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Think I have been scammed by MT company - confused

Posted: Dec 13, 2010

I am disparate for work so I sent my info/paperwork to a company Friday so that I can start training today and they have not contacted me over the weekend or today.  I have called them and emailed them and have not gotten a reply either way.  I am worried.  Should I assume they are ruining me?  Or are they caught in that awful snowstorm and have no electric and cannot contact me even by cell phone?  I don't buy that excuse.  What should I do at this point?  I need to be working!!!!!!!

Scam? - MT

[ In Reply To ..]
Not sure how this would be a scam unless you sent them some money, which we consistently warn about here. I suppose some companies scam by having one do transcription work for them, under the guise of taking a test. Those are the only things I can think of right now.

They have my personal info - is that scammed?

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Why would they want my personal info after offering me a job and then not contact me or returns calls? They wanted someone to start on Monday ("immediately"). So I am not sure how to feel about it. I just don't like giving out my personal info for this profession all of the time.

I See - MT

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Ahh, I see, so you think it may not even be a transcription company. It is scary, especially when you give a Social Security number once they say you're hired. Stick to the companies we all know are at least legit, even if they're not the nicest of places to work.
Scammed? - Anonymous
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They probably would not have contacted you over the weekend as most HR Departments don't work Saturday-Sunday. If it's a legitimate company, give them a day. Maybe there was an illness in someone's family, maybe they had a lot of other calls to make, maybe there were technical issues, don't rule out weather-related problems. I know from past experience that Mondays can be crazy sometimes. If they give your SSN to others outside the company, then there is cause for concern, otherwise nothing very untoward has happened if you didn't give them any money. Continue trying to contact them if you don't hear anything today or tomorrow, hopefully it will all work out okay.
Thanks for helping me feel better about this - still worried
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I suppose I should be more patient with them but I was really hoping to start working today. I need the money! Kids and bills! It is so frustrating trying to find steady income in this profession. I love working at home and being here when my kids need me but I am really considering going to Walmart for a job. Thanks for trying to make me feel better about this all of this. I just worry about giving out such personal info. Is there a way to protect ourselves from someone taking that info and using it against us?
Email them and/or call them every day. Just nicely letting them know - NKC
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you're still out there and you really are eager to start. I've done this. I basically word the email as "just touching base with you and letting you know that I am ready when you are..." or something to that effect. Try to talk to the transcription supervisor or an account manager. When it's their team they need help on, they are really good about lighting a fire under HR.

Good Luck To You!
You're welcome - Anonymous
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I have a bad habit of imgaging the worst and then there turns out to be a very good explanation so I hope that is true for you. I mentioned the weather thing because I know it's pretty nasty in certain parts of the US right now. Where I live, we actually have "snow days" where schools are closed or have late starts and people in the outlying areas have to stay home, so I would never rule that out. All I can say about having your personal info being used against you is to be careful who you give it to. An employer would need it for income tax purposes. If a job was offered in good faith you have done nothing wrong. If the employer is legitimate there should not be a problem. Anyway, good luck, hope it turns out all right.

Scammed - Nick

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I hope you are smart enough not to give out personal information until after you have done a background check on the company and you have been officially hired. Did you do your due diligence and check them out first?

Remember: NEVER send your SS# or driver's license - number on an application.

[ In Reply To ..]
I would tell them that information is available IF and WHEN you get an offer.

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