any good but - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
How bout we make a generic word document complaining about the dictators, you know save it and just fill in the blanks..and send it on every single crappy dictator to every single boss type in the POD..May not do any good but at least they will have to delete our emails all the time, kind of like the mandatory OT emails I keep having to delete..Flood the system so to speak

SLOP - mhm

[ In Reply To ..]
I have gotten to the point I don't care. I will leave blank after blank if they cannot speak coherently. I dare them to say something to me about the blanks, I'm prepared to tell them to take it up w/the client as that's the problem, not us MTs. If they can't speak clearly, then they're going to get blanks; simple as that.

Absolutely, I leave a ton of blanks - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
But if they are consistently flooded with emails...Then it becomes a thorn in their side,,,besides, if you save those emails to a file, you have evidence of why you left the blanks and that no one ever does anything to help..So, if they fire you, helps with U/E, besides just being a general pain in the butt, which is my specialty.

ton of blanks - mhm

[ In Reply To ..]
Great advice about saving the emails to a file! Thank you. Totally agree! :)

How many of us are there? - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Can you imagine the inboxes being flooded if we all started sending bad dictator, bad audio emails? Worth the extra time to me

SLOP - tl

[ In Reply To ..]
There's one on my account too - maybe it's the same guy - who always seems drunk or drugged and doesn't care. BTW, the "O" in SLOP could be "obnoxious."

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