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left Nuance after 2 years, suggestions to improve work ethic? - new year chanes

Posted: Jan 02, 2015

just got so discouraged with Nuance.  Now with a new company and want to improve production and attitude.  Still like transcription.

I meant new year changes NM - OP

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Just relax and enjoy the sanity... - MsMagoo

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Hopefully your new company will encourage happy MTs. As far as work ethic, I only have one little tip which may not even apply to you, but here it is: I removed the TV from my line of sight from my desk and keep it turned off, and it has made a huge difference for me. I thought I was able to work and not be distracted by it, but my line count has increased by 30 to 40 over the last 3 months since I moved the TV. Hard habit to break but so worth it! Best of luck and happy new year to you!

My most recent job was inhouse, and - involved a long commute. (sm)

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Whenever the the hot days, standstill traffic jams or midday drowsiness started to get to me, there was one thing that improved my morale and my work ethic: I thought about the MONEY.

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