A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Let the debate begin - lovemydane

Posted: Mar 20, 2015

Here's my dilemma.  QA/audit/whatever says that Alzheimer disease is the proper usage.  Webmd, Mayo, NIH, and the disease webites, alz.com Alzheimer's website says it is Alzheimer's disease.  Same thing with Parkinson's (pdf.org), Crohn's (CCFA.org) etc., etc.  Always the apostrophe regardless.  What is everyone else doing and have you been corrected one way or the other? 

Well, the TSG says - flynfngrz

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Transcribe eponyms without the possessive form. Examples: Down syndrome, Raynaud disease. Exception: When an eponym is not followed by a noun (e.g., disease following Raynaud), use the possessive form, e.g., Past medical history is significant for Alzheimer�s. For her Crohn�s, the patient will be treated with Pentasa.
The adjective forms of eponyms are never capitalized. Examples: parkinsonian or pickwickian.
Do not use an apostrophe. Examples: Kellys were used during the operation. The Smiths were invited to participate.

Its in the style guide under eponyms - tootsie

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I agree it looks dumb, but that is what they want.

Always go by the TSG - sm

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Throw everything else away. In order of importance (if you can't find what you are looking for in one, go to the next):
1. CP.
2. DQS Standards and Guidelines
3. Transcription Style Guide

If you can't find it anywhere in the above, then use other sources. These are exactly what the auditors and QA go by. If you don't have the DQS S&G or TSG, go to the MModal employee site and download them. They will be your bibles at this company.

For this company, there's no debate. - Slave

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At MM, it is no apostrophe. Whatever is in the TSG is what they go by.

No debate... no apostrophe. Been that way a while. - nm

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This was changed a couple of years back at - least. No debate that I see.

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