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Transcription job difficulty - sheeba

Posted: Jan 08, 2014

I'm a transcriptionist/editor with 23 years' experience working at home for various companies and in hospitals.  I have had a hard time getting a new job lately.  I have been applying to all the jobs on the job seeker's board for the past 3 weeks and have only gotten 2 replies, to do further testing.  I've heard nothing else.  With my skill level and experience, I can't imagine why I would not pass the testing.  I'm wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience lately.  Maybe it is just a slow hiring time?  I'm a little concerned.  I've been out of work for 4 months due to Nursing school and a heavy course load, but now I need to work, bills are mounting... 

Same experience 2 yrs ago...SM - Old Anon

[ In Reply To ..]
I was laid off from my hospital job, went on UE,and immediately started applying to job postings. Over a period of about 6 weeks, I applied to over 20 companies. I tested for those that invited me to, and I got a few thanks for applying but we're not hiring now or we don't hire from the state in which you live. Then lo and behold at about the 7th week mark, I got offers for interviews with 3 companies within a 2 day period. I did the interviews and chose the company I wanted. The moral of this story is, at this point in time, it takes longer to get a new job; and it may take even longer than it did 2 years ago. It goes without saying, and I'm sure you've already done this, to check your resume for typos and also condense it as much as possible. Also, if you are only looking for part time, a lot of companies prefer to hire full time, so that may be a stumbling block. Have you tried other MT job sites? If not do a search for such, and you'll have more companies to apply to. It's a numbers game...the more applications you put out, the better your chances will be. Good luck.

Keep trying. Don't give up. - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I know it's hard. It's grueling. It's time-consuming, nerve-wracking, stomach-churning, and exhausting. But it's the only way you're going to find the right company. I did what others have suggested and only included the last 20 years of my 30+ year career. I think it makes a difference, for some reason. In your case, maybe just include the last 15 years. List all of the specialties you've typed, even if some were just briefly. Ask a friend who has a business to look at your resume and give you some pointers on what a business looks for. You'll make it!!!

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