Followup for this very pleasant 90-year-old female who has a history of perforated viscus resulting in insertion of her percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Prior to this, she had difficulty due to her advanced state and s/l tissue thin lumen for nutrition, therefore, was placed on total parenteral nutrition. ...
Single [side] has been bypass graft from aorta to right posterior descending #1 coronary artery.
Doctor rushes through. I am not positive of what he says and cannot reference this. ...
" Bilateral axillary ultrasound from 02/09/2011: Several normal-appearing bilateral axillary lymph nodes that are not enlarged. They have normal fatty hilum and thin hypoechoic _______. "Sounds like "corteses" but can't find anything. Does anyone have any ideas what he could be saying? ...
Isn't there an operation called a C-LIFF or something close to that? The patient is having a laminectomy - can't find this in google MT .....? Neurosurgeon dictating. ...
Doing my first op report regarding a sigmoid colon resection. Does anyone know a site that would describe the anatomy in this area? I am hearing things that sound like "mobilizing white line of Toltol"and I am pretty sure it is only going to get more complicated. Help! Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give. ...
The following sentence was dictated:
"Patient brought to the operating room and __ placed supine on the operating table." The __ word sounds like it starts with "sw", but I'm not able to make it out. It makes since for the word to be "was" because it fits the sentence, but I'm not sure. Any ideas??
Has anyone ever done a "pneumograph tunnel technique" for operation entitled
Two-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting.
2-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting? Preop is left main coronary stenosis.
A reverse saphenous vein graft was then constructed to the third obtuse marginal, brought to the circumflex using running 7-0 Prolene for old distal anastomosis and probing old distal anastomosis prior to completion of _______ (s/l d-cert they were paytent??). Cold blood cardioplegia was given through each vein graft with the completion of the distal anastomoses.
I have hilighted the areas that I need help with. Any suggestions?? ...
Dictated: She thinks that during her pregnancy she "overate the pouch"... and can now eat larger volumes.
Is "overate the pouch" correct? He says it pretty clearly and I just want to make sure.
ALSO: Is it endoluminal or endolumenal
Thank you. ...
I have searched for various spellings and even tried wild card and nothing. He has been changed from Plavix therapy to Persidogril???? or something like that. Thanks for any help. ...
FOLLOW-UP: Right arm and hip. Repair of nonunion of the right radial shaft fracture with ----- bone grafting.
Sounds like react? bone grafting but I cannot find that anywhere. Thank you. ...