A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Newbies, know it alls, and constant complainers - Catfarm

Posted: Jul 26, 2014

I don't understand why when newbies ask valid questions they are answered by rude know it alls who have 5+ years' experience and think they are much better than someone just starting out.  We all used to be newbies.  I have 20+ years' experience and I do not think I know everything. I learn something new everyday and am willing to help anyone who needs help. Also, MTs that complain their hands hurt from editing all day, try straight transcribing all day long without using a program that pulls in the demos automatically (I'm talking about using MS-DOS).  Take some Tylenol and be happy you have a job.

Newbies, know it alls--- - do you feel better?

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I think most people are just trying - to help newbies

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avoid a mistake. This is the absolute worst time to get into the field. No one is going to hire someone without experience except for very low pay, and then how can a newbie make a living? All the reasons newbies look into being an MT has changed: Pay has dropped to where many are barely making minimum wage, stress level is high, mandatory weekends and holidays are the norm, and flexibility is almost nonexistent.

And regarding hand pain with VR and "just take some Tylenol". You have no clue. It's the repetitive nature and awkward finger placement on edit keys. With MTSOs' "active time" demands resulting in hours of repetitive hand motions with few breaks, it is much, much different than straight transcription, with more wear and tear on the hands.

Newbies - Anonymous one

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You are all assuming that new MTs are all going to go to work for an MTSO. There are other places to work. Someone may want to learn transcription, also become a CNA and work in a physician's office in more than one role. There are still some on site MT jobs available. Maybe someone wants to become a scribe, transcription is still a viable skill, if only for the terminology that one needs to learn. In regard to pay, I don't know anyone who starts at the top of the pay scale, regardless. I made zip in my first on site MT job but worked my way up the ladder. I agree - someone asks a basic general question about learning MT and they are attacked from all sides about what a horrible idea that is. The more skills a person has the more marketable they become. Transcription combined with other skills is a good thing. Very few employers want anyone to wear only one, that, so my suggestion is to learn all you can about a number of things and realize that transcription does not necessarily mean working at home doing the same thing all day long.

Whether MTSO or not, again, the reality is that being - hired with no experience

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Straight out of MT school is currently extremely difficult. The odds of being hired and paid a good wage is even more rare. And the main reason most newbies choose MT in the first place is to work at home, not, for example to work as a scribe following a doctor around for $10 an hour.

Just the fact that community colleges and online schools that previously taught MT are no longer doing so is telling.

A big part of this - message board...

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some call it complaining, some call it whining, some call it venting. If you don't like it, don't read it... simple.

Anyone with even 1 year experience would probably not advise someone asking about MT schools or equipment to enter this field now. It's a waste of time, money and sanity. If an MT wannabee couldn't figure that out after looking at this board for about 5 minutes, then others are being kind by spelling it out for them.

To any potential newbie considering MT now I say trust me, people aren't just making this stuff up; it's a real *expletive deleted* mess out here now. There's nothing rude about telling the truth.

lol - sm

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There's a reason they sent us all home to work!

Amen, girl - Agreed. nm

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Newbies, etc. - Ohmyachingfingers

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Completely agree with helping others. As for the sore fingers and hands, yup, I have that and use wrist and hand braces that truly help. Given the current situation with unemployment, I'm thankful to have the job I do have even if it pays next to nothing.

I can't speak for others as far as not being willing to help newbies, however, I think that most words, terms, etc. can be found through research, which is a big part of our job. Having the answer handed to a newbie won't help him/her learn to research. Of course, there are many instances in which virtually only an experienced MT will likely know the answer. That said, I'm old school in believing if you don't have something nice to say...just don't say it.

Personally, I don't understand name calling. - Now why is that necessary to any point? Only

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belittles and takes any credibility away from poster and point gets lost in attitude.

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