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Scammed - Ava

Posted: Sep 12, 2010

I have a sinking feeling that I have beened scammed by a transcription company.  Anyone else out there feel the same way?   I have worked the necessary 6 weeks (sounded fishy to me from the start) before getting my first paycheck. I have done exceptional work for a great doctor.  I have yet to see any money.  I really like this job, but am scared that I have been taken for a ride.  I pray that this is not the case.  Any help would be appreciated.


Ava Betts

6 weeks? - Nothing For Free

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I am not a new MT (30+), but was wondering about your post. Do you mind if I ask how they justified a 6 week waiting period?

Ava - Me

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Why on earth would you take a job that sounded fishy from the start? Why on earth would you stay for six weeks without pay? Not making you wrong, just seems like not a good business decision. Good luck!

pay - ava

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Apparently, it is not that unheard of in this business...wow you seem more upset than I do. I am a newbie that is why.

Delay in Pay - Newbie2

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Was there nothing stated before hiring about a delay in pay? There are some companies that only pay their ICs when the client pays them. Therefore, a delay in pay can be expected. One such company owner told me that he does this. In the beginning when you start it may take up to 2 months for your first check and then a month thereafter. For example, you work the 1st-15th of Sept. but you won't get paid until the 15th of October for that work.

pay - ava

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It was mentioned in the hire on papers, but I had never heard of such a thing before. Thanks for the input, it makes me feel better.

Newbie2 - Nick

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I am an IC and I make darned sure that there is a clause in my contract that my pay is due every two weeks and that it NOT dependent upon the client paying the contractor who subs to me. My attorney wrote my contract for me. I think folks should set up their businesses like businesses. It will save you a lot of grief down the road and is worth every penny.

Newbie2 - Nick

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Any MT who agrees to a contract that states they will be paid when the client pays the main contractor is foolish. You are setting yourself you to be used.

The MTSOs business practices are seriously lacking - StillMTin

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I realize you're a newbie and don't get the nuances, but you've signed a really poor agreement. There is enough profit margin in MT that any COMPETENT business person will have reserves for payroll. I dont recall now, but are you an IC? If so, resubmit a contract stating you will be paid every two weeks. YOu may lose the job, but quite honestly, if this person is operating this type of business, you're never going to see regular pay and more than likely may be seeing a bunch of promises in lieu of cash.

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