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Got e mail to upgrade to 7.2 before saturday, can't wait (not) - min
Posted: Mar 11, 2013Why this stupid upgrade anyway? So sick of these upgrades.
upgrade - corgi
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it really isn't that bad; you get used to seeing the statistics on the ADT screen and you move on; nothing else has changed
Agree easy upgrade - North MT
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There are no videos to watch or passwords to mail in, just click the link and the old program deletes itself and the new program installs. They didn't fix any of the glitches with 7.1 so if you were hoping for that, keep dreaming. The up arrow still stops working, the capitalization feature is still not functioning and any of the other gripes and complaints about 7.1 went into deaf ears apparently.
It is an upgrade with stats visible only Especially since the email yesterday said they were eliminating the Boost emails finally. Thank God. Personally I just enter through the stats screen anyway, keep any eye to make sure my number is above my own personal target and move on. They can stick their suggestions where they are putting the Boost emails and if my lines are not together (meaning too much inactive time) then fire me.
since the upgrade, I cant get the highlighted text - at begging of ASR reports to delete
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Anyone else with this problem?
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