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What is the best word expander? nm - MT20

Posted: Aug 17, 2013


I've been doing this gig for 10+ years now and still only use Autocorrect! - Im a tool, use me

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I thought about Instant Text, but I'm a cheap prick and figure if I can still do well financially with an already built-in program, why change what works for me. Plus there's that learning curve and I need to maximize all my time at the keys as it is (straight typing still).

Why bring on carpal tunnel even quicker? - Miss Piggy

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My expanders came with the programs. Ten years ago, I bought Instant Text and the documentation was TERRIBLE. Surely it has been improved over this time, if it is still around. Research your options!

Carpal tunnel - Minda

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Carpal tunnel is not caused by typing. Typing is a finger motion, not a wrist repetitive motion. If you are getting carpal tunnel, then you have bad mechanics! I've worked in this job for over 40 years and NEVER have had a problem with my wrists.
Look at your palm and move your fingers - Miss Piggy
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Now look at your wrist. You don't seen the tendons moving in your wrist? Carpal tunnel is from the irritated tendons trapped in the tiny tunnel.
Miss Piggy - Minda
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Having typed IME reports for 20+ years, doctors are saying that carpal tunnel IS NOT caused by typing. Yes, I move my fingers and I see tendons in my carpals, but not in my wrist moving. If you have irritated tendons in the tunnel, it is most likely from a repetitive motion of the wrist, not the fingers. Again, you don't see piano players with carpal tunnel! If you are getting carpal tunnel from typing, you have poor mechanics. Finger motions don't cause carpal tunnel...carpal tunnel is caused by trauma from jarring or vibrations, or, for example, pulling open IV bags. You may have had prior trauma from another source and then it is irritated by the finger motions. But typing alone does not cause carpal tunnel.
Miss Piggy - Minda
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It is when these jarring or repetitive motions occur that scar tissue is built up around the nerves that compresses them, causing the symptoms. I've assisted doctors in surgeries to clear this scar tissue and people have had great success. I had an acquaintance who was highly irritated that the doctors didn't agree with him on using a mouse and keyboard caused his symptoms. He just wanted money for nothing (chicks for free). Most likely, it was caused by his guitar playing!
Pianists do too get carpal tunnel! - sm
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Repetitive stress and/or bad mechanics cause it, yes, the same kind of wrist flexion that typists and pianists do constantly.  



Common causes

  • Repetitive stress

  • Entrapment: the median nerve is vulnerable to compression where it accompanies the flexor tendons passing beneath the volar carpal ligament in the wrist (the carpal tunnel). Wrist flexion or extension elevate pressure within the carpal tunnel, as does thickening of sheaths or encroachment by adjoining structures

That's why these gloves have saved my MT career ("career," hah), by keeping my wrists in neutral position rather than flexed. 

I'm not at all surprised to hear that you've learned this from IME docs, whose main goal is to try to deny claims.  The few times I did any Workers' Comp reports, I felt like throwing my computer across the room I got so angry listening to the docs describe the patients' symptoms and then essentially dismiss their validity.


PianoWoman - Minda
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Your documentation proves that it is mechanics that is causing carpal tunnel for piano players. "keeping your wrists in neutral position"....didn't you learn in high school or typing class (going back to the late 70's now) that you need to hold your hands in a neutral position, so much that someone could place a glass of water on your wrists and you could still type with your fingers? If you are getting carpal tunnel as a pianist, you are using POOR MECHANICS.... you said it yourself!
Yep, so now you admit that they do get it. - hasta (nm)
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wasted enough time
Piano Woman - Minda
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If they get carpal tunnel it is not from the "finger motions of typing nor piano playing." If you want to be a flamboyant pianist and use your wrists and flop them up and down and maneuver them in ways you don't have to, you won't get carpal tunnel! Again, simple finger motions with your carpals and metacarpals WILL NOT CAUSE CARPAL TUNNEL!!! Carpal tunnel is caused by scar tissue over the nerves in the carpal tunnel (wrist) from repetitive motions or jarring. I have known numerous pianists as well as typists who have NEVER gotten carpal tunnel. If you go above and beyond, then it is your own fault because of poor mechanics. I won't argue this any longer! No, I am not a doctor, and I don't cater to the doctors. I have seen enough documentation over the years to know that this is not the problem. You either have other activities that are causing the problem or are using poor mechanics. Tired of arguing with people who don't understand this simple thing.
Carpal tunnel - Anonymous
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Pianists get it, construction workers who use jackhammers or a hammer all day also get it, MTs definitely get it. Typing alone may not cause carpal but moving your hand back and forth between the mouse and keyboard does. Having recently gone through an IME exam for an OTJ injury (not carpal tunnel) and having the examiner falsify information on my report to protect Workmen's Comp from awarding an impairment, (I had to request a repeat exam with a different provider), I'm not sure if someone on an insurance company payroll would be the medical opinion I'd believe. Anyone who types for a living and has developed carpal tunnel would beg to differ.
it is from malpositioning of the hands over all else. - anon
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To stay happy with Autocorrect, just don't ever try a professional - expander. OP, just for one tiny

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example (from many advantages), when you type an abbreviation in a good professional expander but make a mistake, you can correct and move on--WITHOUT RETYPING THE ENTIRE ABBREVIATION. For instance, I type tprtsw (the patient reports that she was) and hit enter, but I meant to use past tense; I can back up to the second T and enter the rest (rdtsw enter) correctly and continue on. That may not sound like much, but all by itself it's a huge advantage.

BTW, I have over 70K entries in one dictionary alone, plus MANY "macros" that perform the repetitive corrections we're always making with a couple of keystrokes. I store whole sample reports in it. I can do that because storage is theoretically unlimited.

Whereas Autocorrect, which is sharing memory with other Windows functions, after about a lousy 7000 entries can start having problems and is comparatively primitive in the functions it offers. Autocorrect is wonderful for casual letter writers and texters but was not designed for our work.

Whenever I hear someone is using Autocorrect I know she or he's keystroking like crazy compared to others. A really talented, fast typist can do well in spite of that, but ordinary typists are working significantly slower than others.

you should def use an expander you would make 3 times the lines - mtr

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if you utilize it

With so many accounts, docs, worktypes, I struggle to - more than double my natural

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typing speed, and my expander usually counts production hovering somewhere around there, but that's not exactly bad. :)
Used properly autocorrect is very powerful - Macro Diva
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I have over 40,000 entries in autocorrect, and I notice no lag whatsoever. Autocorrect used along with Autotext, fields, and word macros gives you all the flexibility and power you could possibly want.

Autocorrect allows you to enter multiple words in your short cut phrase so it is easy to make a correction if you type the wrong word -- no backspacing ever!

here is an example: ppate in my expander is participate, prpate is precipite, I often forget and type the wrong one

So for example, suppose I typed:
Thank you for asking me to precipitate in your patient's care

I have entered "precipitate in your patient's care " in my autocorrect as a short cut which then expands to "participate in your patient's care."

Another example, would be in autotext I have schizoaffective disorder, if I need "schizophrenia" I simply back a backslash after schizoaffective and get schizophrenia.

I use backslashes alot, for example:

PND (changes to:)
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (changes to:)
perinatal depression (changes to:)
postnasal drip (changes to:)
pound (changes to:)
pond (changes back to:)

or chf changes to CHF and then CHF o changes to congestive heart failure

and so forth . . .

If you can't afford a professional expander, you really can get a lot of power out of autocorrect; I have only touched the surface of what can be done with it in this post, as I stated above, combined with autotext and macros, it is a powerhouse.
totally agree - sm
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autocorrect is extremely powerful. I believe those who disagree do not know how to use it properly.

Me, too. Autocorrect does everything I need. - and my dictionary is too big

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to re-do in another program!

Shorthand 10 for Windows - Minda

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The best word expander is Shorthand 10 for Windows. It works with ALL Windows-based programs. It works in Meditech. I haven't found a program that it does not work in. Why use expanders in the programs you are working only to have to again make more expanders in another platform? One is all you need. It is shareware and then you can buy it. But I have had it for over 5+ years and wouldn't use anything else. I delete it from my registry when the trial period is over, and then reinstall it and use it again, over and over.

You havent had to pay for it? - Curious Kitty

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I tried the 30-day trial then, a few months later, thought I'd trial it again but was told my trial had expired and I had to purchase it. I figured they could tell by IP address I had already trialed it once. How'd you get around that, if you don't mind my asking?

Shorthand 10 for Windows - Minda

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You go to your registry and delete it. Go to START and in the search for files and programs box, enter REGEDIT. Choose KHEY Current User, scroll down to software, find SH10, and right click and delete it. Now it is out of your registry. You can now go back to your C:sh10 directory and find the sh10.exe file and press on it and it will load again and give you 14 more days. I have done this for 5+ years.
You can buy a month license after the trial period expires for just $5.95 - if you're really strapped for cash.
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And also yearly too rather than an outright unlimited license.
Also, if you happen to find Shorthand a bit draggy or laggy when - expanding, play with the settings.
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As per this post, for example (originally posted by another poster, not me):

ShortHand Lag - AnaPhylaxis

Posted: May 13th, 2013 - 3:24 pm In Reply to: I don't have any suggestions, but I'd like to ask... - sm

Happy to share...If you open up the SH window, go to "File" in the top left. From the drop-down, select "Preferences." The 1st screen that comes up in "Preferences" is "1. Operation." I adjusted my settings to:

0 Pause. 
40 Keystrokes. 

Now it expands instantaneously, just like AutoCorrect. Once I conquered the lag, I found I just love the program now. HTH! 


AnaP - Minda
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The only problem I have encountered, and it is not in all programs, is that if you are a fast typist and you use an expander, that sometimes it will make everything CAPITALIZED and if you use shift it doesn't go back to normal. The only way before to make it stop was to exit the program and come back on. However, I figured out that if that happens, then you need to use one of your expander words, such as HTN, for hypertension, and type HTN and hit enter, but while it is doing its thing, also hit the space bar and it will take it out of that awful loop. It only happens in a few programs that I have noticed.
Minda - SM
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Okay, I tracked down the entry on the registry and deleted it, but can't find the SH10.exe file to click on. I found the set-up and tried re-installing it but I got the message that I didn't have a valid license, lol! Did I do something wrong? Thanks!
SM - Minda
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Where ever it is that you have SH10 installed onto your computer, you need to go to that folder. Mine is in c:sh10. The file name is sh10, and it is an "application file". You click on that and it will reload and say you have 14 days more left. You should not have to go to the website and re-download.
just do a search under start menu. find it, delete it, done. - anon
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Minda - SM
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It won't work on my PC apparently. I found the file and right-clicked on it to open it, but as soon as it reloads I get the "License required, program will not work" message. Darn, it was worth a try though!!!
You reload your program every 2 weeks? - I would rather just pay and be done.
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What a pain in the ass.

Shorthand 10 for Windows - Minda

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It works in your email, it works on Facebook....

Also, you can convert your expander files from Word, Instant Text, etc. So if you have a lot of files on Word (I had over 1500 entries), it will convert it so you can use them and you don't have to reenter them all again! If you need help, please email me.

Can I convert Word2003 autocorrects to Shorthand? That would be so great. Thanks all for your help - MT20

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Yes. Go to File, Run File Converter, Help, scroll down to... - another peanut in the gallery
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Converting Microsoft Word 2000 Autocorrect entries (works for 2000 and later)  

I just put over 20,000 in, easy-peasy, and now also have a nice saved list of all my entries to boot.  Take the steps in the instructions slowly. 

shorthand 10 - love it

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But I almost like SH8 better. I wish we had a Shorthand forum, I cannot find my old Shorthand entries for editing, and they are invaluable! Lost the list, they are in there somewhere...many entries make a search impossible.

Me too. I started putting a "key" in the short, like - a Q to start entries for correcting one

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or changing one term to another. qr changes her to him, that sort of thing. Searching all the qs can take a while, but better than nothing. :)

try file/preferences/dictionary and then find. type any word(s) in expansion - and hit enter. small msg

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I have SH9 - works for me.

expanders - Cloverport

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I have used Instant Text for quite a few years now. I have been wanting to try Shorthand for a while now, but I do not want to get rid of my Instant Text to try it. Do you know if I can have both on my computer at the same time? I would like to use the trial version of SH10 for a while and see which I like better.

Cloverport - AnaPhylaxis

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I'm not positive but I believe as long as turn off your InstantText, you should be able to run ShortHand.

I understand IT is a very powerful expander but I'm too ADD to adapt to all of the bells and whistles and couldn't ever figure how to comfortably, without taking extra time, choose from column A or column B to pick which expansion I wanted to use (I realize this is probably very simple but working 2-1/2 jobs, I just don't have the time required to invest to learn to use IT appropriately).

I found SH to be a much more simplistic yet effective program. I discontinued my IT trial and went to SH. For my particular needs, it was much more efficient and easier to wrap my ADD brain around.

Good luck to you, and, yes, I believe, as long as you turn off IT, you should be able to download the free trial of SH and begin using it.

best word expander - granny

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Breevy 3.28
free 30-day trial
price is $35.

Conventional expanders only work with your additions - Joe

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The more advanced engines, like Smartype and Instant Text do much more. Smartype, for example, comes with a built-in Vocabulary of 48,000 words found in medical reports, all correctly spelled and capitalized. Its frequency-oriented word-completion technology saves many more keystrokes than conventional expanders. Instant Text suggests phrases from the text you've already typed.

Both dramatically increase your productivity, compared to the other tools. You can check out these products by doing a free trial. Full disclosure: Smartype is my company's product.

Best word expender - TLC

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Best is subjective. I've always used Abbreviate and found it suits my needs; but I see many use Autocorrect and others. I like Abbreviate because there are multiple preloaded "lists" (one primarily medical, one primarily legal, and a couple more) which you can easily (again IMHO) edit or add your personal preferences. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Abbreviate - TLC - See message

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I've never heard of the expander Abbreviate and can't unearth it on Google searches. Do you have a website where this can be checked out?

Thanks so much!!!

Maybe poster meant Breevy? - Expanders

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