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I don't have a working printer right now, otherwise I might print out my Cheat Sheets so I could look at them while working rather than having to open them from the taskbar, but I've been changed around on accounts so much and also tweak my sheets a lot, that it's a paper and time saver for me to just keep them in WordPad form.
I also did this exercise of all main account differences recently, which I pull up when I have to do a lot of switching around and am just getting too discombobulated. It seems not a lot but somewhat helpful, especially what with my increasing memory issues with age. (formatting doesn't work here, but I tabbed over and lined them all up after the headings)
Text begins XX, YY: Text starts on same line.
XYMC, ZGH: Text starts below headings.
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Allergies/Code XX: PENICILLIN causes a rash. - DNR, FULL CODE
XYMC: Penicillin causes a rash.
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Commas XX, YY: No preference
XYMC: Serial only.
ZGH: NO serial comma.
- - - -
Dates XX, ZGH: 8-digit: 01/03/2012, 01/03, 01/2012, 3rd of the month
YY: 8-digit, but: 01/03/2012, January 3, January 2012, 3rd of January
XYMC: concise numerics: 1/3/12, 2/08/12 (as dictated), 1/2
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Department names XX: Cap all.
YY, XYMC, ZGH: No capping.
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DOA, DOD, etc. XX: None in reports
YY: Top of report if dictated. DATE OF CONSULTATION required.
ZGH: Dates if dictated, except for XYZ (see specs/cheat sheet).
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Genus/species XX: C. difficile (never C. diff)
XYMC: Cap genus by itself. The patient had Streptoccus infection.
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Numbering/lists XX: Number all meds and diagnoses.
YY, XYMC: Only if dictated.
ZGH: Number all diagnoses.
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The patient/Patient name XX: The patient... - Name first time only.
YY: Patient.. (or) The patient... - Name never.
XYMC: Patient... (or) The patient... - Name always.
ZGH: The patient... - Name never.
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Physician names ZGH: Pull from header/demo info.
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Platelets XX: Expand, use semicolon.