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QA submission doubt - new inductee in MModal

Posted: Feb 09, 2012

i am new inductee in to MModal with 15-days expirence til now..

Can someone tel me what is that thing in DocQmanage in statstics that states in LC , which says " QA submission" "YES" and "NO"... what exactely is that.. does that affect the final paycheck..

If it shows " NO" then do i get paid more for that file? or vice-versa? 





answers for you - MModal slave

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You are allowed to send up to 5% of your work to QA. Anything over that, you will be reduced 3 cpl for each report that goes to QA.

If you submit 25% of your work to QA, 20% of that would be at 3 cpl less, so if you are doing ASR at 4 cpl, you will be paid 1 cpl for that 20% of your work.

You do not get paid more if you do not use QA. You get paid what you were told, typically 4 cpl for ASR and 8 for transcription.

You are allowed to send work through to the client with a blank, however, if it comes back on an audit that you are sending work through that the QA staff could have easily filled in, you will be written up and potentially fired or put on 100% QA and then all your work will be at 3 cpl less.

This is how the MModal (formerly known as MQ) operates. Everything is a double edged sword and they will stab you over and over.

Let me understand this - Not a MQer

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We all know dictations have cut-offs, burps, noise-overs, etc. Do you mean to tell me if these things are sent to QA, which ARE NO FAULT OF THE MT, then you get docked?

If this is true, MQ, you are a POS that I would never consider as a potential employer. I also would strongly advise against another MT accepting a position there.

yes.. that is true - MModal slave

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Yes, bad audio, loud background noise, wrong work type, inaudible patient name, unable to find cc name, anything....

Like I said, we can send these through to the client without them going to QA and just leaving a note to the client, BUT, if the client sees excessive blanks, they will do their own audits and then the QA staff at MModal will listen and if you are sending stuff through that could have been figured out, your on the chopping block.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
oh yea... and I forgot to add - MModal slave
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Even if you send something to QA and they are not able to fill it in, it still counts against you.

All the above that Mmodal slave says is true! - nm
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OMG I will never complain about my company again!!! - Say what?
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This is outrageous! You people really need to find a better company. I know that is so much easier said that done. How can you stand it? There must be a large turnover with them. You have my complete sympathy if you can not find another job. I just can't imagine working 3 cpl for VR or for typing! Sorta makes any complaint I might have seem trivial!!
MQ PAY DROPS TO 1 CPL - MQ is toxic to MTs
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Dear OMG, the replier to the OP said it could drop to 1 cpl. Anyone who works for them has my deepest sympathy (except for those working offshore). There are better places out there.

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