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How come no work in the morning until around 11:00 and then all of a sudden work - nm

Posted: Feb 21, 2013

I think that is very curious.

I would like to know that also - and...

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Now there are so many people with no work trying to make up their lines, that as soon as the work comes in, it goes out!!!

11 am is peak time for docs to start dictating. - If you have ever worked in a

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hospital you would know that there are certain times during the day where work flow peaks: 11am, 5pm - 8pm are usually peak times.

I don't buy it - mona

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I have been here forever and have worked at a hospital before that. I don't buy that at all

Really? Think about it, not a lot of dictation coming - in between 12am to 6pm. It does

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Physicians usually do not start to dictate until after 9am and by 11am thats when it really picks up. The last hopsital I worked at was like that. But actually, its common sense. Unless its ER notes, you just dont get a lot of dictation between midnight and 6am and even after 6am its not nearly as much as mid-morning/early afternoon. Thats when doctors are making their rounds, dictating procedures, doing admits, diagnostic tests etc. How many patients do you know getting diagnostic tests done between 8pm and 6am? Not a whole lot, its pretty much common sense, but I also speak from my own personal experience.
I do ER reports mostly and just haven't had work when it used to come in - mona
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My main acct is ER so still doesn't make sense to me.
Right, you still just are'nt gonna get much 3rd shift - dictation unless its ER. Mid-morning/early aftern
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when dictation starts to really pick up. Not sure why that does not make sense to you. We live in the US, most people sleep during 3rd shift hours, not a whole lot of activity going on overnight with the exception of emergency room. Really is a no-brainer that work picks up around 11am and early evenings.
If you've worked here for years, though - - sm
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You would know that there was always work at ALL times.
I understand that, but the OP asked why it comes in - at 11 and I answered to my knowledge.
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This is a new thing happening here, worse than it's ever been. Not the norm. - nm

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