Reading some of HIPAA's rules this morning - Mae
Posted: Sep 02, 2013
and noticed it was talking about a breach. This is something that happened the other day and under the new law, am I supposed to report a scenerio like this?
I had a physician who told me this patient's social security number. There is no place to include that on their report, nor has it ever been with this particular company so I just heard and that was it.
Would I be, as a business associate soon to be, required to inform someone about this, like ratting on this physician?
Breach - me
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No you dont rat on the physician. You just don't type it in the report. Or I would think you can xxx-xx-LAST FOUR NUMBERS. But you should ask somebody in charge what they think. : )
no. no. no. - sm
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as a business associate, you are obviously allowed to be privy to personal info - you just can't disclose it!
That is not the question about my having the - Mae
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private information. My question was: A physician gives a social security number. Am I to report HIM for a violation of the law?
I know on my end not to disclose, we never use the patient's name and surely not the SS number.
No, he did not violate the law. - sm
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Why do you think he did? Explain that and we can answer your concern more specifically.
He disclosed it to you. You are authorized. Where is the problem?
no. no. no. You are not to report him - he did not break the law
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No, that is not a breach. - sm
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A breach is the release of PHI/PII to unauthorized persons. Because you do this type of work for that account, it is expected that you will be exposed to PHI/PII. You are an authorized person.
PHI/PII is not just SSNs. It is any information which alone or with other information can be used to identify the patient. Appointment times, dates and times of surgery, addresses, age and something else, all sorts of things.
If you have that digital recording or the transcript in your computer and it gets stolen, that's a breach. If a hacker gets into your computer and retrieves patient info as you are working, that's a breach. If you print drafts and your husband accidentally throws them out, and they blow out of the garbage truck, that is a breach. If you dispose of your computer by recycling without destroying the hard drive and someone retrieves the info on it, that is a breach.
To no, not a breach - Mae
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Reading over rules this morning I was thinking I saw something about a physician giving a SS number and that would be considered a breach. I can almost swear I read something about as business associates we would be required to report that. I tried finding the same article again but thus far I have not.
you now have 5 experienced MTs telling you -- - it is NOT a breach
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You do NOT report the physician.
Not a newbie here myself, just trying to make - Mae
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sense of basically legalese and trying to make a decision about obtaining liability insurance versus LLC.
Also, talked about sending copy to wrong physician - Mae
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And saying that is a breach. Now that is confusing because if giving out SS is not something because we both are authorized, then the physician getting the wrong copy is also an authorized person.
Yes, THAT is a breach. - sm
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The wrong physician is not involved in the patient's care, hence he is not authorized.
If you have difficulty with understanding HIPAA/HITECH, you would be much better off as an employee. It is confusing. The penalties are steep. It is far easier to let your employer deal with it.
Apparently not the only person not understanding - Mae
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as I have read several postings from others discussing this same issue about now being business associates. As far as being an employee, that would mean a cut in my pay. Yep, it goes down when you are an employee as IC at my job and I doubt many here wanting a pay cut. I have spoken with someone this morning regarding their wanting to have LLC and what it meant and trying to decide, and probably will within this week, about which route I need to take.
three exceptions to definition of breach - here is one
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�A breach excludes any unintentional acquisition, access or use of protected health information by a workforce member (including volunteer or trainee) or person acting under the authority of a covered entity or business associate, if the acquisition, access or use was made in good faith and within the scope of authority and does not result in further use or disclosure in a manner not permitted by the Privacy Rule.
If you become an LLC you are still...SM - Old Anon
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a Business Associate and the same HIPAA and HITECH laws would apply to you. LLC is simply a type of corporation and would not exempt you.
But, from what I am gathering, the LLC - Mae
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would cover you in case of a law suit, you personally are not the LLC. I remember years ago my then husband and I incorporated a business. He literally ran the business, from a home office, as I was working 2 jobs then other than the business he mostly was involved in. I had the home in my name only, bought before the marriage. His business went under and some tried to seek payment from the home, could not touch. Also had IRA showing up at my door several years later trying to say I was working in his job and said I owed $60,000+ dollars. After showing my work schedule, which amounted to 13 hours per day, was cleared completely.
And, and see 2 top postings also about this same issue - Mae
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Noticed one person who answered here suggesting maybe I should be an employee if not understanding HIPAA/HITECH. I would kindly suggest many others do not understand either and we are in the same boat.
Piercing the corporate veil.... - Anonymous
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There's a concept called "piercing the corporate veil." I am not a lawyer. But if I'm ever an IC, I'm going to trust my liability insurance more than my form of doing business to protect my assets and future earnings.
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