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After bypass, patient had an atrial "clearing" device put in. - Jude

Posted: Oct 31, 2009

After bypass, the atrial "clearing" device was put in.  He had a pleural effusion that was drained.  He had a recent x-ray that was okay.

Thanks for any help.


Hi, I can reference both a St. Jude and a Medtronic.....sm - Cyndiee

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clearing device for the atrium after bypass surgery. Hope this helps!

Thanks very much! - Jude

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Appreciate your time and help.

I cannot document a St. Jude or Medtronic "atrial clearing device" ... - elaine

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I am aware that Medtronic and St. Jude are in the cardiac device business, but I am not familiar with an atrial clearing device.

Consider "aortic filtering device"...sm - elaine

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