Dictated: She thinks that during her pregnancy she "overate the pouch"... and can now eat larger volumes.
Is "overate the pouch" correct? He says it pretty clearly and I just want to make sure.
ALSO: Is it endoluminal or endolumenal
Thank you. ...
In a verbatim account a doctor is saying "...operation for exploratory laparotomy and perforated gastric "ulcerectomy".
Any suggestions? I cannot find an exact match for ulcerectomy... ...
This is an upper endoscopy and he says possible ulcer or s/l 'Dula-Foley' lesion in the gastric cardia.
My brain is broken because I have been working since 9 a.m and it is now 9:19 pm. Thanks in advance for your help.
DATE: ___ [DATE].
HISTORY: Abdominal pain.
FINDINGS: Gaseous dilatation is noted at the small bowel. Degenerative changes were noted within the thoracolumbar spine and isolytic/isoelectric? destruction is noted of the left hip.
1. Gaseous dilatation is noted at the small bowel. Findings have speches of a small bowel obstruction.
2. Isoelectric destruction is noted of the left hip.
HISTORY: Abdominal pain.FINDINGS: (Gaseous or gastric?) dilatation is n ...
Has anyone ever done a "pneumograph tunnel technique" for operation entitled
Two-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting.
2-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting? Preop is left main coronary stenosis.
A reverse saphenous vein graft was then constructed to the third obtuse marginal, brought to the circumflex using running 7-0 Prolene for old distal anastomosis and probing old distal anastomosis prior to completion of _______ (s/l d-cert they were paytent??). Cold blood cardioplegia was given through each vein graft with the completion of the distal anastomoses.
I have hilighted the areas that I need help with. Any suggestions?? ...
Single [side] has been bypass graft from aorta to right posterior descending #1 coronary artery.
Doctor rushes through. I am not positive of what he says and cannot reference this. ...
Same patient as below who needed the sternal rubbing. He has massive GI bleeding and in the ER the doc says: "Protonix and s/l senospirin drip will be initiated." Any ideas what "s/l senospirin" could be? Could also be "fenospirin" or maybe "sporin" instead of "spirin"on the end. Lord lord lord. What *IS* this?? ...
After bypass, the atrial "clearing" device was put in. He had a pleural effusion that was drained. He had a recent x-ray that was okay.
Thanks for any help.
Jude ...
DQS/DQM work with IE7 or IE8, or only IE6? I've been reading about the security problems with IE6, but I thought I was told that was the only one that would work with Medquist's DQS/DQM, so curious what version everyone else is using. TIA! ...
I am just curious as the version of Internet Explorer that most of you are using. I still have IE 7 and am wondering if maybe it's time to switch to IE 8. Is IE 8 all that great, or is it basically the same as the other? Any thoughts? TIA! ...
Does anyone know where to find the old version to download? I uninstalled the new, could not get logged on all day, and want to install the old simply so I an work. But, DocuManage just installs the new version automatically. ...
I guess I am getting too old and not adapting as quick as I used to, but I find having accounts in both new and old a little confusing. My mind and fingers don't want to switch about so easily. This is just 2 weeks, hoping it gets more natural soon. I think I only got my normal line count 2 days out of the training period. I did quit doing that print preview so often. Wow. that is truly a time killer isn't it? ...
Finally I get a clear dictator!
And it's ASR. So I wasn't even laughing when the clear word "radiculopathy" came through in the system as "retic kilo disease".
Sheesh. ...
Does anyone know if the training on MQ Central is paid and what happens if we dont take it? :) Seriously, an hour to learn how to use the new Docuscribe? Is this going to work as well as the new and improved email? Maybe I should pass on the class. ...
I haven't trained yet for new versions but I think I read somewhere we no longer have to worry so much about account specifics i.e. formatting for ROS, bolds or caps for headings. This sounds good to me. My main account is on indefinite hold for converting so would love to hear some positives from those already there. TIA ...
Please excuse my ignorance ... I have worked for only one hospital and one small company for 16 years and haven't been exposed to lots of different MTSOs and accounts. What is a Version 8 account? I keep seeing that in ads on job seeker's board and have no idea what it means. Thanks in advance for info! ...