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Who thinks their platform is fast and efficient? - curious. sm

Posted: Jun 06, 2012

It seems that the platforms nowadays have all slowed down since many are used for the dual purpose of VR and transcription.  I used to use ChartNet years ago.  It was fast and efficient, and I loved it.

Now I am on (another version I suppose) ChartNet again, and it is soooo slow to move from screen to screen, inserting cc's, demos, etc. that it actually makes me bored with my work.  I can't seem to get momentum going like I did on the old ChartNet without VR. 

Are they all this way now?  What platform do you think is best?

I think it depends what company you use Chartnet with. KS owns it and it is fast for me to use. - KSMT

[ In Reply To ..]
I think that there are some companies that are no longer part of Chartnet but still use it, probably an older version. I know that Meridian in IN uses it, but they do not go through the main Chartnet anymore. I used to work for both KS and MH, and the KS is MUCH faster and easier to use.

I love my platform! - Dog mom

[ In Reply To ..]
I use Bayscribe. I only transcribe, not VR. I do 350-400 lph.

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