I just had interview with Softscript and found out that they do not hire any part-time MT's. Here they let me do testing and go to all that trouble and never even looked at my application, where I distinctly siad I wanted only part-time. Just shows how much they look at your application. So I am wondering now if Nuance hires that way. If not then this is probably a waste of time too. Very frustrating that these companies do not let you know up front.  ...
Does anyone know of a good company to work for that hires part time?? That is all I want and alot of the companies on Job seeker's board want full time. I would appreciate any input!! ...
I wasn't on the boards for a little while, and now I'm seeing posts about all the part time people being laid off. Is this true? Do we know this for sure, or just speculation? ...
Someone chatted online during the meeting that the incentive program is for full-time employees only? Is this true? I'm part-time but can make the lines in at least Tier 2. ...
I will be going part-time soon (Social Security) and am considering whether to work about 4-5 hours a day for 5 days a week or work 3 days (7-8 hours each). Not sure if the 3 days is even allowed, but I know some co-workers are doing 4-day weeks@10 hours a day. My question is which do those of you who are already part-time like? I see advantages and disadvantages to both. We are required to have set schedules.
With a 5-day schedule, having the rest of the day free.
With ...
Could someone explain exactly what a company can require of an SE? Can companies force MTs to adhere to a schedule if all MTs are statutory employees? All the research I have done on this subject is vague, but it appears that SE and IC are almost the same with the exception of Social Security and Medicare being withheld and the employer's portion being paid for an SE. ...
I'm considering applying with DSG for a statutory positon. Does anyone know what they're like to work for? I'm wondering about rate of pay, availability of work, percentage of ESL, etc. Thanks. ...
I'm currently flex part time only working 18 hours a week but I do have a set schedule. What are the requirments for part-time and how may hours per week do you have to work. Also, is there a difference between the line counts for part time and flex part time. Thanks. ...
I have a PT gig working as an IC but need a FT gig so want it as employee status.
Which companies hire employees rather than ICs? NO large nationals, please! I'm not gonna go there. :) ...
Tested and did extremely well for Synernet; however, they do not hire employees from Rhode Island. When I responded to the advertised position, it had no mention of that. Anyone have a clue? ...
If anyone knows of a hospital, clinic, or large practice offering remote full-time or part-time employee positions, I would really appreciate an email. I have the sudden need to help support a family member long term (in addition to myself) and really need to find a long-term remote employee position for the stability. Yes, I watch all the various employment sites and even individual hospital sites, but I was hoping that maybe, just maybe someone who works for a hospital that does th ...
Has anyone working for an MTSO been downgraded from full-time status to part-time status based on not enough hours worked to be considered full time, yet making well above the minimum amount of earnings required for full-time status?
I worked for MQ full time and then went to part time last year, before finally quitting altogether because of health problems. I seem to remember an obscure policy that if you were full time and then went to part time, you could not go back to full time for a period of at least 1 year. Can anyone verify that for me? IF, and this is a big IF, I were to go back to work for MQ, I would need to be full time. ...
Does anyone care to share that if you are hired at optiscript part time will they let you change to full time easily? I know they are a small company and do not over hire so I do not know how easily this could be done. I am thinking of cutting down to part time at my current employee so I can work part time elsewhere and eventually just leave my current employee once I see how the land lays elsewhere. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated :) ...
Since part-time is generally considered 20-25 hrs. per week, does that mean that full-time is anything over 25 hrs. per week or does it have to be a flat 40 hrs? ...
I am strongly considering going to part-time, just hoping to get opinions from anyone who has gone from full-time to part-time or opinions from anyone who has just always been part-time. Thanks! ...