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Are there any part time employees left? - just wondering

Posted: Aug 29, 2013

I wasn't on the boards for a little while, and now I'm seeing posts about all the part time people being laid off.  Is this true?  Do we know this for sure, or just speculation?

Part time - Nana

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I'm part time and still here. I think the concensus was part timers, upper tier gone.

part time - mac

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I've been part time for over 2 years working the minimum 24 hours a week. Takes away some of the frustration.

part-timer - ms

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I'm a part-time, tier III, and am still here; however, I've gone from having 2 main hospital accounts a few years ago to now having to jump around among many different hospital accounts, with a heavy concentration on operative reports, which I'm not crazy about.

Still here - Trampled underfoot

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I'm a part-timer at 24 hours, tier 3, at the top of the pay scale and I'm still here. We were told the ones let go were the part-time flex (though we were also told they were let go back in April) and the part-timers who were on performance management or were the lower tiers.

Part-time still here - Tam

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Tier 3, 24 hours a week. When speaking with TSM, she indicated that flex part-timers were let go.

Part Time - LA

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Part time 30 hours for 17 years, 100% on last review, Tier II. Laid off last Monday

Part Time - MT/PA

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Part time 24 hours, Tier II, still here until next round. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the layoffs. I think they are pulling names outta hats! :

part time - lee

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it is true. They laid me off after 3 years with them. I switched from full time to part time per their suggestion and then they laid me off after working part time for 1.5 years. Just sucked. NO WARNING.

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