A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I am so anxious to hear the winners of - the drawing

Posted: Sep 13, 2010

Will they be posted on MQ Central or will winners just be notified by e-mail?


Anyone know how this works?

They should give us all gift cards - NJA Queen

[ In Reply To ..]
Just for the hassle of using the new program. A lot of people weren't even able to upload it on time and some even went back to the old version. Support is backed up on phone calls. Then the new program is running a lot slower and we are losing money. Yeah, they owe us all a gift card.

oh no... that is how they will get around - awarding prizes

[ In Reply To ..]
Do you think that they will not award any prizes now because too many people were not able to download, so they did not get entered, so it was unfair??

Please, do not be true....

I remember MQ was supposed winners for something - and took them 2 weeks. NO MESSAGE TO OPEN

[ In Reply To ..]

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