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Do tier 2 MTs do operative reports? - nm

Posted: Aug 09, 2012


No - no more

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Curious - Nobody

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At one time didn't they have a Tier 4 that did operative reports? I myself like operative reports.

Hm, reason I'm asking is I was hired tier 2, thought there were no ops - but keep getting ops, which are slowing me down, n

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I would talk to CCM and say you dont get paid to - do OPs, so get a raise or get rid of um

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But thats just me.

Just change it - to op

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and refuse the job. If you don't change it to op, it will keep coming back. Let your CCM know to have them stop giving them to you.

I am whatever the bottom tier is, and I do OP notes - PerpetuallyBewildered

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OTOH, op notes are the only things I look forward to. They're where the action is. If I had nothing to do but H&P's and consultations, I would probably die of boredom right at my workstation.

that sucks, your pay is probably the lowest and you - get stuck doing the hard stuff

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I would love to get paid the most and do the easy stuff!

Op Notes are not hard. If you are an acute care MT - you have to know how to

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type everything. You cant stay at a stand still forever, at some point you gotta learn.

I agree OP notes are the best. - anon

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If I could only do OP notes, I would think I had died and gone to heaven. I'm tier 3 but I've been doing OP since I was entry level. They are my most favorite worktype. Hate DS the most, and HP and CS are also time consuming and boring, unless they are psych which are always interesting.

That's why I call myself.... - PerpetuallyBewildered

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I didn't realize that op notes were a curse. I even quit another company I worked for because I was doing rehab hospitals only, no op notes, nothing but H&P's, Consults, and Discharge Summaries.

I hope they are paying you tier 3 wages because - if you are doing op notes like

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you need to be compensated appropriately. And this is to perpetuallybewildered. Dont do top tier work for bottom tier pay.

No kidding - sm

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If you are doing op notes and not a tier 3, you are being taken advantage of whether you like doing them or not. Wow, it sounds like a lot of people are doing them that are not tier 3. I can do them, but won't do them. Why should I when they don't pay me to. Don't people look into what they should be doing for the pay they get? No wonder they just keep taking from us when people let them take advantage of them.
Tier 3 work, Tier 2 wage - xolittledreamerxo
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I too am a Tier 2 MT and for some time now the majority of the reports I get are OP notes, so I asked my CCM how does one officially become a Tier 3 MT. Apparently it's through testing so am going for it. Any tips?
Does tiering up = raise? - MT
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I am tier 2 and when I get an op by mistake, I throw it back, don't get paid enough to do those. If I thought my line rate would go up, I would go for it. Anybody actually get a raise by tiering up?
I started as a tier 3 so I really dont know, but would - think so if you test and pass.
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I dont see any reason why they wouldn't adjust your pay if you tested and passed to tier 3.

Of course someone will probably come along and say just the opposite or give some ridiculous reason for saying they wont, but to my understanding thats how it works.
Appreciate your reply - But
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Using common sense, one would think that tiering up and doing "harder" work, a pay adjustment would be warranted, but with this company, I do not trust them to follow "common sense" or "how it works." I would like to know if anyone has tiered up from 2 to 3 and how much of a raise, and was it worth it? Anybody tier up and not get a raise?
Stay on them every step of the way - North MT
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I have tried to tier up 3 times. First they will audit your work and if you pass the audit you are eligible to test. Once you get the invite to test you have 30 days to take the test or they have to do another audit.

I know what you are thinking, 3 times!? First, they audited me and somehow in the magic world of Medquist the passing results never made it from the auditor to the person sending out the invites. When I followed up it was too late. The second time I took the test and they took 9 months to get me my results and all I got was an email stating they had lost my test results and to please test again. The third time the person sending the invite sent it to the wrong email address. Apparently the word "medquist" is too difficult to spell. By the time I realized the mistake it was too late to test.

Just know that tiering up will make you "eligible" for a raise, but that does not necessarily mean you will get one. The most they will go up is 0.025, a quarter of a cent per line. Make sure it is worth taking on the harder workload for probably no raise. After 3 times I decided it wasn't worth it for me and took it as a sign.
Stay on them every step of the way - xolittledreamerxo
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I appreciate the 4-1-1. I was kinda wondering the same thing if the pay increase is worth the increased difficulty and whatever else will be expected. Do Tier 3 MT's do op reports only and if they do other work types is pay adjusted for those reports..

Also, trying to decipher the paycheck stub is a joke..the lines/units/hours portion is never filled in and it's dissected into so many categories it's impossible to figure out...it has to be to intentionally confuse
Tier 3s do everything, not just Op notes. I really - dont see much of a
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difference in the difficulty level with any of the work, I think its all the same. There are some days that I get ALOT of op notes but cant really say thats all I do. I think certain times of the day are hot spots where for a while I will get a lot of them but Im sure I do the same stuff you do with the same level of difficulty.

Also you can view your pay in the earning detail section on Ultipro. It breaks it down report by report and shows your actual line rates in there and how much you made for each and every single report you typed throughout the course of the pay period dates and all. And no, pay is not adjusted for difficult doctors. Again, I am pretty sure we do all the same stuff, the only difference is I might see a lot more op notes than you but thats it.
Wow, glad I hired on as a 3. Seems funny that - they encourage people to
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test up to MME but maybe thats because they know its really not as big of a raise as they claim. They make it sound good by saying you get quick lines, but I dont care how quick they are its only 3cpl. I know they raise your other rates too, but I dont think its worth it.

I will stick with editing and transcribing. They can have the MME position. It would be interesting to hear from MMEs who actually do make money with it.
Stay on them every step of the way - xolittledreamerxo
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I appreciate the 4-1-1. I was kinda wondering the same thing if the pay increase is worth the increased difficulty and whatever else will be expected. Do Tier 3 MT's do op reports only and if they do other work types is pay adjusted for those reports..

Also was wondering if my Tier increase will be retroactive, since I have been doing op notes for awhile now...LOL

Trying to decipher the paycheck stub is a joke..the lines/units/hours portion is never filled in and it's dissected into so many categories it's impossible to figure out...it has to be to intentionally confuse

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