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how to factor the rate per audio minute - sm
Posted: Feb 11, 2013
Could anyone tell me how to factor the rate per audio minute. Lets say the pay is 0.40 per audio minute. What would that equate to per hour. How can you tell what your pay is that way?
they pay by report - sm
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I had an account way back like that..sometimes its good (when the doc hesitates like crazy or leaves you on hold for 20 mins) or bad (races through)..It was figured out on a minute basis..whatever rate they give you per minute just multiply by how long your dictation is..40 cents a minute is 24 bucks an hour.
But really not 24 an hour, its 12 an hour - takes double at lowest
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One hour of audio takes 2 hours to type, or 3 hours to type. It is highly unlikely anyone can type as fast as they talk without any talking your foot off the pedal.
but can you type 60 minutes of audio? - RB
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It is highly doubtful that you could type 60 minutes of dictation in 60 minutes. You would have to never second guess a word, have to rewind, stop, etc. So, that is not the case. Most likely it would take you several hours to do 60 minutes of audio dictation, and if it is someone hard to understand, it could take you all day to type it.
audio minutes - snick
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As a former Medical Records supervisor in an acute care facility, our rule of thumb was that it took 3 times as long to transcribe as the length of the report. So, you should be able to complete a 20-minute report in 1 hour, a 5-minute report in 15 minutes. As always in transcription/VR, there are many variables, clarity of dictator, speech patterns, fast/slow, type of dictation (a lot of lab values, technical info such as implants, etc). We found this to be a good guide.
hourly audio rate - RB
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I get paid hourly, but we have a program that calculates our audio minutes per hour. Our evals and performance are based on this. Our master transcriptionist who has been doing this same clinic for almost 25 yrs, on a very good day of easy typing type about 120 minutes of audio for an 8 hour work day. We are still printing into charts, but this is a good output. I, myself, can only type about 80 minutes on a day and I would say that I am a very good. On days I have trouble hearing or am not highly motivated, sometimes I can only type about 30-40 mins.
So, if you typed 120 minutes of audio in an 8 hour work day, being paid 0.40/min you would only make about $6.00/hr. If you typed 80 minutes of audio, you would make about $4.00/hr.
Soooo, the 0.40 a minute rate is a ripoff, and I would guarantee the payer knows this.
how is this so vastly different from the - one explained above?
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Is there any true way to figure this out?
If you know what you can type. - RB
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Unless you know how many minutes of dictation you can type an hour, there is no easy way to find out. Just take what you can type an hour and multiply it by the rate. So say you're having a hard day and can only type about 15 minutes of dictation an hour, then multiple 15 x 0.40 (audio rate PM) which is $6/hr.
CA min wage - RB
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In California you would have to type about 21 audio minutes per hour to make minimum wage.
Do you have any idea what you can type an hour?
rule of thumb and pretty close gauge is 3x length of file to type. - 1 hr will take on the average 3 hrs to type
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so 60 min x 0.40 = 24.00 divided by 3 or 6.00 per hour.
And I believe that formulation is based on average transcriptionists familiar with their dictators, formatting, and loaded with personalized short-cuts.
Agree, except 24 / 3 = $8.00 per hour - sm
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Yep, I found that 1:3 ratio pretty accurate for myself when doing straight transcription. So, capable of about 20 audio minutes per hour (1:3 = 20 audio minutes:60 minutes). 20 min x 0.40 = $8.00 per hour
(Poster above who came up with $6.00 per hour was basing that on 15 minutes transcribed per hour, 1:4 ratio, also reasonable, especially when new on an account. The best one could probably hope for is 1:2 ratio for 30 min transcribed/hour = $12 per hour, which is pretty unlikely except with the best dictators and lots of templates.)
I agree, and usually 1 min = about 9.5 lines - 40c/min is a ripoff
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Very precise. I used to just think 10:1 lines per minute. - :)
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But that would really be for good days where nothing was too off, so a little less than 10 on average is probably more accurate.
And so there's the ~200 lph average, too (straight transcription, of course): 20 audio minutes per hour at about 10 lines per minute
I was told by my MTSO 11 min/hour was average - c
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I think 0.40/audio minute is quite a ripoff too.
ugh, you are right, sorry about error. This is why - I work with words. :o]
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:) No problem. Your basic reasoning was great, just a bit off on the arithmetic. - nm
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Also take subject matter into consideration - Maggie May
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If it is a subject you are not familiar with (if it's not medical) that will slow you down a lot. It can take about 4x as long as the dictation itself, 15 minutes of dictation can take an hour to transcribe, especially if the voice file is crappy or there's a lot of background noise. When I was paid by the dictation minute, I was started at 85 cents and went up to 1.15. Many folks in general transcription won't take less than $1 per dictation minute.
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