A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Im sick of people saying I lost my job can you hook me up? - tired

Posted: Feb 29, 2012

People think we are a bunch of morons that type what we hear...This job is not easy, I wish I could legally say here listen to this and type it...do you still want this job?  The thousand or so dollars I have invested in reference material (especially pre google years) and I still dont trust google totally..I still takle pride in my job and would never do anything to compromise patient care, although it would be very easy to not go the extra half hour or so to go searching through the mess they made of docqmanage...What a cluster that is,,,if you hit F5 to search the samples, which are often wrong or not there, then it completely signs you out of the other search and you have to enter all your info again..They have made this job almost impossible..And I am convinced that if they didnt allow the Indians on the reports that we ASR train, they would be 100% better..You can almost tell..things look relatively good and you dont get a report from so and so for a while then you get one back and your starting from scratch..They did a test to see if the foreigners could do this without USA help..Just my opinion...Im frustrated as you can tell

The problem - is

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the skilled transcriptionists have let these companies downgrade our worth. We are accepting what they are doing to us and not fighting back. They have convinced everyone that they don't need us when we know otherwise. Why are people accepting the low wages for VR?

If everyone would stop and realize that they cannot do it without us and fight back, they would have to do something. They, though they like to make you believe they can, cannot do it without us. F11 every report that does not meet up to what you were promised, twice as much work, which is most of them. this stuff is trash and if you keep doing it and whining just about it, it is going to keep going on.

We have them by the balls whether they think so or not and transcriptionists need to take their profession back. There is no program out there that can do it without you, whether they claim there is or not. Many, many doctors do not want point and click and some of them are fighting back also by refusing to use it. Come on people, take our profession back and fight for yourselves. Don't buckle under. Don't let them demean our worth because they cannot do it without us.

I truly believe the majority of people working for MQ are unhappy - ...they just dont know what to do about it.

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It's a shame really, with all the knowledge we possess as a group, that we can't make something happen to change our situation.

We need a Norma Rae.

Why don't all of - us

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be Norma Rae? Frankly, I won't do ASR and haven't since it came out. Just won't do it. I've been threatened and tell them go for it and I'm still working. When they cut their pay in half, I'll cut my pay in half. When they come up with something that does what they promise, I'll do it and not until then. I'm just one and I'm sure there are others that won't do it. The problem is that everybody else is doing it. You don't need Norma Rae or a union, you just need to not do it. If everybody just on this board would stop doing it, it would catch on. Tell people you know not on this board and it will spread. Don't be scared, be proud that you have a skill that not a lot of people can do and don't let software companies that are trying to get rich off your backs get away with it. Only you can decide if you want to control your life or if you are going to let them take you down. Frankly, the company or the Indians can't do this job without us and you know it, no matter what they try to tell you.
by not doing it do you mean F11 all of it?? crap I got nutting to lose at this point - sick and tired
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What the hell, so they fire me..Big whoppie do, Im making like 8 bucks an hour...I think Burger King pays more.
Yes, that's what I - mean
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F11 all jobs that you can not do in twice the amount of time, as promised. You are correct, what do you have to lose? A minimum wage job where they treat you like s**t. I noticed on the email today from the company they were talking about what an outstanding job their upper people did selling the product and thanked them. Do you ever get thanked for putting those big bucks in their pockets. No, we get thanked by pay cuts and garbage ASR. Honestly, I was scared too,but I decided that I am not going to live with the stress of ASR and my paycheck getting smaller and smaller because of that trash. I am still here.
well I don't F11 but - slave wages
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I take out the ROS and PE on most of them and type them back in. It's too much trouble to fix those.
sure you dont do ASR - whatever
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That is impossible. If you F11 every report, they will fire you. I need a job. I am not Norma Rae, I have to have food to put on the table, I have to have insurance, I have to have a roof over my head, and I have to support my family. You refuse to do ASR and you lose your job. How can you pass out that advice to anyone?
All I get is ASR..maybe 500 lines reg during a payperiod - sick and tired
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same here, and I refused to do ASR also. - got me pretty far, hey
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I also refused to work weekends and here I am working on weekends.

They grab ahold and twist till you puke.
Twist back - and
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puke on them! As far as weekends, that is the nature of the beast. I have always worked weekends.

ASR, however, is the creation of software companies to make money off our backs.
Why would they fire - me
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They need me and they need you, you just believe the garbage they tell you. No one said you have to F11. Don't, continue to get lousy pay and degraded by this company. I need food on my table too, but I'm not going to put up with being treated like the trash ASR puts out.
you think they need you - i have friends who were let go
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One for not meeting schedule, and one for using F11. One was able to find another job making a lot less, and the other is still looking, 5 months later.

You think you are not replaceable... they are paying the Indians 1 and 2 cpl! They can get 4 for the price of 1!

Not telling you what to do, but I watch my own back because I like clothes to drape over it.

Your 1 million times right...I tried a couple of years ago - jh

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to rally transcriptionists to stop this outsourcing crap..I had about 20 people respond..It would take at least 10 in each state to even begin to get this mess cleared up..I agree they cant do it without us, I have had docs tell me the Indian stuff is a load of crap and they are tired of fixing it...So,,,next step please, cause I am on board 100%

it takes an army and an union.nm - waiting for the tides to turn

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The problem is - redmaj

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I am just wondering how much hospitals are saving, or think they are saving, but outsourcing the Med.Trans. departments. I cannot see how they are saving any money. Keeping the work in-house there would be less mistakes, easier access to the source, the doctors themselves, and fellow transcriptions 2 feet away from you to get feedback. Just wondering what happened???

Hospitals cutting costs - reason for outsourcing

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They outsource their transcription dept to cut cost. In my dept there were 18 of us. They literally told us at our last meeting that by outsourcing our dept they can save by not having to pay insurance etc.

Also, there was no one in our dept that made less than $20 an hour and we had guaranteed incentive as long as you met production.

So just not having to pay our salary alone saved them $2,764,800 per yr and thats just an estimate.

Not to mention maintainence/upgrades for software equipment, health insurance etc.

Not saying its right or a huge savings compared to paying an MTSO, but that is exactly the reason why they outsource; to cut costs.

The problem is - Emerald

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Okay, so how do we do it?

I think - fear is

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everyone's worst enemy. I know people are scared of being without a job. But are you willing to work for free? That is just about what this job has become since ASR came out. Someone further below says I am insane to tell you folks how to cheat the system. I'm not telling anyone to do anything. I am just suggesting a massive group using F11 on jobs that are not what they promised, which in my case is most of them. There are a lot of people that come to this site and if everybody started doing it, they cannot fire everybody.

Our skills are valuable. Do you see some of the reports that come out of India or even this place because you miss stuff in the ASR because you are so stressed about doing a good job versus earning a paycheck?

I just refuse to take it any longer and haven't for a long time. People just need to stand their ground and let them know you are not going to do ASR unless they either pay you more, a lot more, or they give you a product that does what they promised it would do. I've been posting this message for a long time and have been doing what I suggest everyone else do and I am still here. I make myself a valuable employee in every other way as far as work when they need me, work odd shifts and put out quality work. To the one below that said they don't need me, they are wrong. They need me and every other MT that puts out quality work or they will lose accounts. Nothing against the new people, but so many of the experienced MTs are leaving and it is up to the new people and the Indians and, trust me, they need all of you experienced MTs. there is a lot of OT lately because it is finally starting to catch up with them with all the people leaving the field and this company.

You need to do what you need to do and I am doing what I need to do (actually told a supervisor that one time when they threatened me with corrective action). Just do what you need to do and if you decide to stick up for yourself, I promise you that you will feel good about yourself. There are so many beaten up people in this field and it is horrible that these software companies are doing this to us. We are highly skilled and I won't let them beat me up.

did MQ do a test regarding the ASR and indians? - USA

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Its been a long time now that I notice ASR will be really good for a while and then all of a sudden its gone crazy, cannot even match 1 entire sentence. I had figured that we trained it and then the indians catch a hold of it again and BINGO its back to square 1.

I trained it originally about 10 years ago... - sick and tired

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I had my accounts so I could basically sleep through the transcription...It was a DREAM..You could tell to the day they let the Indians try it out because it went to hell in no time...And has remained that way ever since

Just so you know..if you do a whole report and decide to F11 it?? - sick and tired

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instead of losing all the work, just make a shortcut..I usually put it under 1 and then pull it in and erase it out of the file...
Can you clarify exactly what you mean by that? - for us noobs?
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Sorry, but I have no clue what the F11 trick is, and what you mean by making it a shortcut, etc.
they must be MME nm - 2 cents
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Dont do it till we find out the whole story,,F11 clears out your report - sick and tired
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and makes it regular transcription..but I understand they monitor this?? Anyone know for sure,,I honestly dont use it often and I never report it like I'm supposed to...anyone know any different
F11 explanation - sm
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If you are in an ASR report, you can push F11 and delete the entire report and type it, getting paid your typing rate instead of ASR rate. The problem with doing this is we are limited to like 10 a month, and they do monitor it. I also believe now you have to open a ticket and get a ticket number and explain why you did it because people were abusing it.

The person is saying to make a shortcut for the report by placing it in an expansion, Ctrl E, in case you have edited the bulk of the report before you decided to do F11, that way you dont lose the entire report and have to do it all again. You can pull in your shortcut, and still get paid the full typing rate.

I would be seriously careful following this advice. I know they monitor the use of F11 and I would hate to see someone get fired for it.
I read the first few lines, If I have to do - more than a couple fixes
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I F11, which in my case is most of them.

To those above who think I'm full of it or you are scared, you are the reason our pay is going to the crapper. I make decent checks and am tired of reading the whining on here. Why not put your energy into doing something about it instead of whining and crying and letting it bring you to tears. I don't mean do it for one day and who cares if they monitor you. Don't buckle under to their threats. They lied to you about that trash they call ASR. They have taken your incentives away, pay cuts along with cutting your pay in half for doing ASR. How much more are you going to take before you fight back?
I agree...but it is all or none..to make a difference - sick and tired
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we are NOT the reason our pay is in the crapper - not a gambler
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You will be fired for it, your time is coming. Telling others to take chances with their job is insane. If you dont like the job, dont do it, but you certainly dont have a right to cheat the system and encourage others to do so.
Their cheating me, I'm not - cheating them
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Don't do it then, and yes you are the reason the pay for this profession has gone to the crapper if you accept it. It gets lower and lower and lower. Nobody's time would have to come if people would get their tails out from between their legs and fight for themselves. If my time ever does come, which I have been doing it for years, then at least I know I didn't take their crap wages and made a decent living while I was here. Frankly, I think it is more insane to work for peanuts.
This may be a stupid question, but - Alias
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If you just highlight the report, and then delete it instead of hitting F11, is it still able to be monitored?
You will only be paid ASR rate for doing that - not typing rate
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I know they have the ability to see everything we do. They can view what was sent to us, and view our changes. I am sure if you highlight and hit delete, it puts everything under a skip marker and they can undo a skip marker. I, however, do not believe they care how we do the ASR report as long as they dont have to pay us the higher wage to do it. Will you be fired for deleting the ASR and typing it at the ASR rate? I sincerely doubt it. The only one who can answer that is the CCM.
Not a stupid question - BUT
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In that case you are not converting it to a straight typing report and therefore will not get straight typing pay for it; you will still get ASR rate.

You have to actually hit F11 to convert the report and recieve typing pay.

Otherwise, you are basically just hiding it under a skip marker and typing it for VR rate.

So to answer your question, I doubt they really care.

The purpose in discouraging the use of F11 is to avoid paying typing rate. They would much rather pay you that 4cpl than 8cpl or whatever it is you make; not to mention, they want you to train their system.

How do you figure its not them..I was making 36K 10 yrs ago - sick and tired
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I made 21 this year...On a steady decline since ASR started..
Someone who works on DocQScribe but not for MM told me how to get around F11 and still type the repo - SM
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What she does is put an @@ sign at the beginning of the ASR-typed dictation, then hit enter a couple times, then just start typing the report as usual. If she runs into something she can't understand, she will scroll down and check what ASR typed to give her a hint.

After she is done with the report, she hits Ctrl-J and jumps to the @@ mark, then highlights the entire ASR portion of the report and hides it under a skip marker.

She said she may be typing the entire report for ASR wages, but she can get more reports done faster this way and thus make a little more money.

Have to admit I've tried this myself and no one has noticed or said anything to me. I still hide the demographic stuff at the top of a report under a skip marker, though.

It's worth a try at least!

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