No Chance of a Raise - Meh
Posted: Oct 27, 2013
As an MT, there's no chance of getting a raise or promotion, and so there's little incentive or motivation, especially being paid pennies per line. Yet, they expect you to participate in continuing education, which takes additional time and perhaps even money. What a joke. They don't expect crew members at McDonald's to take extra time off work hours, and they get paid the same amount. No point in complaining, I know, but it's so ridiculous.
I wonder every single day why good MTs put up with it. - In-House Lead
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I'm the last person standing -- a department of one -- at a hospital that has outsourced its transcription to Nuisance.
Some of the MTs are truly awful and it is apparent that they don't care. Some, however, are really good at what they do.
I know exactly how little you are making. I know you haven't had a raise in... well, ever. I know how you struggle and strain with certain dictators and aren't even making minimum wage on those jobs even as your blood pressure goes through the roof and your head pounds.
Every day I sit in my cubicle and shake my head and wonder why you continue to put up with such nonsense.
Nuisance Transcription Company - Meh
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I assume you meant Nuance instead of Nuisance when you said hospital has outsourced its transcription to Nuisance. Either you were being sarcastic or it's a Freudian slip. Anyway, that's a good one. I've heard Nuance has a very high turnover rate, meaning people are walking away, which means there are always jobs available there since they can't get enough qualified people will to work for a few pennies (a line).
Why, Meh, do you continue on? - In-House Lead
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I am genuinely curious as to why people put up with it.
I haven't had a raise since the 90s, in fact my - pay was cut. The last time
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I worked in house I had to train someone as an MT who had absolutely no training whatsoever, no experience. She made the same money as I did. I quit.
I've been there, too, and it's terrible. - In-House Lead
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I worked for a couple of services for years and just about drove myself into the poor house in so doing. I didn't have a raise or any paid time off in 8 years. In 2003, I endured a 40% pay cut because the MTSO lost my primary account. I stuck it out with them because I didn't feel I had any other options. (I was wrong.) It was a very scary time for me as I am my own sole provider. The low point came when my rent check bounced.
Finally by 2005, in desperation, I started looking online for something else... even if it meant I couldn't work from home any longer. To my great shock, I discovered that there were a couple of in-house MT jobs at the hospital here. I had been told for years that such a thing didn't exist anymore. (I never bothered to actually investigate for myself.) I got one of the jobs, and it was one of the best things I ever did. I'll never forget the first paid day I took off in over 8 years. It felt downright decadent.
I don't recommend to the OP that she look for any other MT job. I see people here running from one MTSO to another, looking for shelter. MT as a viable way to scratch out even a meager living is wheezing its death rattle. But if she lives anywhere near a hospital, there are many jobs there that aren't even advertised -- she needs to go to their jobs board to find them. And then keep on checking. I would encourage her to take anything -- sterile processing, patient registration, lunch lady in the cafeteria -- anything. From there, she can transfer out to another department. People move around all the time.
That's one possible solution. She can also check her local utility companies' websites. They often have jobs but don't advertise and only post on their jobs boards.
Another is selling on eBay and/or Amazon if the OP lives in the boonies without a hospital/urgent care clinic/large clinic group or utility company within a 50-mile radius. I recommend this for EVERYBODY looking to make ends meet, even if they have a full-time j.o.b.
This Is Why - Meh
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Believe it or nor, I actually trained for this pretty recently with MTEC. Prior to that, I was on SSI disability income. I get about the same amount of money working as an MT as I did getting SSI. (I'd rather be financially independent and be self-disciplined, however.) Prior to this, I have never really worked, since I came from a family who offered little to no guidance and was financially enabling and because of disability. When I decided to train for this, I thought I'd be making about $12 to $14 an hour, since that's what Department of Labor says when you look them up on the Internet. (Turns out their information is several years old, and this line of work has gone more and more downhill with less and less payment to MTs.) I thought even $12 wasn't much, but given my history and because I'm good at typing and English and grammar and like words, I chose this. I hope now that I will now have the self-discipline (from having a "real" job) to be a writer. EBay sounds like a good idea. You've inspired me to look into that. I have a major facial flaw and I think a store theme that's geared to selling products that help minimize that physical flaw could work. I will probably be an MT for a few, just a few more years, and then no more. Maybe I'll sell lots of books, who knows? But being an MT is a stopgap measure for getting off SSI, and it's temporary, fur sure.
I applaud your gumption. One of the reasons I'm so passionate about - In-House Lead
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eBay and Amazon is it is something ANYBODY can do. You are completely anonymous, so it levels the playing field across what, yes, are very real barriers to employment (physical deformity, age, weight, race, social skills).
In my online eBay business support group, we have people who don't speak English very well, an 11-year-old kid, a couple of MBAs, a guy in a wheelchair, several people in their 60s, moms who want to stay at home with their kids, someone with Asperger's, and shy people who don't want to show their faces.
The other reason I like it is because once you learn the ropes, it is something you can always fall back on no matter what. It's an excellent way to cover the bills and fill in any gaps. Doing it full-time is also very doable. And you can also choose to live anywhere you want!
Sounds Like A Motley Crew - Meh
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It sounds like a motley medley of people who are on the online eBay business support group. Oh,you forgot to add circus show freak. lol I'm just bring facetious. It's actually very nice that anyone can get ino eBay or Amazon and make a pretty good income. Once the ropes are learned, it probably won't take much to surpass the income one makes as an MT. Actually, most MTs work at home too, so most MTs can also choose to live anywhere they want, but the problem is there's not enough money in the paychecks to live hardly anywhere!
Nice going, in house, good job of - shoving it in her face SM
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Why do they put up with it indeed? Probably because there are no other jobs available. Probably because if she quits then there is no unemployment compensation for a true IC MT. And probably because if she were eligible for any slim UC benefits, M2 would find a way to fight it. Probably because many people are in a situation where MT is all they can do at this point.
That's probably why she and so many others "put up with it." You sit there and gloat, department of one, because your day will likely come soon where you'll be out the door.
Hey, I'm on your side. - In-House Lead
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I'm not gloating. Actually, work has been a terrible stressful mess for me since the slash and burn that happened around here. I've said all along that the ones who got to retire early were the lucky ones. I've been left to deal on a daily basis with the chaos and angry doctors that Nuance creates.
Is fear of learning something new THAT daunting, or are people just really stuck in a situation they can't get out of? What's the situation? I've asked the question and never got a reply. What's the solution to get unstuck?
I have posted before about making good money on eBay. It is going better than I ever could have expected, and I've shared that here before in the hopes that it might be an option for someone who feels discriminated against because of their age or who can't bear the thought of going back to school at this point in their lives. It's a viable way to make ends meet, no matter what circumstances one finds themselves in.
your stress level - nana
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Your stress level is not becuase of Nuance. It's because your hospital chose profit over quality of patient care. They chose the cheapest way to get their transcription completed and in the chart. So you get what you pay for.
Instead of being on this board gloating about what a hard job you have thanks to Nuance (sarcasm) how about complaining to the right people in your hospital to try to get inhouse transcription back. Probably won't work but then you would be on the transcriptinist side.
Sooner or later it will happen, not sure if it will be in my lifetime or not but it will because you will see increased lawsuits from errors that are not caught affecting patient care or worse.
On your side too - ChiMT
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I agree with you, In-House. Left M* a few months ago, now also selling full-time on Ebay. This is a viable way out of MT for those looking to get out. For us independent types, income is once again determined by our own effort and innovation. No more MT!
so tell us - what exactly is it
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that you are selling on ebay that can provide a "nice" weekly/monthly/annual income. It seems the resources would eventually run out. Rather unpredictable "job" if you ask me.
Lots of info available - ChiMT
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There's valid information all over the Web on making a good living on Ebay. I would also advise going to Amazon and picking up a couple of books on the subject. Buy "used" and you can get them for $3.00 or so. By the way, we're not talking about a "Job." We're talking about creating something for yourself that "the suits" cannot take away from you. The change in mindset is crucial.
LOTS of info available on YouTube. - In-House Lead
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You can search "what sells on eBay" there.
Below is a video by Autumn's Upscale Resale that got me started. Like her, I started with clothes, but have now branched out into other things. There are many niches in which to sell and hundreds of videos where people are showing what they are selling.
We are getting these things from thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales, auctions, CraigsList and even from eBay. There are also people who are doing "retail arbitrage." All these YouTube videos will open up a whole other world out there.
Good luck!
and what if someone does not have enough - stuff to sell on ebay? SM
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then what? Should someone then go buying up a lot of miscellaneous "stuff" in order to have something to sell?
There are definitely many reasons why someone stays in this job and "puts up" with the various circumstances.
Here's a link - ChiMT
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There is a solution to sourcing items for sale on Ebay, and I am posting a link for this. I'm sure there will be suspicion and nay-saying, so here's my disclaimer. Yes, there is a component of affiliate marketing in this, IF you are interested in that. You do not, however, have to participate, and I do not. I'm interested only in creating my desired income thru Ebay, and then I'm going to music school. So, again, below is the link and I do not profit anything except I hope whoever is interested will benefit. I am still recovering from the grief of having worked in MT for 35+ years because I loved it, only to have it destroyed. Things got so bad for me that I was in danger of losing my house ...
Huh? - Meh
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I went to the YouTube link, but didn't watch the whole video. However, I did go to their website, and the website is apparently total baloney. Immediately, the page on the site seems to demand that you click on something and then give your name and email address. I took a risk and did that (I have McAfee AntiVirus for protection.) However, even after doing that, the website did not proceed to anything at all. There is nothing at all on the website, apparently.???
Sorry - Wrong Link. Here's What ... - ChiMT
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What About You? - Meh?
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Have you participated in this yourself? What's the catch? I don't believe that people are philanthropists when it comes to their businesses and personal profits (otherwise, MTSOs would be paying more to MTs), so there's got to be something more to it. Have you tried this and profited from it?
In addition to the link I've posted, here is another - In-House Lead
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This is summersells is doing.
Ebay, Eh? - Meh
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I have a theme idea for type of products to sell if I had a store. I don't know nothing about EBay, though. I just want to know one thing: Does EBay allow you to dropship products to customers so you don't need to have an inventory--or is it just about selling stuff you already have on hand?
Yes, yes you can! - In-House Lead
[ In Reply To ..] has a fulfillment program for eBay. There are other eBay fulfillment houses out there as well.
Also check into selling on via their excellent FBA program (Fulfillment By Amazon). That is where you ship your products to the Amazon warehouse and they handle everything from there. Their fees are high, but you're paying for them to handle it all.
Now, Amazon doesn't allow certain things to be sold by us commoners (such as clothing and jewelry), so check their guidelines.
Many, many FBA videos and free help on YouTube as well as Facebook.
Hmmmmm - Meh
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So it sounds like if one uses Amazon's fulfillment program for eBay, then one's eBay "store" (without any brick or mortar) would exist mainly pretty much for the purpose of like an advertisement for the products offered (which would then be handled by Amazon in which profits would also be split with them)? I'll need to look into this further.
Wholesale May Be Preferable - Meh
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I haven't looked into fulfillment program for eBay yet, but I Googled "eBay and drop shipping" (or something like that)and I got a link to a page on eBay in which they recommend NOT going the drop shipping route. That's because they say there's little or even no profit that way. Instead, they recommend buying wholesale or imports to sell. Just a piece of information I got today, thought I'd share.
Ebay has fees for you using their - on line "store", as well
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as fees for when you sell a product. they get a portion of it. (1/3 if I remember right). Amazon has pretty high fees, as well, and would never consider using them. Etsy has fees, which are pretty high too. All of these places that "allow" you to use their site for selling your products demands a fee in order to do that. If you add up the fees compared to the price of your product, as well as shipping, you are not making much of a profit at all. I try to cut out the "middle man" as much as possible, and will have my own website with shopping cart. then all I have to pay is the hosting fees and fees for the credit card host. There is more in MY pocket that way!
Ebay is not all it is cracked up to be, believe me!! they want a portion of everything! look into it carefully before you get sucked in!
well of course they do, its a business. they also mediate on your behalf - if there is a dispute. its not all bad
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I am a very happy buyer and seller on Ebay
If you want totally free try craigslist or buy, sell and trade pages on Facebook
So actually they are in the business - of profiting from
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YOUR "business." They do not offer much in return for putting their hands in my pockets, and if mediating on my behalf if there is a dispute is all they have to "offer," I can mediate my own disputes quite well, thank you. Again, I prefer my own web site to sell my product as opposed to paying someone else for nothing.
you can be happy all you want. I am just saying that this is not what I want, and just trying to let others know, who may be considering this, that it is not all honey and roses. Personally I just do not like someone else profiting from my hard work, expertise, and expenses already put into providing a unique product designed to help people. I do not need Craigslist or Facebook to provide a "free" atmosphere for my product sales. I can do it on my own without letting someone else put their hands in my pockets for a "share" of something that is not theirs. It may be what you want, but it is not what I want.
I actually got the eBay idea from someone here - In-House Lead
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I believe her post was over in "Gab." She said she made $800 in a month by just selling things around the house. I can confirm that that is very doable as in my first month, without knowing what I was doing and making a lot of mistakes, I replicated and actually exceeded that. I've posted before about it; check the archives. In my second month, my eBay earnings paid my rent and all of my utilities and cell phone. I am just doing this part-time. I went to a garage sale and bought a box full of vintage toy and doll catalogs from the '70s for $8.00. They sold like hotcakes and 3 went to overseas buyers. Yes, eBay is a LOT of hard work. But it is worth it to me.
eBay fees are nowhere near 33% - In-House Lead
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Depending on the category in which you sell, the fee range will be from 6-10%. PayPal takes a small cut, too. You don't need to have a store (I don't), but if you choose to, the store fee is a whopping $19.95 a month (and just $15.99 if you prepay for the year), and then you also get a 1% break on the above 6-10%. If you become a Top Rated Seller, you get a 20% fee discount off the top. Please quit spreading disinformation.
Another Place To Get Stuff - Meh
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I don't know what the advantages of having an eBay "store" is, but I think I'll just try it without the store. Another place to get stuff is Goodwill and other thrift stores. You have to have stuff to sell stuff, after all. I just watched a YouTube video in which someone was showing her Goodwill haul saying you could turn less than a hundred bucks to over one thousand bucks.
Yep, yep. :o) - In-House Lead
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There are many places to get stuff. That was my big concern in the beginning -- would I be able to find the quality items Summer and Autumn talk about in their videos? I went on a couple of recon missions at 3 thrift stores and intentionally did not bring any money with me. I just wanted to observe and make note. To my great surprise, I found the brands they talk about. I will never get over the level of quality items that people just give away.
If you are interested, Meh, I can link a couple other excellent YouTube clips by the people I've been learning from. They've been doing this full-time for a while now and are a wealth of (free) information. I am blown away that they are so generous with the knowledge that took them years to acquire.
Sure, And What About You? - Meh
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Sure, what YouTube videos do you suggest are really helpful to watch/listen to? Also, I would like to know more about yourself. Did you say you "make a living" with eBay? And if so, do you mind telling me how much you make? And about how many hours do you spend time (on average) each week, would you say, including photographing, posting the items on eBay, and shipping them?
eBay: my monthly target and hours - In-House Lead
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My goal (now) is to clear $1000 a month, but I think now that I have all the kinks worked out and have a system down and am also selling on Amazon FBA, I will increase my goal to $1500. I spend 2-3 hours a day Mon-Thu either shopping, listing, or shipping (or a combination thereof). Sometimes life gets in the way during the week and I don't get to eBay (except to ship... if your customer pays, you gotta get their package out, even if you are sick or exhausted). On Friday mornings (only), I either shop or ship (don't list). I hit it hard on Saturdays from the time I wake up until 7 p.m., then take the evening off. I don't do anything on Sunday.
Some people to look up on YouTube: Danni Ackerman, Lynn Dralle, and Dallas Moore. Below is a link to my favorite Dallas Moore video. It's because of his guidance that I turned an $8 investment into $1000+ (and counting... still haven't sold all the contents of that box full of vintage catalogs).
One point to clarify: When summersells (and others) say they are turning the sort of flips you've mentioned above, it's important to note that it could take her 4 months to sell all of those clothes from that one haul. Clothes take a long time to sell, but if they are a brand that has a high resale demand on eBay (this is key), your pictures are good, and the price is right, they WILL sell. Other categories sell more quickly. It's best to have a mix of both what they call "long tail" (sells slowly) and "short tail" (sells quickly).
If you want to make $500 a month, IT IS VERY DOABLE and dare I say fairly easy to do.
It is slow-going in the beginning and there's quite a learning curve involved. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. I've made a ton of mistakes.
What Sells Quickly? - Meh
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You say clothes are among slow-selling items. What would be some "short tail" or quickly-selling items?
My Plan - Meh
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EBay sounds like a really good idea. I plan to still be an MT for a few more years and have eBay supplement my income, or should I say work at eBay and have being an MT supplement my income. I want to make enough with both incomes to move to another apartment. To move out, I would need to make about $500 more than the income I get from being an MT. Based on the YouTube videos, that is realistic indeed. However, I think that turning about $50 into about $1,300 is still probably when one is having a good day. Perhaps, on average, it would more likely be turning about $50 into about half that amount, which would mean about $600, which is still wonderful and would meet my goal.
Making an extra $500 a month is VERY doable! - In-House Lead
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Keep watching the "picker" videos on YouTube and learn, learn, learn. Another person who has been very helpful in terms of teaching the mechanics of eBay is The Struggleville. Okay, gotta go take pictures now. :o)
No in-house job, no raises and I have also wondered - why people just sit here
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especially when they have to depend on this job to make a living. I read where people have to use food stamps, lose their homes, cannot pay bills, no money at all and yet. This is nothing that has happened in the last 2 or 3 years but as long as I can remember reading this board. I am like the person above, astonished. If I had to live on the salary now and a lot younger, I would have already found if not one job, several in order to live. I agree with her statement.
What, then, - ??
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would you advise that people in this situation should do?
Nobody will say what their situation is. - In-House Lead
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If you are a good MT, what are the circumstances of you staying in a job which treats you poorly and pays less than minimum wage?
What can be done to dig yourself out?
Let's problem-solve this.
It's this weird concept of needing employment. - Shaking my head, too.
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How can you not grasp why people stay in jobs they don't like? If you can't find a better job, you have to stay at a crappy one until you can.
It's a simple concept *shaking my head.*
In House Lead - Wondering
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Some of us put up with it because we have some physical disability that prevents us from working out in the public, and we are not wanting to get on the gov dole. We would like to keep some form of independence by being able to work, but how can we support ourselves with dignity with constant pay cuts and the declining rate of pay and outsourcing of MT jobs that are funded by US tax dollars for companies like JP Morgan who bought out M*Modal with 9 transcription locations in another country? I could weep.
no raise since 2000 - worthless HDS
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I got my first transcription job in 1996 making $7.50 an hour in office and when I would take extra home on weekends, 5 cpl. Then moved up to $8 after 3 months, then $8.50 an hour after a year.
Then went to an MTSO so i could be at home full time in 1998 at 7 cpl, bumped to 8 cpl after 3 months, moved to 9 cpl at the one year point in 1999 and then to 10 cpl in 2000. No raise since. Just a decrease to 6 cpl editing, which is good compared to what a lot of us make, but stilll... I used to bring home over $700 a week, now down to $650 ever 2 weeks!
Get out of MT altogether (sm) - Escaped From MT
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I got a job with the county. BEST THING I EVER DID. My paycheck is the same every time. I found this job at my county's website (public works). They don't put these in the paper or on Craigslist. Check for your own county. Check the hospitals around you. There *are* jobs there, but only listed at their site and not anywhere else. Same for the school districts.
I have an interview with a school district - wheres_my_job
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Do I want it? Do I not want it? Just will go to the interview and see what the job with entail. Found on the school district website.
Something that I have recently done - anon
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By word of mouth, through a very dear friend of mine who used this product as well as the daughter of a late friend of mine, I stumbled onto an INCREDIBLE weight loss product. It is sold on Amazon (however, REALLY expensive there -- I think they are selling it for about $15 over what I and the other reps sell it for), but the reviews on Amazon for this particular product have been great! I was able to get a one-month supply of this product to try (believe me, I am a BIG skeptic when it comes to this kind of stuff) and I lost 13 pounds in three weeks of being on the product. This was also with eating normally - not having to count calories at all. What was amazing though is the fact that this vitamin supplement was not designed to be a "weight loss pill," but rather a vitamin supplement. I have cut way back on my pain medications and even people who have fibromyalgia and MS as well as diabetes have noticed a big difference in their overall health. It has also helped people who suffer from mild forms of depression. I am NOT a big exercise fanatic and managed to lose the weight even without exercise. I went out for breakfast the other day with the person who got me started on the product and she ate oatmeal, pancakes and eggs for breakfast and in over a year she has managed to lose 60 lbs! I can't eat like that, but I am bringing a heck of a lot more "doggie bags" home when I do go out to eat! LOL
It is a product that basically people are selling by "word of mouth," but they are also advertising it on FB as well as other sites. The nice thing about this product as well, is that they have a "room" on FB where people can be invited to and ask questions and there is information on the product (ingredients, etc.), that people are encouraged to print out and take to their doctors to make sure that it would be okay for them to take. One of the most recent posts that I saw on FB was of another sales associate who earned enough in commissions in one month to be able to purchase a new lawn tractor! Not something that I would want to purchase, but it's nice to know the earning potential is there to be able to purchase big ticket items if you want.
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I Want To Be A Coder So Bad But No One Will Give Me A Chance....aaaghhh Mar 07, 2013I spent two years getting my degree and then my RHIT and then my CPC, but I cannot get a job and am beyond frustrated!!!!! I worked in medical billing before I became an MT, but that was years ago, but that doesn't even matter because I get the same answer every time I apply, "no experience, sorry, we can't hire you." Boooo!!!!!! I feel like I've wasted two years of life putting myself through school, working nights, spending time away from my family...for be ...
Anyone Laid Off Live In Michigan By Chance? Apr 05, 2013Saw this ad posted here, but the training is on site in Michigan -- 9 cpl for SR?? Wow!! ...
AHDI - Cloudy With A Chance Of A Bright Future Jul 31, 2013I see clouds for sure and tornadoes and hurricanes in the "bright future" of MT/MLS or whatever their latest letters are. I haven't had a chance to read it completely yet but here are some of the articles in the latest Plexus:
MT to HDS—How Did We Get From There to Here? - I can give them a few clues on this one!
Transcription Trends: Do MTs Still Love Their Jobs? - Wait, I thought they changed our title to MLS? Either way, I say no I do not!
Oh here's another one: ...
How Much Raise? Mar 15, 2010Since I haven't gotten a letter yet, I presume I don't qualify. I'm just curious, though, how big a raise am I missing out on? ...
When Is It Appropriate To Ask For A Raise? Nov 27, 2010I am a newbie who has had a job for 3 months now. I really like the company I am working for, and I love the account I am on. Problem is, there is not very much work, the work I do get is not consistent, and I am not getting paid very much either. I have requested more work in the past and was told I would get some then didn't, then given another account for a few days and haven't had it since. I think I was just getting overflow that day.
I am grateful that I have ...
Regarding Asking For A Raise... Jan 02, 2012So I've been working for a fantastic transciption company for over a year now. My turnaround times are always excellent (they acknowledge this to us in weekly emails), and I haven't had any complaints about my work. I'm a certified MT with four years experience, and I'm thinking about asking for a raise. They hired me at $0.08 per line. What should I ask for? And is it okay to ask after 15 months? I know all they can say is no, but I'v ...
We Can't Get A Raise Mar 24, 2012We WELCOME another new SUIT! This is the Senior Vice President of Something, reporting to the Senior Senior Vice President of Something, not to be confused with the Ultra Senior Vice President or the Super Duper Vice President reporting to the Diamond or Platinum Senior Vice President.
How Do You Go About Asking For A Pay Raise Jun 27, 2012How do you go about asking for a raise and who do you ask? thanks ...
How Much Raise To Ask For? Dec 02, 2012After being with my company for a year, I would like to ask for a raise (haha). How much would you ask for and hopefully receive? 1/4 cent? 1/2 cent? A full cent?
I think I do excellent work. I monitor the accounts even on the weekends and jump on when it's getting close to being out of turnaround, unasked. My supervisor does not have to worry about these accounts as I have proven time and again that I am "on it". Taking some stress away from her deems to be a legitimate reason ...
Some Of Us Are Getting A Raise With Changes Dec 12, 2012I work on a platform that pays only 8/4 and it's acute care. I also work night shift. I'll now get acute care pay and shift differential so I'm happy with the changes. Not everyone is unhappy here! ...
I Got A Raise Feb 03, 2013from my new job. I quit medquist/mmodal a year ago ...
Anyone Ever Get A Raise? Jun 16, 2014The last time I had an increase in pay was over 8 years ago. I am an IC. I have asked several times and was told no. I haven't asked again in years. It's frustrating and depressing. Am I alone? ...
To The 35% Who Think They're Getting A 13% Raise. Dec 18, 2014Could it be that the "13% increase" equals the amount of the quarterly bonus you were receiving? That's what mine equals out to be. I'm in that 35% and I am not getting a raise when I figure in the weekly and quarterly bonuses I previously received.
I am sure some are getting an increase, but I would bet it's more likely to be 5% or less.
For the definition of "grubered," please search the political board, where it says something about grubered meaning a "useful idiot"... ...
FFT 7.6 Needs To Come With A Raise. Jan 19, 2015Dear MModal,
These cumbersome features are going to slow us down. There's no way around it. Age and gender checks for example. So when the dictator mentions the patient's wife and says "she," I'm going to get an alert for each of those because the patient is a male. The extra keystrokes, shift+alt, multiple times for multiple jobs. It all slows us down, and then you will complain about the backlog, and we are complaining about our dwindling paychecks. Talk ...
Anyone Have Any Advice On How To Get A Raise Jan 28, 2010from MQ. I haven't had a raise in 5 years, am a tier 3 and only make 0.775/line. I get the worst of the worst and would like a raise. I asked for one a few years ago but was denied because of too many QA marker submissions - and I don't think my submission rate has improved at all because of the garbage I get. Any suggestions besides finding another job? Thanks for any help. ...
WooHoo, A Raise, Mar 15, 2010Now I can buy new and improved ramen noodles.
Guess I should have given up sarcasm for lent. ...
Raise Your Hand If.... Mar 15, 2010.... you were not trained thru an MT school but had equivalent medical studies schooling/background/hospital work... and managed to market yourself or simply applied to jobs and found yourself a start as an MT (in otherwords, without going thru any special "MT course" or certification since you had already gone thru university level courses in which you learned the same required medical subjects).If this is you, please tell me your story. ...
Merit Raise Apr 06, 2010What does that message from CEO on MQ Central mean? Is he taking back the gazillionth of a cent per line he told us we were getting 2 weeks ago? ...
Some People Just Got A Raise! Dec 30, 2010If you live in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont and Washington, minimum wage is going up so you will get a raise!!!
Hey if we didn't laugh . . . . well it is better to laugh, that's all I got to say. MedQuist US MT's are still the top of the line! ...