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stand up - worker

Posted: Nov 11, 2010

I know supervisors are overworked also in this field, but I wish supervisors would stand up for their workers.  Start communicating w/your MTs/Editors and Go to your higher ups and enlighten them on a few things - simply relay information to them but first you have to get it.  It would benefit us both greatly.

Everywhere I have worked, supervisors only communicate 1-way.  They don't seek input, return e-mails, etc.  I guess if your at home your out-of-site and out-of-mind.  If you don't type the account and you don't communicate with your MTs/Editors, how do you know what is going on?  You don't.  Yet, instructions come routinely with conflicting information.  Trust me, you do need our help.  We also of course need your help.    In certain instances, we need you to stand up for us.

Is there any correlation with this field being so unfair with employees (if you want examples please read boards)  and the field being women?  And shame on us for never standing up to them.  I know I don't; I need my job too much.  I read 1 post stating that when she runs out of work as an employee she is to sit at the computer and check every 15 minutes for work for hours without work.  That means working without pay.  Are they serious?  Unfortunately, yes they are. 

We could discuss how they influence our production negatively; however, that would take too long. 

Seriously, is it because we are all women and none of us know how to stand up to anything in our careers?  I honestly wonder if this has a correlation.  As MTs we don't stand up and I have yet to meet a supervisor willing to stand up. Dont even want to communicate.  I find it absurd and ridiculous. Just think about it, if there were men in this field what would they do?  I don't think they would tolerate it.   Also, what other field of work is so outdated that they still use production pay system?  Okay, that's a whole other issue, but if they want to have production pay then we all need to work together on it. 

I encourage all MTs/Editors to inform your supervisors of pertinent issues your experiencing - dont overload them all at once.  Supervisors please simply listen to the majority and work on a resolution together or to the higher ups.  People please stand up.  I'm going to start giving my input whether its wanted or not.  I'm a little afraid of my supervisors reactions, but I don't have much too lose at this point really.  I might have to get real brave before they hear me, but keeping quiet is no longer working.....

Has anyone stood up to management?  I would love to hear experience/result.  Any advice on doing this also welcome before I get myself fired...Ha.   I'm tired of being quiet, getting frustrated, and changing companies just to get the same thing.  Its an endless cycle. 


Your paint brush - mymt

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paints a rather wide swath.

You said: "Seriously, is it because we are all women and none of us know how to stand up to anything in our careers?"

You can't include me in your sweeping "none of us" statement. I've always stood up for myself, be it to management, the client, a coworker, etc. I don't settle for a company that is unresponsive, treats employees as ICs, asks me to sit for hours on end waiting on work.

We teach people how to treat us. You're blaming middle management for your plight while admitting yourself you've not stood up.

Start at home. Stand. Be accountable for that stance. There are a bunch of us who don't settle for being shat upon and we don't blame others for that, we take credit where it's due.

(P.S. I realize there's not a spellcheck on here, but your post is rife with errors, which makes me wonder a bunch of things, but I refuse to jump to conclusions about your quality as an MT, just think you might want to pay attention to how you present yourself.)

mymt - AT

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Give yourself a Cigar!! How dare you be so rude and crude to judge someone else who is seeing that this job needs help with a lot of injustices and there you go acting so high and mighty! Good for you that you have made a stand. Funny that over 50 years with people like youself that we are making still 8 cents and have gone down to 3!!! Don't knock this poor MT down any more than she has already been.

Blaming others - AnMT

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The poster wasn't rude and crude. She just pointed out some things some people don't like to hear. Such as the fact that you will be walked on if you allow yourself to be, and you shouldn't blame everyone else for your problems. She also pointed out that the post was full of errors, which is the truth. So what? If people would figure out how to take care of themselves and stop blaming everyone else for their problems, it would be a big step in the right direction.

I agree with the OP. We DO get treated poorly - partly because transcription is a - sm

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"women's profession". Yes, there are some men in it. And yes, they got better pay for the same work. Management would always tell us it was because the men had "responsibilities". (Pfft! And we DON'T?)

But with the advent of telecommuting, things went downhill from there, and rapidly. Isolated. Easy to keep in the dark. Mostly women. Out of sight, out of mind.

The above post may or may not be a suit, but that kind of thinking is exactly what you would hear one say.

There are effective and non-effective ways to stand up for yourself, and to make changes happen.

"The squeaking wheel gets the grease."

Standing up for yourself - LK

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Well, I'm a woman and I DO stand up for myself. Maybe that's why I work for a company that doesn't take advantage and treats me fairly. I would get out of MT before I would allow myself to be taken advantage of. I don't sit around waiting for work, I don't work unpaid overtime, and I make a decent wage and benefits in return for high-quality work. There ARE companies out there that are fair with their employees, by the way, although you would never know it to read these boards.

LK standing up for yourself - AT

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Glad that you think you can stand up for yourself and you get what you want. Yes, these boards have a lot of truth in them also because we are all working blindsighted. Good that this person tells the truth. Some of us are blind to the things the big companies do. Some of us don't see the whole picture. Consider yourself lucky if you are making a decent wage and have benefits and you are sch a high-quality worker. Since there are so, so many hard dictators out there and poor qualiaty dictations that you can still consider yourself great. Just because you have such a high self-esteem and things are great, don't think that others are treated the same. Excuse me but every hospital has horrible dictators and reports and someone has to do them. Not everyday is a great one. Glad you are one-in-a-million. Maybe you have tips for us all struggling out here.

stand up worker - AT

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Don't do it!!!! Please. Take what we type----an antidepressant!!! Paxil, Zoloft, etc. God knows many of my supervisors have been on them!!! You cannot fight city hall. People will not stand together as we think. I went throught a stand years ago and experienced it first-hand. You are labeled as a trouble maker. Watch the movie, Norma Rae. That movie says it ALL. She was ri, with Sally Field. She fought the good fight, but she lost her job. She fought for everyone else. No protection here. Unions were to protect the workers, but Pres. Regan ended that era. No unions were allowed in hospitals because you were a 'caregiver.' Those were the days when we had nuns and the brothers who governed the hospitals...now we have CEOs and they are a 'business.' They all want profits now. We were told years ago, we did not bring in any profits. You can't fight it. We have to accept that which we cannot change? Hey, "keep the change ya filthy animal." That's what we all work for. You are definitely not alone.

You're wrong about unions. Lot of hospitals - have them, and theyre wonderful! n/m

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I do it all the time. Most times it annoys them, - but sometimes we get positive changes - sm

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as a result. Especially if I point out something that is causing us to lose time and production, which to both management and MTs adds up to money.

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