A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

CMT now $305 to take? Are they kidding? - Kiki1

Posted: Apr 15, 2011

After debating about whether I should take this test or not, I went to the site and found out that they are charging $305 (not the 150 it used to be) to sit for the CMT test if you are an MT who doesn't already have their RMT? I've been working for 10 plus years and I have to pay to take the RMT, which is a test for people just out of school? 

I was going to bite the bullet and take the test as my company gives a small pay incentive for CMT status, but I think I may have to forget about it.  It's ridiculous that they would make a long-time CMT take BOTH tests....prob just to get the extra money I'm sure.  But I think it will backfire on them as who is going to want to pay that much now? 

Not to mention what you have to pay to earn CECs ??? - Kiki1

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Even if I could stomach the $305 for the membership....I was looking at how you earn CECs....do they ALL cost money or is there actually a way you could earn them all free?

I could argue both ways for and against the CMT (don't like the RMT) - but CECs are easy to get for free!

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I probably shouldn't say that I don't like the RMT, but I'm not sure it really serves a purpose. I really enjoy having my CMT though, and it's easy to get the educational credits for free, with journal articles. No cost at all. However, I don't understand what you are saying about how much it costs to take the CMT. You do not have to be an AHDI member to take the exam, although I think there is a discount for members. How much is it to take the actual CMT exam, for those with and without AHDI memberships? Does anyone know? Scratch that. I went over to the ahdionline.com web site to look it up:

CMT Pricing (3-hour exam session)

On-site exam, member: $200.00
On-site exam, nonmember: $ 280.00
Online proctored (OLP) exam, member: $150
Online proctored (OLP) exam, nonmember: $230

How do you earn CECs with journal articles, please? - I need to rack some up before July. :) NM

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The articles usually indicate how many CECs they are worth - From Their Site
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From The AHDIonline Site:

2. AHDI Publications. All credit-worthy articles offered by AHDI after June 30, 2010, will be approved
under the new policy, and CMTs who submit article quizzes and/or article summaries from those sources can be assured that if CECs have been assigned to an AHDI article, it has met the new
requirement and can be used to recertify. Article summaries and/or proof of quiz completion must
be retained for submission at end of cycle in the event of an audit. Because each article addresses
unique content, articles do not fall under the âsingle sourceâ requirement for earning CECs;
therefore, there is no limit on how many CECs can be earned from articles and article quizzes during
a single cycle.

If you are a CMT candidate who hasn't already tested for and passed - Kiki1

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and passed the RMT, you have to take BOTH tests, and that costs $305 for nonmembers. What irks me is that I can't just take the CMT test (I have 10 plus years' experience)...why do I have to also take the RMT along with the CMT...my guess, so they get more money out of me. If you see anywhere where it says someone can take the CMT test WITHOUT having the RMT already PLEASE let me know........
You can take the CQE which tests both RMT and CMT info - okmt
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This info is taken directly from the AHDI website -

Credential Qualifying Exam (CQE) � Candidates with the minimum 2 year�s acute-care experience required for access to the CMT who do not already possess a current RMT credential can opt to sit for both Level 1 (RMT) and Level 2 (CMT) content in a single session and seek eligibility to take the CQE. Interested candidates should submit the $10 eligibility fee through the AHDI online store. AHDI will provide an Authorization to Test email confirmation with a login and password to the Kryterion Webassessor� platform. Eligibility information will be exported to Kryterion, and candidates will pay for and schedule their exams with Kryterion. Pricing is provided below. Candidates should be mindful that rates for on-site testing are higher due to fees charged by Kryterion for exams proctored via a testing center.

CQE Pricing (5-hour exam session) *

On-site exam, member: $275.00
On-site exam, nonmember: $ 355.00
Online proctored (OLP) exam, member: $225.00
Online proctored (OLP) exam, nonmember: $305.00

Taking the exam online saves money, but does anyone - Kiki1

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who has done this knows how that works? How do they prevent cheating, etc, send someone to your house? I don't see how else they could do it...
You have to set up a web-cam - Hate taking tests
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You have to set up a web-cam that shows the keyboard, your hands, and your face, and there is a remote monitor who watches you to make sure you do not use reference materials and that no one steps in and takes your place.  Only problem is if you do not already have a web-cam or your web-cam is attached to your computer (if you are using a laptop), you have the additional expense of buying a web-cam or trying to borrow one.  Also, if something goes wrong (you lose power or internet or whatever), they will not refund your money and you have to take the test over.  So, if you are your last question and 5 minutes away from finishing and your internet does down, too bad.  Start over. 

If testing becomes mandatory, I assume there will be many more people taking the test and the cost for on-site testing will be cheaper because they will have more people taking the test at the same time. 



Yoweee - now that is downright CREEPY. - (Big Brother)
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Yep, just like being a REAL profession - can you imagine the nerve

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Tongue-in-cheek here.

PROFESSIONALS have to pay to take their certification tests. They also have to pay for the CEUs. It's about time MTs quit whining and step to the plate and BECOME professionals.

I have many friends who are CMTs - plainMT

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and every one of them say they regret ever becoming credentialed because of the aggravation of maintaining the CEUs and maintaining their CMT. The reason they stay CMTs instead of letting it just lapse is because companies consider it a sign of laziness and think twice about hiring an ex-CMT. If the pay was at a 'professional' level, I'd go ahead and get my certification, but it's really not worth it to me monetarily at this point, and since the paycheck is the bottom line, that's the deciding factor here.

$300 may not seem like a lot of money to the fat cats - running AHDI, but its a fortune for a low-paid MT!

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If you are worthy of being a CMT, you produce enough lines to afford the CMT exam. sm - CMT and proud of it
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CMT is not for everyone, and certainly not for those that spend all their time whining and complaining that the sky is falling. It is a test and credentialling process that is meant to set the elite apart, those that know terminology, dosages and grammar. CMT sets the bar in medical transcription, and if you can't afford to take it or can't take the time to get your CECs, then perhaps you should look into doing something that you can qualify for.

Credentialing is here to stay and will become more important over the next few years. If you don't like that, it's too bad. AHDI has a strong voice and is lobbying in Washington D.C. and with state governments. The ones who vote on all of these issues are AHDI members. If you are not a member of AHDI, you don't have a voice when it comes to those decisions that affect you.

There are something like 10,000 members of AHDI. That's a lot of voice.

Proof positive that there's a sucker born every minute. - AHDI + CMT = SCAM
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TWO THINGS... - sm
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1. The proof of an MT's qualifications is NOT dictated by initials after his/her name, but it is in his/her WORK. The proof is in the pudding.

2. For the sake of argument, let's say you're right, and CMT does "set the bar": You can't produce enough lines to earn the money for a CMT test, or anything else for that matter, when every day, you run out of WORK!!

There. Done. Next...

The fees charged by AHDI for taking the test are way out of proportion to the wages we earn; do a - Comparison with other medical professions

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There is being a “professional” and there is being taken advantage of.  Have you ever checked out the fees for some of the other credentialing tests?  

For example, below are the stats for being certified as a Nursing Assistant and average yearly wages.  The fees for their testing is less than $100.  

As soon as I am guaranteed to make over $50,000 a year as a Medical Transcriptionist because of my CMT credentials, then I will be happy to pay $305 to take the test.  

Just had an amusing thought.  If AHDI insists on pushing for CMT credentialing, I wonder how gung-ho they would be if (if it ever looks like it will become a reality) we all petitioned to have the State certify us instead of going through AHDI?  Just pull the money-train right out from under them.  We do have a right to do that, if we can get someone to speak for us at the hearings.  After all, doctors are certified by the State, along with a lot of the other medical professions.  Food for thought.  


A certified nurse aide is usually payed by the hour and the amount you will earn varies in every state. If you work in a city you will receive a higher hourly salary than someone who does not. As an inexperienced nurse aide you can expect to earn a hourly wage of $8.00 to $11.00. The more experience you have the better your hourly pay will become. For example a nurse aide with at least one year of experience can expect to receive between $12.00 to $14.00 per hour. Most nursing homes pay the same hourly rates as hospitals and have very attractive benefits for their certified nurse aide employees. Below are some examples of the average yearly wage for a certified nurse aide employed in a large city in different states:

  • California – $28,000

  • New Jersey – $28,200

  • Florida – $25,000

  • Montana – $23,300

  • New York – $30,500

  • Ohio – $25,600

  • Texas – $26,500


How much does the CNA test cost?
The CNA exam cost varies from state to state. If you were to challenge the nursing assistant competency exam in Texas you might pay a different fee than if you were to challenge the same exam in California. To find out the exact cost for both the written and the skills portions of the test in your state you need to contact the organization in charge of administering the exam. Pearson Vue is one of the companies responsible for testing nursing assistants in many states. The CNA exam cost in California is currently $90. Other states charge similar fees, usually not exceeding $100 for both portions of the examination.


There are also nursing homes that will PAY for their NA's to become certified. - X

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;) More food for thought. How many companies would be willing to pay for their MTs to become certified? I would hazard to guess that I could count them on 1 hand.
There are also nursing homes that will PAY for their NA's to become certified. - X - vtmt
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I would be willing to bet you could count them on one finger!

I would have no problem if we were treated - Kiki1

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like professionals. I'd gladly pay to be credentialed if that were the case. But with the constant pay cuts, work being off-shored and threats of our jobs being lost for good I am just hesitant to put all that money into it to find myself SOL before my credentials even expire. You will find a LOT of MTs feel this way.

Except that REAL professional certification brings good - pay. MT pay will only get LOWER. (sm)

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So why would anyone in their right mind pay ANYTHING, let alone a large sum like $305, to attain a fake *credential* that only guarantees ONE THING: That AHDI will have money it needs to grease a few palms in D.C.

Giving ANY money to AHDI, whether it be for their fake CMT *credential*, or their laughable *Book of Style*, or their so-called *continuing credits* (credits for what? Living in poverty?), is just helping to fund the degradation of what USED to be a good profession.

(PS - You know why it's called the "Book of STYLE"? Because style goes in and out of fashion every year. Just like their book. Like clothing fashion, where if you wait long enough, what was out of fashion before will come back again, so it is with their little Bible of Meaningless Minutia.

I don't agree with that. Anything worth doing is worth doing well - and there are accepted rules

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The Book of Style is accepted and expected by most MTSOs. I've found it very helpful. It may make the difference between someone who has an MT career they enjoy and someone who doesn't. If you got your training someplace where they didn't teach by the Book of Style, you missed out.
Some of us didn't get training at all, much less with the Book of Style - nm
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The BOS "rules" repeatedly changed. I own both the first and second - SaltyMT
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editions. When I first became an MT many moons ago, I knew all about the AAMT, bought their BOS first edition and studied it cover to cover. Took the old CMT test, the two parter where you had to find your own proctor. Got my CMT and my boss said "what's a CMT?" Meant nothing. Nonetheless, I had it and I was proud. Then they came out with the second edition of the BOS. Okay, I bought that one. Compared it the first and said okay gotta retrain my brain. Kept on my CEUs, but still saw no real viable reason to be a CMT.

AAMT became AHDI, dropped America from the name (literally and figuratively) and AHDI decided "hey let's send American MTs to China, India, the Phillipines and have them help those MTs become CMTs. Then they came out with the third edition of the BOS. By then, I had STILL not seen any tangible benefit to being an MT and I let my CMT credential go, refused to by the new improved BOS, and came the realization it's all just business for the AHDI. They are in it to make money and boy do they.

To suggest that I or anyone else who does not hold the CMT or embrace the BOS as our bible are any less professional than those who have it is an insult. I would say that any of the poor saps who bought into the AHDI's line of BOS and BS are completely deluded and in for a rude awakening. And guaran-damn-tee that I make just as much and probably more than any CMT out there. And I guaran-damn-tee I'm better than most CMTs out there.

And by the way, the physician, office manager, hospital administration, HIM director could give a crap about CMT or the BOS. They don't care about abbrevations or expansions. They don't care if I type "Lexapro 10 mg one tablet daily or Lexapro 10 mg 1 tab q. day." It doesn't affect patient care and it means the same thing.

I know being that you've probably been in this business 5 years or less, it all seems exciting joining the club and getting some fancy initials after name. Makes ya feel special. News flash, ya ain't that special.
BRAVO! I couldn't have said that better myself. - Your post is worth reading & re-reading!
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SaltyMT: Excellent post, you express how - I feel perfectly NM
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They will care if the Joint Commission looks at it because it does matter - nm
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Joint Commission cares nothing about the inner workings MT, with the - SaltMT
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exception of their dangerous abbreivations list. Beyond, Joint Commission's focus in the HIM department has to do with making sure HIPAA and HITECH practices are in place, making sure coding rules and regs are being followed to the letter, and that physicians have signed and dictated wherever necessary in a patient's chart, etc.

The BOS is completely irrelevant PERIOD! There should be a few basic guidelines for transcription, but coming out with a new book every few years just to make money is just greedy and pointless.
BOS is relevant because it is a standard, which the JC cares very much about - sm
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The Joint Commission cares about the product the MT produces.

The Joint Commission looks to see what a hospital's rules are and that they are going by them. There have to be rules. The Book of Style makes it easier for MTs because it helps them understand and learn the standards.
I have NEVER worked at a hospital where the BOS - SaltyMT
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was part of the "hospital rules" that Joint Commission examined. And I have worked for 8 different hospitals in three different states.

JC absolutely DOES NOT use BOS as part of their standards. JC cares about deliquent physicians, legible and accurate physician orders, etc. They have NEVER, in my experience, examined a report to insure that it is compliant with the BOS!
They do check to make sure that the rules are being followed - which is easier if there are standards like the BO
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If your rules say that headings will be done a certain way or list acceptable abbreviations, your hospital better be following those rules. It's generally easier if those rules are consistent with the industry standards, which include the BOS. Everyone will be speaking the same language.
CMT - mttoday
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Amen to that!!!! I have been a MT for 25 years and have never bought into that CMT crap. I know may CMTs who have been let go from their jobs because they just weren't good MTs. That certificate means absolutely nothing.
I've got you beat on years and most likely on supervisory experience - That being said
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I've compared the work of CMTs vs. those who are not. The fact is, CMTs have something others don't have. They have taken and passed a very difficult exam. If I had to choose, I would take the CMT unless there were personality or work ethic problems, which happens whether or not you have credentials, in any field.
BOS doesn't make sense, in most cases. Just a - buncha nitpicky busywork. (nm)
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REAL professionals - Beg to differ

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I'm certified in another field. I pay $500 for my credential (which I had to wait 3 years post graduate school to achieve) and I have to pay to keep my CEUs updated. The pay I get in this other field is $42,000 with a master's degree. Sadly, I can't afford to even pay my student loans w/o doing MT, too.

So many people on here think MT is the only industry that has seen salaries go lower or stagnate and it's just not true.

Being credentialed says you care enough about your work product and your industry to achieve that credential. Organizations charge for the credential, it's how it's done. Continually bad-mouthing the organization that represents MTs does little. It comes across as sour grapes to me.

MTs should have had required credentialing 10 years ago or longer and we may be in a slightly different-looking situation today. I'm happy to see they are doing it now. I've said all along the MTquake is going to leave those who CAN standing and those who only thought they could looking for work.
Wow! Interesting. Thanks for posting! - nm
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By "those who CAN", you must mean those who can - manage to survive on next-to-nothing. nm
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If there was a pay bump for becoming a - "professional" it might SM

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be worthwhile, but to spend that much money to become "professional" and then have your pay steadily decrease is ridiculous. ADHI is pushing having us credentialed for one reason and one reason only: It will line their pockets. Shouldn't there be benefits to becoming a CMT? (and do not say personal satisfaction, that is a joke). CMT plus more money equals me willing to do it.

The Benefit - So typically American

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"What's in it for me?"

The benefit is you may stay employable. If it becomes a state requirement for you to have certification credentials in order to be employed as an MT, well then I guess the benefit would be you have a job.

If it doesn't pay anything, then it's not a job worth having. - AHDI is weeding out the thinkers from the sheep.
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Yep. AHDI needs to make up for the lower rate - Backwards Typist

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they charge "offshore" MTs taking the test. As others have said, when the CMT guarantees a higher wage, then I 'might' think about it. It's just not worth it now.

Other groups do not kill their professionals the way AHDI has killed ours. They inform members of legislation that is important to their field and keep wages stable. They treat their members with respect, ask for input on making their profession better and take suggestions. They don't degrade their members and fight for change that benefits the profession. AHDI does the opposite.

CMT - mttoday

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Other professions actually get something for their certifcation.. we get nothing.. doctors could care less about it. most I have spoken with don't even know what it is and don't want too. It is a scam..

CMT - plainMT

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The doctors I've spoken with lately have the idea that we're no better than their receptionists....just a "typist." Basically the idea that anyone can do what we do, so why do we deserve extra pay....
My experience was different when I was an inhouse MT. - A dept. head I typed for once told me - sm
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that the MTs were their first line of defense against malpractice and malpractice suits. Back then, when we found discrepancies or errors in reports and flagged them, we were COMMENDED, not given "warnings" from QA about our so-called "error rate", and/or docked pay.

The MTSO/AHDI way of employee management is all about keeping us "barefoot and pregnant", so to speak, and as others above have stated, about lining their pockets.

PROFESSIONALS who take certification tests and earn CEUs, get COMPENSATED - LaLaMT

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for their efforts. A couple of MTSOs offering a penny more a line hardly seems fair considering the cost of taking the CMT exam and maintaining your certification with cost of CEUs.

Tell me, what are YOU getting out of being certified besides your false sense of superiority?

Do they? - Please share

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I know many, many individuals who hold a credential and barring those who hold the nurse practitioner or physician assistant credentials (or doctors), very few, IMO, are compensated for that credential.

Maybe it's time to step out of the MT-arena and look at what's really going on in the world and see how business is changing.

And by the way, I get paid 11 cpl for my CMT (and my outlay of cash for CEUs is reimbursed by my employer). For my other job, where I'm also credentialed, I get NUTTIN' HONEY. Well, I occasionally get nagged because I haven't filled out all my CEU paperwork or whatever other paperwork the state is requiring of us that week.
Do you really think your company will still pay you that cpl when you are no longer elite - Playing devil’s advocate
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You are very lucky to be working for a company that pays for the credentials and reimburses for maintaining it.  You are probably working for 1 of the half dozen out of several thousand MTSOs willing to do that. 

Let’s play devil’s advocate.  Someone posted that there are approximately 10,000 members of AHDI. 

Does anyone know exactly how many CMTs there are today?  For the sake of argument, let’s use 10,000 as the number of CMTs (some members of AHDI are not CMTs and other CMTs are not members of AHDI, so it should average out).  So, today you are 1 out of 10,000, and maybe your employer uses that as a selling point to charge more in order to pay you more. 

Have you ever considered how your “elite” status will change once all of the over 100,000 MTs (in the United States alone – not counting overseas MTs) are required to become CMTs?  YOU will no longer be elite – you will just be 1 of 100,000.  Do you truly believe MTSOs such as MedQuist, Transcend, or Webmedx who have thousands of MTs working for them will be able to maintain their profits and pay their management their huge salaries if they have to increase the pay for all their MTs and offer reimbursement for maintaining their CMT?  No way. 

What is going to happen is that since your company will now have a pool of 100,000 CMTs to choose from instead of 10,000 CMTs, your job will be just as vulnerable as the rest of us.  Having CMTs working for your company will not be the selling point that it may be now.  No client will be willing to pay top dollar for having CMTs do their work because all companies will have CMTs.  Instead of raising everyone, it will lower everyone’s wages to the meager cpl the majority of us are getting now. 

Enjoy your elite status now.  If CMT becomes mandatory, you will be joining us at the lower end of the wage scale soon enough. 

Just my opinion. 


My elite status - will stay
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Because the number of MTs willing to, and able to, get the CMT will be low enough that those of us with major skills will still be appreciated.

I'm of the opinion that once credentialing is through and things settle with EMR, those of us doing MT will be much better paid than many of you are now.
A good friend of mine (CMT) - plainMT
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was made 'redundant' at her job (laid off) about 4 years ago. It took her 2 years to find another position BECAUSE of her CMT. She was too qualified and had been too well paid at her former position that companies did not want to have to compensate her as well as she was used to. That being said, when CMT becomes the norm, the pay will reflect such. There will be no extra anything for having the credentials, because everyone will have them or be out of the field.
I'll get credentialled if one comes along that's offered - by an organization OTHER than AHDI.
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Because we all know AHDI is a bunch of crooks bent on raking in the cash, NOT on helping MTs or improving our lot in any way, whatsoever. I laughed at one of the above posts that said they were lobbying in Washington DC. Yes, they sure are, and it's not for fair MT wages, either. It's to make THEIR credential (and no one else's) mandatory. Imagine... all the "mandatory" $300 fees those thugs are gonna collect if that happens! Our funding of their scheme will go a long way towards their ability to give major discounts on, or in some cases, FREE credentialling, to our little MT friends in the 3rd World.

If MT credentialling were more like a union, and spoke in our behalf, it might be worth joining. But if you really think AHDI is doing ONE THING in OUR behalf, rather than their own, then I'll give you a really good deal on the Bay Bridge. (The old one, that's being torn down.)

BRAVO!! About time someone said what a lot of us are thinking! - Professional MT

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MTs whine that we are not respected.
MTs whine that we are not paid well.
MTs whine that we are not just typists.
MTs whine that we need to be certified.
MTs whine that we need to pay to test.
MTs whine about AHDI who know nothing.

What would a doctor be without paying and taking and passing his/her boards? A QUACK.

What is an MT who isn't certified?

What is an MT who is certified?

MTs whine.... - plainMT

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I beg to differ. I'd be glad to pay for the credentials if they were worth even half what we're charged; however, they are not. I am NOT a typist. Since I received my MT certificate, NOT CMT certification, I've only had to apply for 1 job and that was the second job I ever had. I am currently working 3 jobs, all of whom came to me because I'm really good at what I do...typist? I think not. I am a teacher, QA, and MT and proud of my accomplishments. Do I need initials behind my name to give me standing in this industry? Apparently not, considering that I didn't even have to apply for my first job....they came to me before I even finished school.

As far as the BOS is concerned...it is clumsy, goes against many standard writing techniques, and is very difficult to navigate. I use it when I have to, but that's about it.

Professional? I am a professional...medical transcriptionist, medical language specialist, or whatever they decide to call us next. Will I be any more qualified for my job because I have CMT behind my name? Not at all. My knowledge has nothing to do with initials. That being said, I took the CMT prep course and passed with flying colors without any resource materials at all. Am I going to take the exam? Nope. And if it comes down to having to, then that will be the time I find another profession...or retire :-)

I guess that false sense of "professionalism" that bogus - credential gives you must make you - sm

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feel a heckuva lot better about yourself when your puny paycheck each month.

And guess what? No matter WHAT you're making now... even if you're one of those mythical $40-50K/year MTs that supposedly still exist, it still means NOTHING if you open your eyes and realize that if you are making $40-50K/year now, if you were making what MT used to pay before the sweatshop-mentality came on board, you'd probably be making more like $80-100K/year, likely while working less hours, too.

So, go ahead and believe all you want that having a fake credential somehow makes you a "true" professional, and somehow makes you better than your peers. It doesn't. It just means that you, like other fools, are EASILY PARTED WITH YOUR MONEY.

And you can be absolutely guaranteed that when you keep falling for the scam and giving them your money, that the AHDI executives are LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.

Nonsense! Professionalism is competence, discipline and maturity! - nm

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I've met more than a few "CMTs" in my day you demonstrate none of these qualities.

If we were paid like professionals, then I would gladly 'step up to the plate.' - Jeez Doncha Get It!?

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I'd only do it if I were my own boss/employer. - Hayseed

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If I were in business for myself, I would totally do this. However, I'm probably always going to work for someone else and no one seems to offer any sort of $$ incentive to get/keep the CMT. Heck, none of my reports even get to have my initials at the end of them anymore!

It wasn't worth $150. It's not even worth $1. So the - CMT is TOTALLY not worth $305!

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How do you spell "R-I-P-O-F-F" !!!

How do you spell RIPOFF? - Jada

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You spell it "AHDI!" :)-

To compare this organization and its "certification" with certifications offered by professional organizations is ludicrous. You're right, it is worth less than one dollar. It is worth less than one cent!

got mine in 1981 for 10 dollars- no test. sm - sallysue

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after a few years of nothing but the newsletter...well wasn't worth the 10 dollars then...why would I pay 300 now? for better pay?

yeah, just like pay is commensurate with experience - I keep trying to buy that bridge for sale, but I just can't find it anywhere.

1981 - Curious coder

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I did that too and then took the test later on for my own satisfaction. I've had 3 MT jobs since then, none of my employers recognized the CMT. I got paid based on my knowledge and years of experience and did well because of that, not because I was a CMT. I've seen "CMT preferred" on some advertisements but I don't know any CMTs and all of my MT friends have jobs. Coders have the same thing, their certification exams cost in thr $300 to $400 range plus the CEU requirment. At least MTs can get jobs (currently) without being certified. It's tough for coders without it, and generally required at some point in their career. We can debate the respect/pay issue, I don't know if it happens even if a person is credentialed.

Certification will never be mandatory for employment. - sweetgirlsmom

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Doctors, hospitals and companies would have to change existing laws to require certification.

The Department of Labor, Americans with Disabilities Act, and laws against discrimination would be involved. Companies have a business license. Hospitals are accredited by the JCAH. There may be other agencies or considerations.

The proposal would go to the state and federal legislatures for hearings. Who has jurisdiction? The feds or the states with 50 different ideas? Congress can barely pass a budget and our states are bankrupt. Do they have enough time and money for this fight? Do you really want your tax dollars spent this way? Will decisions be made and then changed by the next president and state governors? Do we really need another agency to dictate how we work?

Once certification becomes law, we have a right to address the courts when we get fired. We can say "Mandatory certification is unnecessary and restricts my employment. Unemployment affects my pursuit of happiness. This law is unconstitutional." Another wise use of our tax dollars?

Laws are passed for clear reasons. Are doctors in an uproar? Is the AMA demanding it? Has the JCAH said anything? Does Medical Records need it? Are the patients signing petitions? Are there press conferences and outraged citizens?

Laws are passed for public safety. How many patients die because of differences in style? Do MTs provide patient care? Do they need legal protection from lawsuits or do doctors accept responsibility for the reports?

Laws are passed for the public good. Who benefits if we all type everything the same way? How many hospitals have closed because they have different ideas? Is it worth millions of tax dollars to make sure we all do it right? And whose version of right is correct?

The only official authority is followed on some things and not on others. But we cannot use them now. They change their minds and their books every few years. They have destroyed their credibility and the support of the people they are supposed to represent. Are they capable of overseeing this program correctly? The bottom line is money. Who is pushing for mandatory certification? Who pays the cost of the program? Who stands to profit?

Can we require certification without a clear explanation of what it covers? Congress might have to fund research on the proper use of style and medical terminology to see if mandatory certification is really needed. However, there is a silver lining. It may be costly, but the published results will settle the issue. All the doctors, hospitals, and MTs will agree on everything and abide by the book.

How likely is that? And what would be accomplished? Medical documentation requires accuracy in content, not conformity in style.

What are the unintended consequences? Hospitals are overburdened with necessary regulations. Do they need another group of rules to comply with? Will that divert much-needed dollars from patient care? How many doctors have time in their busy schedules to proofread every mark on every page?

Someone could decide that with authority comes responsibility. How many MTs want to be legally responsible? If they stop to look up every little thing that is required by law, can they meet turn-around times? How much slower will they type? How much pay will they lose? Will they keep their job if they make a mistake? After all, they broke the law.

Doctors, hospitals and patients have survived very well without mandatory certification and so have MTs. This is a law we can live without.

Financial gain is the only issue we all can agree on. How many employers are anxious to raise our pay?

Just some food for thought.

Credentials vs. license - moderately long

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Doctors, nurses, financial advisors/agents and insurance advisors/agents are licensed by the states in which they practice and, in some cases, on a federal level. The purpose of licensing is to ensure BASIC competency and assure the public that the professional they are dealing with has met minimum state and/or federal requirements. There is not a private organization/association (for the most part) that receives fees for this licensing other than as contracted out by or in conjunction with state and/or federal agencies. Petitioners for licensing are also generally not offered a discount on testing based on association membership when the testing is mandatory in order to be allowed to practice their chosen profession.

There are many professions with various certifications, but in many cases, the certifications are not mandatory and are of value because they demonstrate competencies above and beyond just having a license and offer the credentialed individual the opportunity to advance in his/her field.

While I could be convinced that licensing of MTs could be of some benefit, I do not see where the credentialing by a private group should be allowed to be made mandatory. I do believe that it would be appropriate for private companies and/or associations to offer classes for the purpose of licensing individuals and to be able to charge for those classes, but not to be allowed to offer a discount on testing fees based on membership.

I think that credentialing has its place, but I think that what AHDI is attempting have put in place is closer to licensing.

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